Corn stigmas: healing properties, harm, recipes

Corn stigmas have been used to treat inflammation, kidneys and other diseases since time immemorial. Today, this herbal medicine is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and spasmodic. The article has the medicinal properties and contraindications of corn stigmas.

Corn is processed and grown everywhere. For therapeutic purposes, stigmas are used, which are popularly called plant hair. Corn stigmas are fibers located around the cob. Their collection begins after the acquisition of milk-colored corn.

Corn fibers are harvested manually, after which they are dried in a dark place or using a special apparatus. The attic of the house is best suited for drying. The raw materials are laid out on a sheet of paper and periodically turned over so that the stigmas do not stop. Dried corn hair is stored in a dry, darkened place for no more than three years.

Corn stigmas: instructions for use

Medicines based on corn stigmas are taken according to the doctor’s testimony. The duration of admission is determined by the type and severity of the disease, so the duration of treatment is determined individually, taking into account all the features.

Before taking the medicine, shake it slightly and warm it up. Dosage is determined by the age of the patient:

  • Children 3-7 years old - 1 teaspoon;
  • Children 7-10 years old - 1 dessert spoon;
  • Children 10-14 years old - 1 tablespoon;
  • Adults - 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.

For the treatment of children over 14 years old, the norm of an adult is used.

The healing properties of corn stigmas

Corn stigmas are used in folk medicine to combat various diseases. They owe their healing properties to substances that are present in plant fibers. Among them are organic acids, essential oils, important trace elements, proteins, carbohydrates and a number of vitamins.

In corn fibers, selenium is present, which improves metabolic processes, accelerates the breakdown of fats and increases the body's defense. This substance also neutralizes the influence of harmful compounds that enter the body with food. Selenium inhibits the formation and growth of substandard formations. Therefore, corn fibers are used in oncology.

The systematic use of fibers improves mood, eliminates insomnia, and makes the patient calm and balanced. It is very effective in losing weight, as it accelerates metabolism and has a diuretic effect.

Daily use of tincture or decoction of corn stigmas lowers blood sugar, restores the balance of important substances. If kidney stones form, the medicine helps cleanse the urinary tract.

Phosphatides are present in the fibers, which accelerate the breakdown of cholesterol. This product dilutes bile, increases blood coagulation, and reduces bilirubin levels. Even corn stigmas are effective for bleeding. They help women who have heavy and painful periods.

Benefits for women

Diseases in gynecology often worry women. Most often, the genitourinary system is under attack. Often, drug therapy is accompanied by the use of drugs based on corn stigmas, which enhance the effect.

Corn fibers have been shown to be effective in infertility, painful discharge during menstruation, reproductive system disorders, and in the prevention of malignant tumors.

Corn stigmas help women normalize sleep, eliminate irritability and headache. A good tool is showing itself in the fight against overweight. And the benefits do not end there.

  • Fibers used in pregnancy. During this period, many medications are prohibited, and corn stigmas are considered a worthy alternative. In the first trimester, they help to cope with toxicosis, normalize urination and saturate the body with important elements.
  • Effective in edema. First make an infusion. Ten grams of the raw material is brewed in a glass of water, insisted for half an hour and filtered. Then a glass of liquid is mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and take 2 tablespoons before meals. The tool strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the body, solves the problem with excess fluid.
During pregnancy, alcohol-based medication from corn stigmas is prohibited.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol for the fetus.

Benefit for men

Many men over the age of forty are faced with the problem of reducing potency. All pathology in the genitourinary system is to blame. In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, reinforced by the intake of decoctions and infusions of corn stigmas. The use of alternative medicines helps to normalize urination, eliminate inflammation, establish the function of the genital organ, and increase potency.

  1. Prostatitis. 60 grams of raw materials are brewed in 400 ml of boiling water, insisted until cooling and filtered. Take 175 ml daily before meals. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  2. Impotence. 250 g of fiber is poured into 150 g of 70% alcohol, kept in the refrigerator for at least two weeks, filtered. Take 30 drops daily on an empty stomach for two weeks, after which they take a short break.

Folk recipes help to urinate, reduce the prostate gland, normalize kidney function, strengthen the body and improve metabolism.

Benefits for children and newborns

Corn stigmas are incredibly useful for kids. They are indispensable for acne, wounds and burns. Children are prescribed for bowel diseases. Just remember, when treating children with corn fibers, the dose is half as much.

Children under 6 years old are recommended to give medicine in teaspoons, and a little older - in dessert. Dosage in tablespoons is allowed for use in adolescence.

Important! It is not recommended to give such medicines to infants and children up to 3 years of age.

Contraindications and harm to corn stigmas

Corn fiber therapy has several contraindications. The wrong dosage when using funds often turns into harm to the body.

If the patient has poor appetite or low body weight, the use of stigmas is not recommended. They are also contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis or varicose veins.

It is not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own without the help of a doctor, otherwise you will not achieve a positive result, what can we say about complications.

In the list of common problems caused by the use of corn stigmas: an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance. Before using corn hair for diabetes, treatment of kidney and other diseases, consult a doctor.

How to drink and brew corn stigmas

Usually, to combat a particular ailment, corn infants are made infusion, decoction or tea. The duration of the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks, after which they necessarily take a break for a month.

There is no universal brewing technology, since in each case a composition of a certain concentration is needed. Often used additional plant components. The prescription is determined by the characteristics of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. Only a doctor can choose the right prescription.

For weight loss - 2 recipes

Corn is not included in the list of dietary products, but corn stigmas are often found in teas and infusions for weight loss. Knowing the rules for taking these funds, you can achieve results in the confrontation with being overweight.

The product reduces appetite, which reduces the amount of calories consumed per day. If there is a feeling of hunger, treats involving the use of corn stigmas come to the rescue. Additionally, corn stigmas reduce cravings for sweets, so the diet is easier to carry, and the result is not long in coming. Consider two step-by-step recipes for weight loss.

  • A small spoonful of dry raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and sent to a dark place for one hour. Next, the broth is filtered, divided into three portions and drunk throughout the day. Such a slimming product is prepared for the day. It is unsuitable for storage, as it loses its properties.
  • Four tablespoons of stigmas are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a dark place for three hours. After straining, use a tablespoon before eating. The tool differs from the first option in that it is suitable for storage in the refrigerator for one week.

The described decoctions provide the effect of losing weight, if consumed within a month. After a two-week break, the course is repeated.

During pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy it is allowed to use the medicine from corn stigmas only in the form of a decoction. The extract is forbidden, since it contains ethyl alcohol - alcohol, which, once in the fetus’s body along with maternal blood, can cause huge damage to the baby’s liver. The use of the extract on alcohol is fraught with miscarriage or congenital pathologies in a child.

If a pregnant woman suffers from cystitis, the use of corn stigmas provides an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The broth accelerates recovery and relieves symptoms. A woman in a position is allowed to drink a glass of broth a day. And although the dose is small, the use of a decoction is recommended to begin after the approval of a doctor.

The duration of treatment of cystitis with decoction does not exceed 10 days. The last dose is taken 5 hours before bedtime, otherwise frequent urge to the toilet will interfere with sleep. In addition to a decoction for cystitis, it is recommended to use cranberry juice or juice.


Decoction and infusion for the liver

The liver is a vital organ. Even a small violation of the liver is fraught with death. This is due to the versatility of the body. It produces enzymes and hormones, preserves vitamins, neutralizes toxic substances, stores reserve blood, and secretes bile, which is involved in digestion.

Scientists have proven the benefit of corn stigmas in liver problems more than once. They lower bilirubin levels and normalize bile viscosity. Corn stigmas improve the secretion of bile, clear the biliary tract from small stones, provide a diuretic and choleretic effect. And they are used in the form of a decoction or infusion.

  1. To prepare a broth, a teaspoon of raw materials is sent to an enameled pan, poured with a glass of hot water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and taken three times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals, shaken.
  2. The infusion is also simple to prepare. Two tablespoons of the product are poured with a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour and pass through cheesecloth, folded three times. Drink 0.33 glasses three times a day before a meal.

Home remedies are good and safe, but if you take into account the role of the liver in the body, a consultation with a doctor will not hurt.

For gall bladder

A common gallbladder problem is the formation of stones. Gallstone disease develops for many reasons, including impaired cholesterol metabolism, when bile stagnates in the bladder and ducts. The list of causes of the disease includes malnutrition, hypertension, overweight, overeating and a hereditary factor.

Silicon deficiency also leads to the formation of stones in the gallbladder. This substance removes salts, casein glue, cholesterol and viruses from the body.

Corn stigmas will eliminate pain in the hypochondrium, relieve nausea and heaviness, and eliminate stagnation of bile. The infusion is useful for hepatitis, cholangitis and cholecystitis.

  • Preparing the infusion is elementary. In a thermos pour a spoonful of dry grass, add a glass of boiling water, insist an hour and filter. They drink the medicine three times a day, 0.25 cups half an hour before the meal.
  • People who do not disdain alcohol tinctures are recommended to use a pharmacy extract based on 70% alcohol. 30 drops of the extract are mixed with pure water and drunk three times a day for half an hour before a meal.

Folk remedies have proven themselves in the treatment and prevention of gallbladder diseases. They are also recommended to be used as an aid to medicines prescribed by a doctor.


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