Exotic hoya and its features: description and photo of a blossoming creeper, important rules of care

A fairly large number of flower lovers prefer creepers. After all, they really look interesting in the interior. In addition, creepers are tropical plants that have an extraordinary, bright flowering.

There are many representatives of such exotic species, but hoya is considered the most popular. Let's get to know her better and find out what kind of flower it is.

The article tells the story of the origin of this plant. It also gives recommendations on the cultivation, reproduction and methods of controlling pests and diseases affecting the hoya.

Origin and Botanical Description

The homeland and natural habitat of the flower is considered the territory of Asia, India, Australia, Indonesia, and it is also found in Polynesia, Africa, in the Canary Islands.

Reference! Hoya prefers to grow in light forests, on the banks of ponds, as well as in rocky terrain. It is not rare to be found in humid forests and jungles.

The plant is an epiphyte and in the process of growth uses large shrubs or powerful trees for support. The flower gained fame thanks to the simple English gardener Thomas Hoya. It was he, working in greenhouses and greenhouses with exotic plants at the Duke of Northumberland, who singled out the hoya in a separate form. You will learn about the types of Hoya in a separate article.

Hoya is an evergreen liana. Belongs to the Gusset family. The flowers in the form of stars are bright pink and white, measuring 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in an inflorescence of 15-20 pieces. Dark green foliage is fantastically twisted in the form of curls that sit firmly enough on the descending process. Their length is about 5 cm, and 7-10 cm wide. The leaves are succulent, dense, fleshy, for this feature the plant was classified as a succulent.

The sheet plate is shiny, as if covered with wax, so the hoya is also called wax ivy. Also, the plant has a gentle pleasant fragrance.


Check out the photo of what this tropical vine looks like:

Can I keep at home?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the hoya is poisonous. All parts of the plant are harmful: the stem, flowers, leaves. It is dangerous if, through negligence, the juice of the plant enters the mucous membranes or into the body. In such cases, urgent action is required. Rinse your stomach or drink sorbents. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with warm water and drip with antibacterial drops. Regardless of the location of the lesion, in order to prevent the need to drink antihistamines for allergies.

Important! If the apartment has small children or pets, it is better not to start a hoyu, or place it in hard-to-reach places.

When transplanting or pruning room exot, rubber gloves should be worn as a precaution. There is another argument not in favor of hoya - a strong aroma. The flower emits a persistent, concentrated odor. In a small enclosed space with her it will be quite difficult to be. All the details on whether wax ivy can be kept at home can be found here.

Flowering wax ivy

Hoya blooms only in intense light. It is also important to make her the right winter. The plant blooms all summer, begins in June and ends in October. The first peak of the process is June, and the second is September. During the budding period, it is strictly forbidden to rearrange the pot.

How to care at home?

The flower is not demanding in home care and is quite hardy, this is due to its popularity.

  • Lighting. Hoya perfectly tolerates the shadow, but if you want to achieve flowering, then you can not do without lighting. Daylight hours should last 12-15 hours. In this case, additional illumination is required, possibly a fluorescent lamp. For full natural light, it is better to choose window sills on the western side, in order to protect from the sun, and avoid burns to foliage.
  • Temperature. During the period of active vegetation, in summer the temperature is + 17-22 ° C. In winter, the temperature should be lowered to + 12-15 ° C, but not lower than + 10 ° C.
  • Humidity. Special humidity parameters in the room do not need to be created. In the summer, you need to arrange spraying, a warm shower.
  • Watering. Humidification should be moderate. Hoya easily tolerates drought, because at the slightest lack of moisture, the root system quickly begins to decay. In the cold season, the amount of moisture is necessarily reduced.
  • Fertilizers. It is necessary to feed the soil for exotics starting in March. Mineral preparations contribute about 2 times a month. Typically, fertilizers for flowering plants or nutrient complexes are used.Attention! In the cold period, it is better to refuse top dressing.
  • The soil. A flower can grow in any land. But the most suitable substrate for a tropical guest should have friability, lightness and fertility. Suitable soil for indoor palm trees or orchids.
  • Pruning. Stimulates the emergence of new healthy shoots, and also gives a neat shape to the crown. It is important to remove dry, yellowed shoots. After flowering, flower stalks are not removed, in their place next year new flowers will appear.

Plant propagation methods

At home, hoya is bred in three main ways: seeds, cuttings and layering.

  1. Seed way. It is not used at home. Due to its inefficiency and productivity. Seeds are not everywhere, it is difficult to buy. There is also no guarantee that the seed will germinate.
  2. Cuttings - It is considered a simple method of reproduction, even beginner growers can do it. But he also has its pros and cons. Not always conditions allow the shoot to take root. However, it is possible to get a new copy similar to the mother.
  3. Propagation by stem layering. This option does not always work. The difficulty lies in the duration of the rooting process, the formation of a new root system. But they often use the method, because it gives good results and does not cause trouble.

Read more about breeding, growing and caring for Hoya here.

Diseases and Pests

Hoya endures diseases. It can be said that it is practically not affected by infections. However, health problems may occur due to improper care. As a result of an excessively large volume of liquid as irrigation, low temperatures, lack of nutrition.

Full development is also hindered by harmful insects. Among them: mealybug, whitefly, scutellum, spider mite. If such neighbors are found, each whip should be thoroughly treated with an insecticide solution. We wrote in a separate article about why Hoya's leaves turn yellow and fall, as well as about other problems that this plant may have.

It can be concluded that hoya is not a capricious and strong plant. It grows in almost any environment. However, there are superstitions because of which people are afraid to grow a flower in the house. And on this score there is no single point of view. Everyone has the right to individually decide whether to live with hoya together or not.

Watch the video: October 13, 2018 The Hoya is Blooming! featuring a mini plant haul (October 2024).

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