How to get rid of mosquito bites

Since childhood, I can not stand mosquitoes. Small ones. Vile. Noisy. Mother Nature has not created more intrusive and nasty insects in our area. I remember, as a child, when my peers were happy about the onset of summer and were looking forward to a fun vacation, I trembled internally, because I still did not know how to get rid of mosquito bites.

With the advent of heat, I began to convince parents to quickly put mosquito nets on the windows and buy protective equipment. I also remember how later, when all the safety precautions were in vain and another parasite started up in the house, I slept with my pillow over my head, and I went around the house with a magazine during the day and looked for small black dots on the wallpaper and tile.

Nobody likes mosquitoes - they are potential carriers of diseases and their bites are wildly annoying. My hatred of them in childhood reached fanaticism. I have matured and the passions in my soul subsided (I do not want to see an ordinary mosquito in the Red Book), but over the years I have accumulated enough knowledge on how to deal with mosquitoes and the consequences of bites at home, and now I will share them with you.

How to relieve itching after a bite quickly

Let's start with two main factors, because of which few people treat mosquitoes neutral or positive. They lead a partially nocturnal lifestyle and interfere with rest; bites cause itching. Noise can be controlled at night with ear plugs or the physical elimination of mosquitoes. Itching is much more difficult.

The cause of the itch is the saliva of the mosquito, which he injects into the body of the victim while eating. It contains anticoagulants that prevent blood from clotting. Mosquito saliva causes itching, irritation, swelling, severe allergic reaction.

If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and want to quickly get rid of itching, try first wiping the bite with a cotton swab with alcohol or an alcohol wipe. You can even rinse the bite with water. This will help remove residual saliva and relieve itching.

  1. After you rub the bite with alcohol or water, you can try to press it with your fingernail several times.
  2. Draw the sun on the site of the bite or a cross - this will help to disperse the accumulation of foreign protein compounds at the site of the bite and the body will quickly cope with their elimination.
  3. You can gently pat on the site of the bite to remove an unpleasant sensation. It is also important to get distracted by engaging in a business that you usually leave your head to (work task, cooking, cleaning, watching a series).

Itching will disappear only after the bite heals. The healing speed is different for everyone - this is an individual reaction of the body to the saliva of the parasite. Until the bite has healed, treat it in an appropriate way and try not to touch it for two to three days so that the itch does not return. An infection can easily be brought into a combed bite, with which you will then have to consult a doctor. There is no universal way to remove itching - try several of the methods listed below, and then stop at a suitable one.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Remedies for mosquito bites can be divided into pharmacological and folk. Since mosquitoes are a constant seasonal problem, the product market is filled with supply. However, in order to get rid of itching with a mosquito bite, it is not necessary to go to the nearest pharmacy and ask for a tool that is advertised on TV. There are many ways to fix the problem at home with folk remedies.

Consider foods that can help relieve itching. For convenience, I will list the known tools in the table.

MeansMode of applicationEffect
Lemon / limeYou need to cut citrus into slices. Then you need to wipe the bite site with a slice.Citric acid reduces itching.
HoneyApply a little honey to the bite and hold for 15 minutes.Removes irritation and itching.
OatmealCook a little porridge and apply on a bite. Wait until it dries and rinse with water.Reduces itching.
TeaBrew a tea bag, allow to cool and attach to a bite.Reduces itching.
Apple vinegarApply to the swab and attach to the bite site. You can pre-dilute vinegar in a small amount of water.Reduces itching.
SodaMoisten a pinch of soda with water and apply the resulting paste to the bite.Alkali removes irritation and itching.

In addition to food, a number of indoor plants, essential oils, or household chemical products are suitable as a remedy for mosquito bites.

PlantsEssential oilsHousehold chemicals
MelissaTea treeAspirin

A toothpaste with menthol in the composition is also suitable - it relieves irritation and accelerates the healing of bites. Soap is better to choose neutral, which does not increase irritation. Aspirin can be crushed into powder, add water and grease a bite with paste until it hardens.

You need to apply the funds in approximately the same way. In the case of plants, the juice is squeezed onto a cotton swab and applied to the bite to reduce itching. You can use tinctures (tincture of calendula, for example). The oil is applied to the bite several times a day. If you doubt the effect of the essential oil on the skin, you can test it in a healthy area or dilute it with water.

Video tips

How to smear mosquito bites most effectively

The tincture of calendula and soda helps me most of all, however, the selection of mosquito repellent products is an individual matter and you may have to try up to a dozen remedies before you find yours.

In some cases, it may be preferable to use pharmaceuticals, especially if there is an increased susceptibility to mosquito bites.

Among pharmacy products, reviews include Rescue and Anvantan ointments, Boro Plus cream, Fenistil gel and any homeopathic cream. All these funds will not cause additional irritation and will not cause an allergic reaction.

What to do with an allergy to bites

Some people suffer from kulitsidozom, or allergies to mosquito bites. Symptoms of kulitsidoz can serve:

  • Large (5-10 cm) swelling at the site of a bite or blisters.
  • Hives.
  • Runny nose.
  • Nausea.
  • Edema.
  • Shortness of breath, dizziness and a feeling of weakness.
  • Vomiting

A feature of an allergy to mosquito bites is that with each subsequent bite, the symptoms worsen and new, more severe ones can occur. It is important to remember that with a severe allergic reaction, a fatal outcome is possible, therefore, if you suspect a severe allergic reaction, be sure to consult a doctor. In general cases of allergies, it is recommended to use antihistamines both externally and internally.

If there is an allergy and a mosquito has bitten, first apply ice or another source of cold to the bite site. Pre-ice is wrapped in a towel or other cloth. Then they neutralize the effect of mosquito saliva, injections at the site of the bite of prednisolone. Allergic reactions are relieved by antihistamines like Fenistil. In the most severe cases, doctors prescribe hormones like Advantan.

Video info

Why do mosquitoes bite?

In childhood, this question did not bother me, so I filled this gap in knowledge at the age of 7, if not earlier. Mosquitoes need human blood for normal reproduction. It is known that male mosquitoes feed exclusively on plant juices. Females also use plant juices to maintain life, and they need blood because of the high content of proteins that are used to form and lay eggs.

Some female mosquitoes die while laying eggs, and some are able to repeat this process again. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in bodies of water with standing and warm water in the form of small rafts. In turn, these eggs are food for many fish, so they are even sold in pet stores as food for aquarium fish.

In conclusion, I will give some tips for preventing contact with mosquitoes. Try to cover your body with clothes as much as possible, but don’t wear too much black - this color attracts insects. Buy a mosquito repellent bracelet - it is inexpensive and great to scare them away. And avoid fragrant fragrances in perfumes - mosquitoes also love them very much.

Watch the video: How to Treat a Mosquito Bite (October 2024).

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