How to help your favorite plant? What to do if the leaves of the anthurium turn black?

Anthurium is becoming a fairly popular plant among flower growers. It is exotic, therefore, it requires special conditions for maintenance and attentive care. Sometimes the flower becomes sick, and the leaves of the flower begin to turn black. This happens for various reasons that you can eliminate yourself.

In the article, we will examine in detail why Anthurium falls ill or, as this beautiful flower is also called, Male happiness, we will give tips on solving common problems that cause blackening.

Why do “male happiness” turn black leaves?

There are several reasons, but at the heart of a violation of the usual rules of care. Let's look at how to recognize a cause and deal with it.

Rotten roots

One of the main causes of rotting of the roots becomes improperly organized watering.

Important! When the roots rot, the flower begins to be affected by a fungal disease.

A flower transplant becomes a solution to the problem. All damaged roots must be removed, and the pot should be with a good drainage system through which excess fluid will flow. After half an hour, all excess water formed on the sump is drained.

Wrong watering

Leaves begin to blacken around the edges when improper watering is organized. You can not water a capricious plant with cold water from the tap or with a high content of lime. In summer, you need to organize watering with warm water, the temperature of which is approximately 22 degrees Celsius, and in winter, the water temperature can be about 18 degrees.

Incorrect feeding

When using top dressing, which can lead to an excess of calcium in the soil, black spots may appear. A lack of boron, zinc and iron, and an excess of calcium lead to rapid aging of the plant.

Dry air

With excessively dry air in the rooms, the leaves of the anthurium curl up and darken at the edges.

The reason is solved by additional humidification of the air in the roomin which the flower is located. Place an additional container of water next to the pot that needs to be changed regularly.


You can not place the pot in the drafts or take it out to fresh air, it is not recommended to put it near the air conditioner. To solve the problem, you need to rearrange the plant in a warmer place.

Aphids and Whiteflies

When pests appear on the sheets, a black coating begins to form. In appearance, it looks like a fungus or mold.

Tip. It is simple to cure the flower: first with a cotton swab moistened with moist water, you need to wipe the leaves, removing plaque and insects.

You can find out what other diseases and pests can threaten anthurium in this material.

Lack of air

Numerous spots on the leaves indicate that foliage and roots do not have enough air for full activity. The leaves are actually suffocating. therefore you need to change the irrigation system and transplant the plant into another soil, which will allow the plant to fully breathe.

Dry root

If spots appear on the leaves, we can talk about insufficient watering and dry roots. The problem can be solved by restoring the irrigation system and applying mineral fertilizers, preferably in the evening.

Why does a flower have holes?

The main cause of blackening and the appearance of holes is the fungus of the cercospore. These fungi are quite widespread, while they do not cause serious harm to the health of the plant, but significantly spoil the appearance of the flower.

It is necessary to sparingly remove all leaves affected by the fungus, while removing them at the root itself. After this, you need to treat the flower with an antifungicide intended for indoor flowers.

What to do if only the tips of the leaves turn black?

The cause of blackening of the tips becomes fungal diseases. In this case, you need to conduct antifungal therapy and eliminate all the causes associated with caring for the plant. A humid and warm climate contributes to the development of fungal diseases, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises, moderately water the flower and give preference to ceramic pots.

What to do if the flowers darken?

The reasons for the blackening of flowers can be many. First, you must exclude all the reasons associated with caring for the plant. Pay attention to the irrigation system, consecration, the condition of the roots. Inspect the plant for objects of other signs of disease, pests, or fungi.

The main cause of flower blackening is soil depletion. In this case, the plant must be transplanted into a new pot, replacing the soil of the plant. You can use fertilizers, which are a temporary solution to the problem.

Important! When transplanting, you need to prune all damaged roots and remove dried or blackened flowers. It will be useful to treat the flower from fungi.

With proper care of the plant, it will delight regular flowering and a healthy look. The main thing is to follow the irrigation system, choose the right place, with appropriate lighting, and regularly inspect the plant for diseases. Subject to the rules of care, it will be pleasing to the eye and bloom regularly.

Watch the video: PLANT LEAF DRYING and BROWN at TIPS AND EDGES: Top 5 Reasons - Diagnosis Cure and Hacks Tips (October 2024).

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