Choose a fertilizer for flowering orchids: how to water a plant so that it blooms and gives children?

Orchid is an exotic flower that amazes everyone with its sophistication and lush flowering. It can be grown both on the street and at home.

Caring for a flower is simple, but requires the observance of certain conditions, one of which remains top dressing.

It is necessary not only for active growth, but also for long flowering, protection from pests and diseases.

Therefore, we will consider the most suitable means for feeding, the rules for their use.

Reasons for the lack of flowers

The lack of flowering in an orchid can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of adequate lighting. With a lack of solar flowering, you can not wait, since the plant will actively develop greenery.
  2. Excess moisture. Do not fill the plant during the formation of buds.
  3. Fertilization at rest. Do not disturb the plant at this time.Important! Nutrient compounds can be used only 2 months after the plant leaves this state and a new peduncle appears.


In order for the orchid to bloom at home and give children, the following important recommendations must be observed:

  • The use of growth stimulants. For this, there are complex preparations in stores.
  • In a warm room, water the flower with water, the temperature of which is 35 degrees.
  • Between watering, keep the roots dry for up to 4 days.
  • Do not spray or fertilize during rest.
  • As soon as the peduncle is formed, then the plant care should be resumed, excluding fertilizer irrigation.
  • In winter, illuminate with cold light lamps.


For active flowering orchids, such drugs are developed:

  1. Bona Forte. This fertilizer contains all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for an exotic plant. Due to their balanced ratio, magnificent flowering and active flower growth are achieved. Top dressing has a positive effect on the flowering process. After its application, the orchid blooms much better, the duration increases. The composition of the fertilizer contains a growth stimulator that guarantees the rapid and effective development of the flower.
  2. Agricole. This is a mineral compound designed specifically for orchids. Its action is aimed at improving the appearance of the flower, accelerated growth and giving the flowers a bright color. Advantages of the product: easy dosage and fast solubility in water.
  3. Dr. Foley. This drug is used for foliar top dressing. It is convenient in terms of application, contains vitamins, acids and trace elements. Use for spraying leaves.
  4. Brexil combi. This drug contains a whole cocktail of vitamins. Designed for plants lacking in iron. They spray the orchids every 3 weeks. The composition contains the following components: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins.

How to fertilize and water?

At home

How to fertilize at home so that the orchid blooms? The plant should be fed with such drugs:

  • Ideal. This is a complex composition that is derived from the vital products of earthworms. The composition contains vital trace elements for plants.

    You can make the drug by root and extra root methods. For root dressing, take 10 ml of the composition and dissolve in 1 liter of water.

    Attention! Pour the solution once every 1-2 weeks. The use of root dressing alternate with spraying.
  • Rainbow. This drug is used for root and foliar feeding of orchids. It contains natural humic compounds, as well as macro and macro elements.

    For root dressing, dilute 2 caps of the product in 1 liter of water. With the resulting solution, water the plant every 10 days. In order to fertilize the orchid, you need to dilute 1 cap in 1 liter of water.

  • Cytokinin paste. This drug is designed to stimulate children. It is hormonal, and it is based on cytokinin. This is a phytohormone that has the ability to influence the reproduction of cells, arouse dormant buds and stimulate plant growth.

    This paste accelerates flowering, stimulates growth, actively regulates metabolic processes, preventing aging and the death of various parts of the orchid.

You can learn more about how you can feed an orchid at home here.

On the street

When growing orchids on the street, to water, so that it always blooms, you need the following drugs:

  • Epin. It has immunomodulating, fungicidal and root-forming properties. The role of the active substance is epibrassinolide. It stimulates biochemical processes in the cells of the flower. This is an alcohol-soluble substance that is produced using bacterial vectors.

    To obtain a solution, dissolve 1 ampoule of the product in 5 l of warm water. Store the solution for no more than 2 days.

  • Zircon. This drug acts as a rooting agent, immunomodulator and flowering inducer. A distinctive feature is a strong anti-stress and fungicidal effect.

    To prepare the solution, take 10 liters of water and 1 ml of the product.


To stimulate a single flowering and extend it for a maximum period, you can use the following compounds:

  1. Amulet. This is an effective drug that creates some stress for the flower, causing accelerated growth. After that, the vegetative growth of the plant improves.

    But use this drug very carefully, since a slight increase in dosage can ruin the flower.

  2. Bud. This is a universal and highly effective drug, with the help of which stimulation of growth, flowering occurs. Used for foliar and root dressing. The role of the active ingredient is the sodium salts of gibberellic acids. Also, the drug contains humates, trace elements. To prepare the solution, dilute 15 g of the composition in 10 l of water.


There are some varieties of orchids that are able to bloom constantly. But they can be helped using special fertilizers:

  1. Pollen. It is a growth accelerator and flowering stimulator. It can be used for orchids grown on the street and at home. It contains sodium salts of gibberellic acids. Pollen acts both as a fertilizer and a growth stimulant. To prepare a solution, dilute 1 g of powder in 500 ml of water. use to spray plants.
  2. Ovary. All the same sodium salts of gibberellic acids act as the main component. They not only accelerate growth, but also contribute to long, lush flowering. A spray preparation is used, which is recommended to be carried out in the morning or in the evening.

What to choose?

All the above preparations are one of the most effective for flowering orchids.

Advice! When choosing the best one, it is necessary to take into account its composition, problems to be solved and the variety of the color itself.

Among flower growers, such products as Epin and Zircon are in great demand.. The reason for this popularity is that these are universal drugs. They are suitable for many indoor plants, and also perform several tasks at once: they fertilize the flower, activate its growth, stimulate flowering, and protect against pests and diseases.


To feed the orchid, use the following instructions:

  • Soak the plant roots in soft water at room temperature before top dressing. This will prevent the development of burns on the fragile root system of the orchid.
  • Carefully study the instructions for the drug used and proceed with the preparation of the solution.
  • Submerge the flower in the resulting solution slowly. Hold the substrate with your hands so that it does not fall out of the pot. Part of the solution can be poured on top.
  • The duration of the recharge does not exceed 10 minutes. Do not exceed this time, since an excessive amount of nutrients will harm this exotic plant.
  • After top dressing, remove all residual solution from the pot and tray. If this is not done, then the roots will begin to rot.
  • Do not leave the orchid in a draft or in a cold room. Feed only once a month.

Orchid is an exotic decorative culture, which is considered to be very delicate, but in order for it to bloom, it is necessary to regularly water the plant with nutritious fertilizing.

Watch the video: How to care for orchids after blooms fall (October 2024).

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