Introducing the graceful beauty rose Abraham Derby - everything from description to flower photo

Rose Abraham Derby is the most elegant variety from the collection of English bush roses. The variety has received wide distribution and worldwide recognition among gardeners.

In 1999 he was awarded the title "Best Modern Shrub", in 2001 the rose Abraham Darby was awarded by the American Society of Florists AARS.

In the article, we will examine clearly in the photo how the rose looks like Abraham Derby, we learn how to properly care for the rose.

Description of the park beauty

Rose Abraham Darby - a variety of English hybrid roses belongs to the fast-growing species. The bush is tall, rounded, height - up to 1.5 m, width - up to 1 m. If grown as a climbing species, shoot length reaches 2 - 2.5 m. The stems are thin, durable, long, need support. Under the weight of the voluminous flowers, the shoots slightly lie down. On the branches there is a small number of thorns.

The leaves are leathery, shiny, medium in size, saturated green. On one shoot, 1 to 3 cup-shaped buds are formed.

With the timely removal of faded inflorescences, new buds are formed throughout the season.

The root system is powerful, branching. The variety is resistant to cooling, wintering with shelter.

History of occurrence

Rosa Abraham Derby bred in the 80s. 20 century English scientist David Austin by crossing a yellow polyanthus and a bright pink terry climbing rose. The variety was named after the famous industrialist - metallurgist of England Abraham Derby.

Classical Abraham Derby with a classic flower shape has become widespread along with hybrid tea roses goblet-shaped. What is the difference from other types of roses? The variety is distinguished by dense buds and voluminous flowers. The color of the inflorescences varies depending on the lighting. The flowers may be pink in color with a yellowish or peach hue.

Descriptions and photos of subsorts

Further you can familiarize with descriptions of subsorts and their photo.

Benjamin Britten

The variety is unpretentious, resistant to disease. The height of the bush is up to 1 m. The buds are cup-shaped. Flowers are magnificent, rosette form, red coloring.

William Shakespeare

Differs in flowering time. The bush is tall, up to 1.5 m in height. Stems erect. The flowers are purple.


The variety is winter hardy. The bush is lush, up to 1.5 m high. Terry flowers, saturated yellow, the edges of the petals are pale yellow in color.


When and how?

Blooms in early summerflowering continues until mid-September. The flowers are terry in structure, large, up to 12 - 14 cm in diameter. The center of the flower is apricot blossom, the edges of the petals are pink. Petals are wide, up to 70 pcs. The variety has a persistent, rich fruity aroma.

Care before and after

To stimulate flowering, phosphorus fertilizers should be added to the soil. Watering abundant before and during flowering. During flowering, the plant should be fed with a solution of potassium sulfate. Wilted flowers and buds are removed immediately from the bush. Before wintering, all leaves and unopened buds must be cut off.

What to do if it does not bloom?

Perhaps the bushes do not have enough light, in shady places the stems are stretched, buds are not formed. It is necessary to examine the bushes for the presence of garden pests and viral infections that slow down flowering.

Important: in spring, for the prevention of disease, bushes need to be sprayed with copper sulfate.

Use in landscape design

Roses Abraham Derby often form high thickets, used as hedgeslanded along the curbs. The variety looks good in group plantings with coniferous and evergreen shrubs. Tall bushes are in harmony with phlox, aconite, sage. In flower beds and flower beds, it is recommended to plant in the background, against the background of tulips, hyacinths, peonies.


A place

Rosa Abraham Derby does not tolerate bright, direct sunlight.

Bushes should be planted on the east and west sides of the house. From the midday sun on the south side spots may appear on the leaves - burns, flowers lose their brightness, burn out.

It should be noted that daylight hours for this variety should be at least 5-6 hours per day.

From strong gusts of wind and drafts, buds and petals fall, the landing site should be protected, quiet from all sides.

The soil

Litter is not picky in soil selection. The main condition is fertility and permeability. Rotted manure, compost or manure should be added to the soil. Part of the turf soil is added to the sandy soils. Regular loosening of soil and removal of weeds.


In a warm climate, seeds are sown directly in open ground in the middle of autumn.

Landing pattern:

  1. A shallow trench is dug up.
  2. Evenly distributed seeds.
  3. Sowing is moistened, sprinkled with a substrate (sand, peat, garden soil in equal proportions).
  4. From above, the sowing is covered with leaves, coniferous spruce branches.
  5. In winter, a frame is formed, covering material is fixed on top.
  6. In spring, the shelter is removed.
  7. The grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

You can grow seedlings in a greenhouse:

  1. Preliminarily, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. The seeds are sown in small containers.
  2. Sowing is covered with a film, aired daily.
  3. The temperature of the contents is 20 - 22 ° C. Lighting is bright, regular watering, in small doses.
  4. Seedlings, after a month, must be transferred to the basement. Air temperature - 8 ° C.
  5. In spring, seedlings are transplanted into the open ground.
Important: the landing site must be shaded from the bright sun.


Rosa Abraham Derby hibernates outdoors in shelter, can tolerate a drop in temperature to - 10 - 12 ° C. The optimum air temperature for this variety is 20 - 25 ° C. It does not tolerate heat - the flowers are smaller, burn out, the petals may fall.


Excessive moisture in the soil is unacceptable. Watering is moderate. Between watering, the soil should dry 2 cm. Watering should be in the early morning or evening, after sunset. Watering method - sprinkling. Adult bushes require up to 10 liters of water, young seedlings are watered with a smaller volume. It is recommended to use clean, settled, warm water. In the fall, watering is reduced. In winter, the bushes are not watered.

Top dressing

There is no need to fertilize the soil within a year after planting, the plant has enough nutrients.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizing is required to increase the green mass of the bush. During the formation of buds, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with complex fertilizers for roses.

At the end of summer, it is recommended to feed the bushes with potash fertilizers. Feeding should be alternated. It is recommended to make bird droppings (1: 20), liquid mullein (1: 10). Manure is used only fermented up to 7 - 10 days.

Fertilizers are applied in the evening. The soil is pre-moistened well.


Pruning is done in spring and before wintering. To form a compact bush, the stems are cut to 40 - 50 cm. If the stems are located on wattled supports, only the tops of the shoots are cut in autumn. Stems frozen over the winter are removed. During transplantation, dry and damaged root processes that do not ripen the stems are trimmed.


Transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn. Young seedlings and adult bushes are transplanted with strong growth.

Transplant Rules:

  1. The mother bush or sapling is cleared from the soil.
  2. The tops of the stems and long processes of the root are cut off.
  3. Slice sites are sanitized.
  4. The root is soaked in warm water for 7 hours.
  5. In the hole, with a diameter and depth of up to 50 cm, a bush is vertically placed.
  6. The hole is filled with soil, the bush is well moistened.
  7. After sagging, soil is added to the trunk circle.

Transplant soil: a mixture of sand, peat, humus in equal proportions.

Important: during transplantation, the root neck is buried 6 cm into the soil.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, the shoots should ripen well, it is desirable for the flowers to crumble on their own, without cropping. At the end of November, pruning and removal of leaves, flowers and shoots is carried out.

In the southern latitudes, shelter is required when the temperature drops to -10 ° C.

  1. Before hiding the soil must be spud.
  2. Around the bush is built a frame of plywood, polystyrene, etc.
  3. Sprinkle the bush with leaves, shavings, spruce branches, dry humus.
  4. When cooling, a ruberoid, a film is laid on top of the frame.

    For air ventilation it is necessary to make small holes at the base of the shelter.

  5. The upper shelter is removed in spring, at 0 ° C.



The lateral shoot bends to the soil, is fixed with a wooden slingshot and dug in. Regular watering prior to rooting is required. In spring, the seedling is separated, transplanted to a permanent place.


At the very beginning of flowering, half-lignified cuttings are cut to a length of 10 cm. The lower leaves from the cuttings break off.

Important: the cut is done at an angle of 45 °, below the kidney by 0.5 cm.

Cuttings are buried in special soil, covered with a film. Seedlings overwinter in greenhouse conditions, in a bright place at room temperature. Planting seedlings in open soil is carried out a year later, in the spring.

Diseases and Pests

  • Leaves are covered with plaque, deformed - defeat by powdery mildew. Watering should be reduced, bushes should be treated with copper sulfate, oxychome.
  • From rust leaves and stems will help get rid of spraying Bordeaux liquid.
  • Leaves are covered with white or purple spots - signs of black spotting. Urgent pruning of affected leaves is required. For prevention, spray bushes with immunocytophyte should be sprayed.
  • If the stems of rosant aphids are affected, the bushes should be treated with karbofos or confidor.
  • Green caterpillars - leaflets twist leaves into a straw. Pests are collected by hand, the bushes need to be sprayed with a solution of chlorophos.
  • A spider mite, a rodent sawfly, thrips deform the shoots, twist the leaves. Treatment with insecticides (actara, inta-virus, etc.) is required.

Park rose Abraham Derby grows quickly and takes root easily, tolerates winter well. It blooms continuously all summer, turning flower beds into a pink cloud of fragrant flowers.

Watch the video: David Austin English Roses In The Garden -Growth Habit (October 2024).

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