Features of aporocactus: take care of the plant at home correctly

Among gardeners, aporocactus or disocactus is well-deserved. All thanks to its unpretentiousness, ease of care and maintenance.

The plant stands out for its beautiful and plentiful flowering. It can grow in containers and hanging flower pots.

From the article you will learn about the existing varieties of plants and see photos of a beautiful flower.

Also learn how to properly care for aporocactus at home. Check out options for growing plants with seeds and cuttings.


Aporocactus (Aporocactus) or Disocactus (Disocactus) belongs to the Cactus family. This plant lives in the south and in the center of Mexico, America. Most often, disocactus grows on rocky surfaces.located at an altitude of 1800-2400 m.

He keeps there, thanks to the ability to cling to the branches of trees, shrubs that grow nearby, and for any protrusions. The plant can grow to such an extent that impassable thickets are formed.

Dizocactus has long, often branched, cylindrical or flattened stems. White or brown spines cover them all along their length. In length, they can grow up to 5 m.

About how not to prick a cactus and what to do if it happened, read here.

On the stems, starting in spring, large flowers up to 10 cm long are formed with thin multi-layer petals. Their shape is elongated bell-shaped, the color is different:

  • red;
  • lilac;
  • bright raspberry;
  • Orange.

Although the buds form for a long time, the flowers live for a short time. After in its place is a small berry with seeds.

Description of varieties and photos

In nature, there are 5 species of this plant. So Aporocactus Mallison appeared due to the crossing of Aporocactus the Thyroid and Heliocereus the beautiful. Its stems have 5 deeper ribs, which are dotted with small stiff spines.

Aporophyllum is sold in flower shops - this hybrid was obtained as a result of the combination of Aporocactus wattled and Epiphyllum. There are apocactus with lashes, shoots of a flat shape.


Aporocactus braided Latin name Aporocactus flagelliformis has thin, numerous, cord-like shoots that reach 2 m. The ribs of the lashes are hardly noticeable; small thin short spines are located on them.

Pink or bright red flowers appear on the sides of the stem. Their outer petals are wrapped toward right to him. A curious feature of these flowers is that they fold at night.

It’s easy to take care of this plant. It must be watered in a timely manner, in the room to provide adequate humidity and temperature.


The green stalks of Aporocactus Conzattii (Aporocactus Conzattii) may be wicker or creeping. They are entirely covered by small spikes of light brown. They differ from other disocactuses in that they bloom with flowers of red or red brick color with a diameter of up to 9 cm.

Aporocactus martianus

Aporocactus Martius Latin name Aporocactus martianus has a thin and long stem with tubercles and branches covered with gray spines, which are 1 cm long. Due to the tubercles, it seems that the shoots are patterned. Ribs at the stem are hardly noticeable. The lashes in length can grow up to 80 cm.

The flowers of this type of disocactus are large, dark pink.. When the buds are still closed, they look like candles.

Home Care

In order for the plant to grow well and bloom profusely, it is necessary to properly care for it:

  • Lighting. Aporocactus needs bright lighting, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. The best places are windows facing the east and west sides, the north is absolutely not good. If the plant will be on the south side, then it must be protected from the sun.
  • Temperature. For aporocactus in spring and summer, the best temperature is considered to be 20-25 degrees. At this time of the year a flower can be taken outside, placed on balconies, on a terrace, but in those places where direct sunlight does not penetrate, and that it should not be flooded in case of rain.
  • Watering. This plant in spring and summer needs regular watering. The earthen lump should be a little wet. Water in the pan should not stagnate.
  • Humidity. Aporocactus does not need high humidity. In summer it is recommended to spray it with warm water.
  • Pruning. Sloppy, weak, clumsy and elongated stems of aporocactus must be cut.
  • Fertilizer. With the advent of spring, the plant must be fed with fertilizers specially designed for cacti. Feeding is carried out 1 time per month.

    After aporocactus begins to bloom, fertilizing is not necessary.

  • Transfer. When the plant is still young, it needs to be transplanted every year, and an adult in 2-3 years. Since the root system of this flower is underdeveloped, the pots for it must be taken wide, but not deep.
  • The soil. Aporocactus loves loose, well-permeable soil. At the bottom of the pot, pour a drainage layer. In the store you can buy a ready-made substrate, or cook it yourself. To do this, take and mix: peat, turf, leafy earth. Purchased and self-prepared soil must be sterilized.
  • Wintering. Dizocactus, when they are at rest, need to be watered very rarely, and only if the earth is completely dry. If aporocactus winters in the warmth, then it needs to create almost dry conditions. In the autumn and winter, it is forbidden to spray the plant. The best temperature in these seasons is 7-10 degrees.

    When wintering in warmer conditions, the number of buds will be sharply reduced. Aporocactus in winter needs good lighting, since the bud laying depends on this. Such lighting is the key to rich flowering.


This plant is unpretentious, because it is not difficult to propagate it especially by the method of cuttings.


When buying seeds, you must pay attention to the germination rate - it should be at least 40-50%. By eye, it is impossible to determine the germination of seeds, it remains only to trust the seller. That is why you need to choose a reliable one that has many good reviews.

Also, do not buy seeds, based only on the colorful packaging, it does not affect the quality of the seeds. It is necessary to pay attention to agrotechnical data, expiration date and description.

The procedure for propagating dysocactus by seeds is complex and very longIt takes more than 3-4 months. Because this is done only by experienced lovers of cacti. To do this:

  1. Pour a layer of loose soil into the container, moisten it and spread the seeds on it.
  2. Then sprinkle with a small layer of the same soil.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap.
  4. Moisten with warm water from time to time.
  5. In order for the seeds to sprout faster, it is necessary to create heat and bright lighting.


The best time for the reproduction of Aporocactus is considered to be from April to June.
  1. Dizocactus has very long shoots that can be taken on cuttings. To do this, one of them must be cut off and divided into parts so that each is 7-8 cm long.
  2. They are left in the shade for drying for 2-3 days.
  3. The slice is treated with ash.
  4. After the cuttings should be installed in an upright position on a slightly moist, prepared soil.
  5. Pots put in a lit place where the temperature will be maintained in the range of 18-20 degrees. Do not set under the scorching sun.
  6. From above the container with cuttings is covered with a film or a jar. Rooting aporocactus will take 2-3 months.
  7. When they take root, it is necessary to open them for a short time, so that they get used to the conditions in which they have to exist. First, you can remove the jar for 30 minutes, then for 1 hour, and then more.
  8. After the final rooting, the plant will shoot, and then each of the cuttings of the dysocactus is planted in separate pots.


In spring, the plant should stand in a warmer place than in winter. It should be regularly and well watered. For abundant flowering, he needs top dressing. If this is not done, then he may discard flowers. Then you need to start spraying aporocactus, open the window so that fresh air enters.

If buds were born on it, you can not change the position of the plant relative to the sun, as well as move it.

Cactus inflorescences are tender, large and beautiful, dark red in color.

If aporocactus does not bloom, then in winter he needs a period of rest with a decrease in temperature to 10 ° C and dryness, and in the summer - the maximum of the sun. With a decrease in temperature, the cactus ripens last year's summer growth and the laying of flower buds.

Diseases and Pests

Dizocuctus rarely gets sick. His illnesses are associated with the wrong content:

  • A spider mite can attack a plant with low air humidity.
  • When the tips of the shoots dry and rot appears at their bases, it means that the soil is very moist.
  • With insufficient watering, the plant will bloom poorly and slow its growth.
  • The stems of aporocactus will begin to stretch if there is not enough light.

Dizocactus are plants that require minimal maintenance. But at the same time, these flowers are distinguished by originality and beauty. Aporocactus is considered one of the most promising in terms of landscaping the interior of the premises.

You can find out about the diseases and pests of cacti here.

Watch the video: How to make a Cactus Garden (October 2024).

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