What to do if spathiphyllum does not grow? Care and Prevention Tips

After you purchase a spathiphyllum plant in a flower shop, you really want to see how it begins to grow actively in your home and begins to delight you with its abundant flowering.

It is not difficult to achieve such an amazing effect, it is important to know that this plant loves and create all the most favorable conditions for it. Spathiphyllum or as it is also called "Feminine happiness", the plant is unpretentious, but still has its own nuances and preferences in the care.

Period for active growth

Is this flower growing fast? Like any living creature, this plant has a period of more active growth and times when its development slows down.

The winter months are the time when all the processes in the flower freeze, so you should not expect active growth during this period.

Another thing is the onset of the warm season, when spathiphyllum begins its active growth and flowering. Although it is possible that your flower may release an arrow with a flower in the month of December. On average, a month spathiphyllum should produce 2-3 sheets.

How to determine if there are problems?

Of course, like any owner and lover of indoor plants, you should follow the growth and development of your green pet. If you notice that the plant does not bloom, and even more so if it has stopped releasing new leaves, this is a serious reason to think and pay attention to the conditions of the plant.

Why can a flower be bad?

If the leaves of your flower remain small and nothing changes in its development, then we can say that the conditions of detention are not suitable for it. What needs to be changed, and what does spathiphyllum love?

  1. Lighting. In this moment you need to find a middle ground. The flower does not like direct sunlight, but a completely shaded place will not suit him. Choose a place for it on the northwest side.
  2. Watering. Spatifilum is a tropical plant, and it is difficult for him to adapt to our dry climate. This flower should not only be watered on time, but also sprayed every day.
  3. Drainage. Along with the love of water, the flower does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, so it needs good drainage.
  4. Top dressing. In order for a flower not only to release an arrow with a flower, but also to fully grow and develop, it should be fed with the necessary minerals. Fertilizers with phosphorus and nitrogen will be an excellent nutrition for the plant.
  5. Pot. The right pot is very important. The fact is that the “Feminine Happiness” flower first fills the pot with roots and only then gives strength to the growth of leaves, so if you initially chose a pot too large, then until it is filled with roots, there will be no leaf growth.
  6. Diseases and Pests. This is the reason why the plant can not only not grow, but even disappear, so be careful about this moment and examine your flower. We explained here in detail why spathiphyllum disappears and how to save it.

Is lack of growth dangerous?

If the plant does not grow, then something does not suit him, that means that not all created conditions are suitable for him. Sooner or later, this will lead to the death of the flower.

And why do you need a plant that does not change over time, does not please with its flowering? It will be much better if you read the rules for the care of spathiphyllum. and make him begin to grow in your house.

What to do?

Another reason why the flower may not grow is the presence of pests and diseases in the plant. For these purposes, there are certain measures, after which the situation should change.

Folk remedies

If spathiphyllum was struck by a mealybug, then there is a way out. Folk remedies will help get rid of this trouble. It is necessary to prepare a tincture of citrus peels. To conduct this event, you must:

  1. prepare 100 g. of dry crusts; pour them with 1 liter of water;
  2. in a dark, dry place, withstand the infusion for three days;
  3. gently treat affected areas of the flower with infused liquid.

If the flower is hit by a spider mite or aphid, people use onion husks:

  1. the infusion is made from 100 g of onion peel and 5 liters of water;
  2. pre-heat the water to 40 degrees and pour the husk;
  3. infused for 5 days;
  4. carefully filtered;
  5. mixes with a small amount of laundry soap;
  6. the resulting mixture is treated the affected areas of spathiphyllum.

Chemical methods

In order to change the situation, if the spathiphyllum does not grow, you need to clean the flower from the land in which it grows.

Any transplantation of this plant is best done in the spring.:

  1. gently remove the flower from the pot;
  2. rinse the roots with running water;
  3. pour expanded clay on the bottom of a clean pot (about 2-3 cm);
  4. prepare a new soil for the flower;
  5. add organic fertilizers to the earth (liquid ones will be suitable, but without nitrogen), the fertilizer should have potassium and phosphorus, this will provide the flower with the necessary substances;
  6. place the root of the flower in the prepared soil and sprinkle it;
  7. water with fertilizer.

Perform the following irrigation after the topsoil dries. After the events, your flower should begin active growth. When transplanting, you need to follow a certain technique. It is also worth taking into account that each time the pot should be a little larger.


Now your task is to ensure that all favorable conditions are created for spathiffillum. Watch the watering and do not forget about feeding the plant. Once a year, the plant must be transplanted, it is advisable to do this in the spring.

Most of all, the flower “Feminine Happiness” is subject to a spider mite. Be especially careful if there are many other plants on your windowsill. It is enough to buy an ampoule with poison for a spider mite in a flower shop and spray your greens.

This tool is absolutely harmless to the plant, but it has a detrimental effect on the pest.


Be attentive to your green friend and very soon he will please you with his white flower. This is how spathiphyllum blooms. Follow basic plant care guidelines and he will not cause you any trouble.

Watch the video: How to take care of Peace Lily. complete Spathiphyllum care tips. Grow Peace lily (October 2024).

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