Tips for Proper Petunia Care during Flowering

Among gardeners, petunias are very popular and form the center of many decorative compositions, perfectly complementing begonias, geraniums or lobelia. The relative simplicity of growing this plant is the main advantage of this flower: without great effort, petunias can be grown in both home and garden conditions. However, in order to achieve bright and long flowering of petunias, you need to know and use the tips of our article.

General information

Petunia is an amazingly delicate and cozy flower., a characteristic feature of which are flowers that are similar in shape to small gramophone donuts, as well as curly stems, in connection with which petunias are often used by gardeners to decorate interior and exterior decoration. The popularity of the plant is also due to its rich color: from white and pale pink to dark purple. Bicolor and multicolor species are sometimes found.

The homeland of petunias is the tropical regions of South America, where more than thirty species of this amazing plant have already been described. The flowering of petunias begins in late June and can last until the end of autumn. Many species, both initial and hybrid, are perennials, but as a rule, gardeners prefer to grow them as annuals, since they do not tolerate frosts.

When and for how long does the plant bloom?

The flowering period of the plant begins in late June and can continue until the first cold weather. Flowering of small-flowered varieties begins on the 70th day after sowing, and large-flowered varieties - on 90-95 days after sowing. Petunia buds develop about seven days, the flowering of each of which can last up to five days.

After the petunia fades, a seed box is formed at the site of the inflorescence. If you trim it, you can save the variety for growing petunias in the next season. Faded flowers should be removed immediately., since the plant spends a lot of effort on the development of the seed box, while the process itself is reduced. You can find out how to prune a plant properly here.

Important! Petunia flowers are very capricious, they can die from excess moisture or drafts. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor timely and sufficient watering, and also take care to maintain the desired temperature regime.

Why is this not happening?

If the petunia does not bloom by the expected date, then it is recommended to pay attention to the following conditions:

  • Pot volume and distance between plants. Remember that petunia is a plant that has a powerful root system, so you need at least two liters under each plant. Tip: It is recommended to thin or transplant petunias.
  • Lack of soil moisture. Petunias love heavy watering, but often they do not need to be watered, otherwise the root system can rot. Measure the watering with the age of the plant. Young petunias should not be abundantly watered, as their root system has evolved inconclusively.
  • Inadequate light level. Petunias are light-loving plants, which means that it is recommended to choose the most light and sunny areas for them. Exposed sunlight can damage the leaves of the plant, so be sure to keep the plants moist enough.
  • Lack of feeding or incorrect feeding scheme. How to feed a flower for plentiful blooming? In order to develop plants, nitrogen fertilizers are required, and in order to bloom - phosphorus and potash. Therefore, the following scheme is optimal: first you need to water the plants, then make a sufficient amount of organic or mineral fertilizers, then water again and make mineral fertilizing for the leaves. Remember the frequency of action. It is not recommended to exceed the required amounts of watering or top dressing.
  • The appearance of the plant. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it is recommended to pinch the top, leaving five leaves. This method will stimulate the development of additional shoots. In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out the removal of wilted flowers, as this will become a stimulating factor for a new round of flowering.

Knowing and applying tips on growing petunias, you can achieve long and plentiful flowering, and this will undoubtedly raise the mood for you and your loved ones.

The necessary conditions

How to care for a beautiful woman so that she blooms profusely? For, to petunias pleased with bright colors, it is recommended to observe a number of conditions. Schematically, you can derive the following formula for abundant flowering: a capacity of suitable sizes + sufficient watering + regular and competent dressing + removal of faded flowers. So, about everything in more detail.

  1. Capacity suitable size. Remember that petunias have a developed root system, which means that it requires a lot of soil. The calculation should be as follows: five liters of soil per petunia. Thus, in a container with a volume of 10 liters only two plants can be planted, in a balcony box, which is one meter long, no more than three petunias can be planted. If you plant more plants than recommended, then stronger ones will suppress less strong ones, which means that flowering can not be expected at all.
  2. Regular and competent feeding. Plants are recommended to start feeding already two weeks after diving seedlings. For young plants, it is advisable to use nitrogen fertilizers, they promote growth, and adult petunias need to be fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, since they contribute to the formation of buds.
  3. Adequate watering. It should be remembered that adult petunias love plentiful, but not frequent watering. Adult plants can tolerate short-term drying of the soil quite well. Remember: if you transfuse a petunia, then it can start a "black leg".
  4. Removing faded flowers. It is recommended to regularly remove faded petunia flowers, as this contributes to a new round of flowering. Tip: if you notice that the plant has become much lower, it is recommended to remove the seed boxes, dead flowers and feed them with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Petunia will come to life and flowering will be plentiful.

How to care so that it blooms profusely?

In pots

Advice! I must say that the advantages of this method of growing is to save time on sowing, picking and planting plants. One way or another, this is a significant budget savings.

What to do to make the petunias bloom strongly and magnificently? In order to prolong the flowering of petunias in pots, it is necessary to create care during blooming and observe a number of rules:

  • It is recommended to water plants in a timely manner and in sufficient volume, as well as to loosen the soil. Loosening allows oxygen access to the root system, which will benefit flowering.
  • When the plant drops all the leaves and flowers, it is necessary to continue watering, but do not be zealous: once a week will be enough. Read about how to preserve petunia in the cold season.
  • In early spring, it is necessary to make watering more intense and be sure to feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers, so that the leaves become bright green and begin to grow rapidly. In addition, it is recommended to dive the tops of the plant, which will allow it to grow.
  • At the end of May, pots with petunias can be taken outside, however, you need to monitor the air temperature and, possibly, bring them into the house at night so that they are not damaged by frost. In early June, the plant should begin to bloom intensively. At this time, you can make a choice: leave the petunias to bloom in pots or transplanted into the open ground.

In flowerpots

In order to prolong the flowering of petunias in flowerpots and enjoy their bright and elegant attire throughout the summer, it is important that the petunias grow in a fertile soil. The soil should be enriched with humus and such basic trace elements as potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. In addition, it is recommended to regularly feed petunias using ready-made fertilizers for flowering plants.

Do not forget about regular watering and pinching of grown plants. If you refuse to pinch, then the petunia will greatly stretch in length, as a result, the stems will rest on the ground or hang untidily from the edges of the pot.

In general, the rules for caring for petunias in flowerpots are not particularly different from caring for them in pots. Just remember the formula: good soil + regular crust + regular and sufficient watering + pinching and plants will be dotted with elegant flower buds!

How to properly pinch?

For to petunia pleased with elegant attire, you must regularly pinch it. However, this must be done when the plant fades and according to the rules, otherwise you can even harm it.

  1. Part of the shoot should be nipped off, at least 3-4 cm long, since if only the tip of the shoot is removed, the lateral shoots that will grow in this place can break due to strong wind, moreover, the plant can grow and bloom then you don’t have to wait at all.
  2. The pinching procedure should be carried out as the lateral stems of the plant develop, which means that when the lateral stems grow to 10-15 cm, the procedure is recommended to be repeated. Repeat pinching should be until the plant becomes lush.

    Important! With constant shortening of the stems, it is necessary to feed, otherwise the plant may lose strength on intensive growth and weaken.


So that petunia will please you with an elegant and bright cover of flowers throughout the summer, try to follow simple rules that even a beginner in gardening can handle:

  • Do not thicken the crops.
  • Observe the regime of watering and feeding.
  • Pinch the petunia and remove faded flowers and seed boxes.

Competent, timely and constant care - and your petunia will reward you handsomely for your efforts with an elegant and long flowering!

Watch the video: How to Keep your Petunias Looking Full and Flowering- PETUNIA CARE (October 2024).

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