How to remove eye circles at home

Dark circles under the eyes appear not only in women aged, but also in very young girls. This phenomenon may be a result of lack of sleep, kidney disease, with a constant presence at the computer, or arise as a result of other reasons. How to remove the darkness under the eyes as quickly as possible and what to do in order to prevent its manifestation again?

Preparation and Precautions

Before doing any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to clean the skin of foundation and decorative cosmetics. The epidermis, located in the area of ​​the orbits, is very thin and does not make much effort to damage it, so everything should be done systematically and without undue haste.

Initially, it is recommended to try to establish the cause of the appearance of dark circles, and analyze what events preceded this.

Why do circles appear under the eyes

Circles under the eyes are quite common in people of both sexes. This may be due to a genetic predisposition or as a result of exposure to various factors, both internal and external in nature. If the presence of changes is associated with heredity, then this persists throughout life, and the circles themselves appear even in childhood.

The darkness under the eyes is a consequence of one or several reasons at once. Based on the studies, it was found that basically - this is increased pigmentation of the epidermis of the eyelids and stagnation of venous blood. This is because the rate of erythrocyte passage is low, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. This phenomenon is observed in people whose activities are associated with the work of a personal computer. And practically not observed in individuals taking vasodilators.

The main causes of circles:

  • skin changes associated with age;
  • chronic overwork;
  • lack of sleep;
  • pathological changes in the kidneys;
  • liver disease
  • allergic reaction;
  • computer related labor activities;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • high blood sugar;
  • the use of alcohol in large quantities;
  • drug addict;
  • malnutrition;
  • anemia;
  • depression;
  • stressful situation;
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • eyeball disease;
  • improper blood circulation;
  • trauma.


Types of circles: blue, yellow, brown, red, white. Information about each species individually is provided below.

The color of the circles indicates the presence of a disease or a violation of biochemical processes in the internal organs. By color, it is easier to recognize pathology and prescribe treatment.

Color circlesReason for originWhat can be done
BlueImpaired blood circulation.Massage the skin around the eyes.
Hereditary predisposition.Cosmetic procedures.
The appearance of headaches.Complex therapy.
Pathology of the heart.
YellowDiseases of the liver, stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, slagging of the body.Specialized treatment by a gastroenterologist.
Lack of fresh air, overwork, motionless lifestyle and long work at the computer.Outdoor recreation, physical education.
RedPathological changes in the kidneys, an allergic reaction.It is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the circumstances of the disease.
BrownIncorrect work of internal organs.Diseases of the gallbladder or liver, you should pass the biomaterial for analysis and get specialist advice on the conduct of complex therapy.
WhiteVitiligo's disease.For treatment, folk remedies and medicines are successfully used.
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Folk remedies against circles

There are a lot of tools to help reduce the appearance of circles under the eyes at home. Moreover, they are available to everyone. Nourishing masks and massage uniquely strengthen the skin and improve blood circulation. As a result, you can hide the flaws, but this will have to be done regularly.

Thermal water compress

Thermal water contains a sufficient amount of minerals. It nourishes the skin with nutrients, relieves swelling and helps to normalize blood circulation. Compress is done according to the following scheme:

  1. Makeup is removed from the eyelids. Eyes washed with warm boiled water. Now the skin is prepared for the procedure.
  2. Cotton swabs are saturated with thermal water and are applied to closed eyelids for literally half a minute.

Grass ice

A broth of sage or a mixture of linden herbs and flax seeds is recommended to be frozen in cubes in the freezer, and green tea is also suitable.

Wipe the skin around the eyelids every morning with ice cubes, and if possible, then throughout the day. Swelling will subside, and blood circulation will improve.


No less popular are masks for ever, which are prepared from available products.

Mask nameCookingCircle elimination

  1. Squeeze juice from fresh cucumber, add beaten egg white, almond oil and literally two drops of vitamins A and E.

  2. Dip two cotton pads in juice.

  1. Put on closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

  2. Rinse with warm boiled water.
Curd cheeseGrind the product as small as possible

  1. Put fresh gruel on covered eyes, and leave for 20 minutes.

  2. Remove with a decoction of green tea.

  1. Insist a couple of tablespoons of greens in boiling water.

  2. Dip cotton swabs.
Put tampons on your eyelids for a third of an hour.
Soda and Chamomile

  1. Mix a cup of chamomile tea and a teaspoon of soda.

  2. Wet cotton or cotton discs.

  1. Gently put on forever.

  2. Rinse with warm water.
REMEMBER! Before you start applying the mask, do a skin cleansing.

Massage and gymnastics

A good result against circles is observed after regular gymnastics and massage.

Description of gymnastics:

  1. Squint your eyes very hard. After 5 seconds, repeat this action.
  2. Take a deep breath and start the rotation of the open eyes clockwise, and after exhalation counterclockwise. With closed eyelids, repeat the same.
  3. Take a closer look at an object about 10 meters distant, and then catch your eye on the nearest point. Repeat several times over 5 minutes.
  4. Often blink and cover your eyelids for 5 seconds.

How to do massage:

  1. With the index and middle finger draw eights around the eyes. It resembles wearing glasses. It is enough to do 16 times.
  2. Close your eyes and put the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers, after a little pressure. Light massage around the eyes to do clockwise, and then counterclockwise.


These are specialized eye remedies available on the market. The configuration of the product is made in accordance with the anatomical structure of the skin of the lower eyelid.

They are divided into:

  • Collagenic. Collagen is the cornerstone. The substance helps smooth wrinkles and delivers oxygen to tissues.
  • Fabric. The fabric is saturated with vitamins, minerals and serum, which provide skin nutrition.
  • Hydrogel. Saturated with hyaluronic acid, which perfectly retains moisture, normalizes blood circulation and smoothes the skin.
  • Silicone The composition contains one type of silicone. After contact with the skin, a thin film forms, creating a smoothing effect.

Vitamins and minerals

The use of vitamins and minerals according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, helps to brighten dark circles.

The list of necessary substances:

  • Vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant, provides cell restoration, participates in the process of hematopoiesis and collagen synthesis.
  • Vitamin K. Promotes the formation of connective tissue, since a deficiency of this element can significantly disrupt blood coagulation.
  • Iron. Saturates blood with oxygen.
  • Vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals.
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Cosmetic procedures against circles

Professional procedures can only be performed by a cosmetologist, who will determine what is most effective for a particular case. Modern beauty salons are fully equipped with special equipment to eliminate circles.


The technique is aimed at eliminating darkening of the skin under the eyes by injection. The composition for injection is selected based on individual characteristics, and may include:

  • Hyaluronic acid to moisturize the epidermis.
  • Zinc, magnesium and cobalt.
  • Vitamins B1 to improve blood circulation, B6 to eliminate puffiness and N - biotin, to saturate the skin with shine.
  • Elastin and collagen to fight wrinkles.


This procedure allows you to remove dead skin cells with the help of a specialized tool, which helps to smooth, brighten and normalize blood circulation.


The procedure consists in processing pieces of ice. Preliminarily freezing herbs corresponding to the type of skin. You can do it in a beauty salon, or you can do it yourself at home.


Tattoo of dark circles involves the introduction of pigment to brighten the skin under the eyes. The quality of the procedure depends on the skill of the master. Before you perform, you must correctly determine which pigment you want to enter, and it is also important to take into account the nature of the appearance of bruises. Not all cosmetologists cope with this.


This is one of the most popular operations. The point is to remove sagging skin in the upper and lower eyelids. Surgical intervention is best entrusted to an experienced surgeon, as this is a responsible and complex procedure.


Surgical intervention is based on the introduction into the eyelid region of a substance that promotes the restoration of lost tissue. That not only smoothes wrinkles, eliminates puffiness, returns the epidermis elasticity, but also eliminates pigmentation.

Microcurrent therapy biostimulation

Under the influence of currents of low frequency on the skin, swelling under the eyes and dark circles noticeably decrease. This does not lead to cell damage and is a painless procedure. When exposed to current, the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood supply improves, which prevents the onset of the inflammatory process. But for the appearance of a lasting effect, you need to regularly carry out procedures.

Biorevitalization and bioreparation of the eyelids

This is one of the varieties of mesotherapy, but more effective. The injection contains a substance of high concentration, which reduces the number of procedures performed.


A common procedure is carried out in two stages:

  1. Fat is taken from the knees, as they contain the most suitable biomaterial for the face. After that, the mass with thrombocyte autoplasma is mixed with fat.
  2. The resulting product is injected into problem areas under the eyes.
IMPORTANT! When performing it is impossible to touch the capillaries and blood vessels.

Is it worth masking circles with makeup

To properly mask dark circles, it is important to know some recommendations. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve a natural look, and often the face looks artificial.

Makeup Errors:

  • An improperly selected shade of the foundation will not meet expectations.
  • If a contrast appears between the cheeks and lower eyelids, bruises under the eyes will become even more noticeable.
  • Blush is not worth using.
  • If the foundation is applied along the bends of the bruises, the pigmentation under the eyes becomes more noticeable.
IMPORTANT! You need to learn the art of making up dark circles or you should turn to a makeup artist for advice.

Lap Prevention

In order to avoid the appearance of dark circles in time, even before the start of the fight against them, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Take breaks at work periodically, especially if it is connected to a computer.
  • Get enough sleep, normal sleep should be at least 7 or 8 hours.
  • Eat right, eat as much vegetables and fruits, greens and fiber as possible. Avoid sweets and instant foods.
  • Do not drink or smoke.
  • Perform simple gymnastic exercises daily.
  • As often as possible to be in the fresh air. Take a walk in the coniferous forest, where there are more volatile and oxygen.

With strict implementation of these recommendations, the likelihood of laps will decrease.

Opinions and reviews of doctors about home treatment

Opinions and reviews of specialists about home treatment circles:

➤ Olga M., cosmetologist: “It is worth supporting yourself at any age, both internally and externally. Of course, the use of folk remedies gives an effect only with the initial appearance of blue in the eyelids. Nevertheless, it is safe. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to find out the cause of the manifestation of darkness if it progresses and is examined in doctors ".

➤ Ekaterina M .: "The elimination of dark circles by folk methods is a procedure that does not require significant costs, but it must be carried out regularly, life is gradually moving forward and people are changing, so you should pay attention to your health".

Useful Tips

To avoid health problems, as a result of the appearance of dark circles, you should adhere to a number of important tips:

  • Timely and fully relax, do not let the body overwork.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • To calmly respond to stress.
  • Spends more time outdoors.
  • Eat right.
  • Examine regularly, even if health is normal.

When performing basic tips, you can achieve a good result.

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