Delicate roses without thorns - Lady Bombastik. Photos, variety features, nuances of care

Flowers are an integral part of the holidays and an indispensable item to create a good mood. Everyone has their own favorite flower, but the rose still occupies a leading position.

Many varieties of roses make it possible to choose a flower according to mood, character and for any occasion.

One of the most beautiful varieties can be called a bombastik rose. The article will consider in detail the features and nuances of caring for a plant.

Botanical Description

Bombastik is a large family of spray roses with flowers of different shades. They belong to the Rosa spray variety, belonging to the Dutch species of peony roses. This is a small non-spreading bush plant, not exceeding 70 cm in height and 50 cm in diameter. Up to 15 buds grow on one bush at the same time, the foliage is small, creating a more elegant appearance to the bush.

The rose has no thorns, so you can hold roses in your hands without any discomfort. The aroma of roses is gentle, light. This variety of spray roses is called "Miss", "Lady", "Madame" Bombastic, which gives additional elegance to the name and emphasizes the delicate appearance of the plant.

Despite a wide range of colors, which ranges from pale pink or beige to deep burgundy, a rose has a distinctive feature from other varieties: flower buds look like a ball that looks like peonies, the flowers are identical, have approximately the same size.

After opening, the flowers have a pronounced volume and splendor. Lady Bombastic Spray was created in 1991 in the Netherlands, by the Interplant manufacturing company.


The photo shows what a bush rose looks like Lady (Miss, Madame) Bombastik.

How and for what is it used?

This type of rose is beautiful both in bouquets and in landscape design. When making bouquets, florists use both unopened buds of this type of flower and roses that have already opened. Experienced florists advise you not to make a bouquet only from this variety of roses.

It is best to combine Lady Bombastik with other large bright flowers, and not necessarily roses. Due to its unusual tenderness, a peony rose will attract attention in any bouquet. Due to the fact that this rose is a bush, it is an indispensable flower in the preparation of wedding bouquets. It is used both in wedding bouquets and in the decoration of rooms.


Lady Bombastik will bloom all season on the shoots of this year. A narrow bush forms a real bouquet, consisting of 10-15 roses. In order for the rose to feel fine and delight with a bouquet throughout the season, the following rules must be followed.

Before the flowering bush:

  1. It is not recommended to introduce new fertilizers into the soil until the end of summer.
  2. Immediately after removing the shelter from the bush after wintering, it is recommended to carry out the first pruning. Frozen, decaying or somehow damaged branches should be removed.
  3. It is recommended to shorten old shoots by 3-4 cm, at an annual bush by 7-8.
  4. It is worth taking a series of measures to protect the bushes from pests.

After flowering, you need to prepare a bush for wintering:

  1. To clear a bush of weak shoots which do not overwinter.
  2. When establishing a stable temperature of -3 - -5 degrees, it is recommended to cover the bush for the winter.
  3. For a successful winter, roses must be quenched.
  4. Sprinkle shoots from above with leaves, and then cover with a film.

What to do if it does not bloom?

Before taking measures, it is necessary to understand why the bush does not give buds. Among the most common causes are the following:

  • Little time has passed since the day of landing. Often the buds appear only in the next season.
  • Poor soil with few fertilizers. You can apply fertilizer before flowering or from September.
  • Unsuitable place. A rose needs a bright, sunny place without drafts.
  • Not enough water. A rose is able to live without water for a long time, but in this case it will simply survive, and not please bloom.
  • Incorrect pruning of branches after wintering. In this case, you need to learn how to prune the branches correctly.
  • Rosa froze in the winter, or the bush was opened too early. In this case, the bush will give only leaves, and you can wait for the buds only next year.

Landscape design

These bush roses look better in combination with other, more lush rose bushes., or with other plants that grow well. Choosing a place for Miss Bombastic needs to be sunny and take into account that nearby growing plants should not create a complete shade of the rose bush so that Bombastik blooms profusely.

Due to the fact that the bush is not very wide, it is not recommended to plant in the corners or near a high fence, unlike other varieties of roses. The bombastik can get lost. This rose variety looks great in the foreground of flower beds. In other cases, Lady Bombastik will look harmonious on the site. It can be used as a basic design element, and additional. Often they are used to frame tracks.

Step-by-step care instructions

In order for the pink bush of the Missy Bombastic variety to bloom profusely and not cause problems, it is necessary to immediately observe the growing conditions.

  1. Landing place. For good growth, and most importantly the flowering of roses, you need to choose a well-lit, calm place. For this kind of rose, a small partial shade is suitable.
  2. The soil. Earth should be loose, saturated with oxygen. Throughout the entire period of growth and flowering of the bush, it is important to loosen the soil. The optimal type of soil for the Bombastic rose is loam.
  3. Landing. Seeds should be placed for a couple of days in the lower compartment of the refrigerator to simulate winter. So the seeds will grow faster. Next, cotton pads are moistened in peroxide and put seeds in it, which must be kept in a dark room at a temperature of about 18 degrees until sprouts appear.

    Germinated seeds are planted in peat tablets or a mixture. Good lighting, moderate watering and a temperature of 18-20 degrees will help to strengthen plants and prepare for planting in the ground. Seedlings are planted in the spring.

  4. Temperature. Rose withstands quite high summer temperatures. At + 35-37 degrees, the rose will need abundant watering, but the edges of the buds may burn. Without shelter, a rose can exist up to -5 degrees of the average daily temperature, but it is recommended that when setting night temperatures in the region of -3 roses already be covered for wintering.
  5. Watering. Rose is a water-loving plant, but in no case should it be poured. The soil should be moist, but not wet.
  6. Earth should be well fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, and from September it is worthwhile to make fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.
  7. Pruning. Cut the rose twice a year: in the spring, remove shoots damaged after wintering, as well as after flowering. In autumn, it is necessary to cut off weak shoots.
  8. Transfer. The plant is dug up before the buds have bloomed. The landing pit should be 45X45 cm, and the distance between the bushes should be more than 50 cm.
  9. Preparing for the winter. Before wintering, the rose is cut and covered with leaves, branches of spruce and other materials, and then covered with a film. In winter, sometimes you need to open the roses to prevent the development of diseases.

How to propagate?

Propagated rose Bombastik simple cuttings. For this:

  1. a strong shoot is selected, the top is cut off, cuttings are made from the upper part, in which there are 2-4 internodes;
  2. after they are kept obliquely in a greenhouse in the shade, maintaining humidity;
  3. buds appearing are removed;
  4. for winter they plant in pots and store in a cool dark room.

Diseases and pests in relation to this species

Unlike other roses, Lady Bombastik is resistant to fungal diseases. Often, diseases appear after improper pruning of the bush, improper wintering and top dressing.

The most common disease of this type of rose is cytosporosis. This manifests itself in the drying out of individual branches of the bush, and as a result leads to the complete death of the plant. This disease is the result of a general weakening of the bush. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to protect the bushes from external influences and do bush strengthening.

Aphids are the most frequent guest on bombs. They are disposed of with the help of poison immediately after the appearance of the first larvae of the pest, repeated treatment is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

In addition, the following diseases may occur on Bombastik:

  • Bacterial cancer.
  • Burn.
  • Gray rot.

For the Lady Bombastik rose to bloom with beautiful lush flowers, simple but very important care for the rose is important. These roses will delight you daily and amaze your guests with their beauty. Delicate bouquet-shaped bushes will decorate the garden, and cut off spherical buds or open lush flowers will decorate any celebration.

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