The most popular step-by-step chicken recipes

All housewives have a favorite pastime. Some are engaged in embroidery, others grow ornamental plants, and others learn culinary art. Today I will review the most popular chicken recipes and tell you how to cook whole chicken in the oven, in a pan and in a slow cooker at home.

People domesticated wild hens centuries ago. This made it possible to grow birds and eat the meat obtained from them. Now everything is different. Looking at a butcher's or supermarket, you can purchase any meat in fresh or frozen form.

Chicken meat is a source of nitrogen-containing substances, essential oils and glutamic acid. These substances bring a lot of benefits to the human body and provide chicken dishes with a breathtaking smell. Chicken contains phosphorus, zinc and iron along with an extensive vitamin complex.

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product and an excellent substitute for pork, lamb and beef. It has a lot of amino acids and protein, and the calorie content is negligible.

The breast is considered the dietary part of the chicken carcass, and the ham does not benefit the body. Nutritionists do not recommend using it even for preparing broths, as harmful substances settle in the ham. The fattest part is the chicken legs. Since they contain a lot of fats, it is recommended to refuse to use legs.

Soup, borsch or pickle are prepared from chicken meat. It is used as the main ingredients for the preparation of salads, meatballs, ravioli and other delights. Chicken is also suitable for baking in the oven as a whole with the addition of spices, herbs and spices. Often before baking, the carcass is stuffed with fruits, vegetables, cereals. The type of filling depends on the taste preferences of the cook and family.

Now I will share with you step-by-step recipes for dishes, which include chicken. Any of the culinary masterpieces, the cooking technique of which you will learn, will take its rightful place on your table.

Chicken legs in the pan

I will teach you how to cook chicken legs in a pan. Each national cuisine has wonderful recipes, but I liked only one because of its simplicity. Chicken legs are a universal treat, which I serve to the table for guests or put the child in a backpack as a lunch.

IngredientsServings: - + 5
  • chicken drumstick 5 pcs
  • water 200 ml
  • olive oil 50 ml
  • ground coriander 2 tbsp. l
  • caraway seeds 1 tbsp. l
  • salt, pepper to taste
Calories and BJU per 100 gCalories: 216 kcalProtein: 14.9 gFats: 14.3 gCarbohydrates: 6.9 gSteps32 min. Video//
  • Pour chicken legs with water and dry with a paper towel. Rub each leg well with salt, sprinkle with caraway seeds, pepper and coriander.
  • Place a large frying pan over medium heat, heat olive oil and lay out the chicken legs. After two minutes of frying, turn over. Fry for 12 minutes under the lid, periodically turning over.
  • Pour a glass of water into the pan, reduce the heat a little and cook until the liquid has evaporated. During this time, the chicken will become soft and fully cooked.

A delicious addition to the dish will be delicious pasta or flavored buckwheat.

Whole baked chicken

The topic of further discussion will be chicken, baked in the oven as a whole. Preparing a wonderful treat is simple, but the aromatic qualities together with a solid appearance make the sophistication an ideal solution for the New Year menu.

I recommend using chilled carcass for the preparation of this masterpiece. Frozen is also suitable, but in this case no one will guarantee that the taste of the dish will be at a level. And this is fraught with disappointment.

The taste of oven-baked chicken depends on the marinade. If you properly marinate the carcass, the chicken will turn out juicy and tasty. To get the perfect result, I recommend marinating meat for at least 4 hours in a cold place.

The baking method also affects the final taste. Some cooks use a sleeve, others use foil, and others use a baking sheet or regular shape. Each of the listed options has features. Using the sleeve helps to get juicy meat, and in the form it turns out a wonderful crust.

  • Chicken - 1 carcass.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Dried basil - 1 teaspoon.
  • Ground pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.
  1. First prepare the carcass. Rinse and dry with a paper towel. Put the chicken aside. While she gives up the remaining moisture, prepare the marinade.
  2. Combine garlic through a press with paprika, olive oil, salt, pepper and mix. Taking a spoonful of the finished marinade, rub the carcass with the mixture from the inside.
  3. Put the chicken on the greased form, breast down, cover with a layer of marinade, turn the breast upside down and use the remaining marinade for rubbing.
  4. After an hour, send the form with the prepared chicken into the oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees, bake for 75 minutes. During this time, the chicken will reach readiness and acquire a fragrant crust.
Video recipe

Using this recipe, you will prepare a tender chicken.

Oven chicken with potatoes

Guests often come to my husband. I serve this culinary masterpiece on the table, and literally in a matter of minutes all the plates remain empty. This is another proof that the recipe is really good.

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg.
  • Potato - 800 g.
  • Onion - 5 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise - 400 ml.
  • Cheese - 300 g.
  • Pepper, salt.
  1. Turn on the oven first. While it is warming up to 190 degrees, do the cooking. Wash the meat and cut into thin slices.
  2. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with foil, grease with oil and lay chicken on top, evenly distributing. On top of the meat, lay a layer of onion rings and salt.
  3. Make the next layer of potato plates, which are lightly salt and pepper. Sprinkle with grated cheese last.
  4. Send the form filled with ingredients into the hot oven for 40 minutes. Do not relax. After twenty minutes, check the dish.

I advise you to serve this culinary creation to the table with a vegetable salad, which includes cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and a green onion. It doesn’t hurt to add a little radish, but I recommend using sour cream as a dressing. But you can take any other salad, for example, Caesar.

How to cook chicken in a slow cooker

Prepare chicken in a slow cooker in various ways. It is combined with any side dish, whether it is rice, buckwheat or potatoes.

Before cooking, peel and cut off excess fat. Otherwise, the dish will turn out to be bold. Before stewing it does not hurt to lightly fry the meat. As a result, the chicken will get a rich aroma. Use seasonings and spices at the end of cooking.

  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salt pepper.
  1. Cut the washed chicken carcass into portions. Place the meat in an even layer on the bottom of the bowl, add crushed garlic, salt and spices.
  2. Water is not needed; let the meat be cooked in its own juice. It remains to close the lid of the device, activate the quenching mode for sixty minutes.
  3. As soon as the program ends, immediately place the finished dish on the table with vegetables or any other side dish.

Agree, cooking chicken using a slow cooker is a simple task. In this case, the finished meat is saturated with the smell of garlic and spices, as a result, the aroma acquires a spicy note. In a similar way I cook and duck.

Watch the video: How To Make Butter Chicken At Home. Restaurant Style Recipe. The Bombay Chef Varun Inamdar (October 2024).

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