What is blooming spathiphyllum? Care Features

Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) refers to perennial evergreens from the aroid family. Unpretentious, moisture-loving plant has more than 40 varieties. Most of which are grown in pots as indoor plants. The stem of spathiphyllum is absent.

Leaves grow in a bunch directly from the root and have a lanceolate shape. The inflorescence of this plant is in the form of a cob, wrapped in a white petal (bedspread). The bedspread also has a lanceolate shape. The peduncle is long. From the article you will learn what to do if the spathiphyllum has bloomed and has blossomed.

Flowering spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is a very popular houseplant. He is unpretentious. The main requirement for care is proper watering and spraying. Spathiphyllum blooms from spring to autumn, and under favorable conditions it can bloom twice a year. Mystical properties are attributed to spathiphyllum and are called by the people "Feminine Happiness."

How often and when spathiphyllum blooms is written in a separate article.

How to determine that the plant will bloom soon?

The plant begins to bloom in the spring at the end of the dormant period. Young shoots appear next to old leaves. These are new leaves. Soon the petiole of one of them begins to condense. At the same time, it becomes similar to the figure of a pregnant woman. That is why the plant was called "Women's happiness".

Changes in the density of the "pregnant" petiole are invisible at first glance. But the petiole is becoming increasingly dense over time. Then the green peel gradually moves apart and the white veil of the future inflorescence becomes noticeable.

Over time, the longitudinal strip on the petiole becomes larger and bursts. After which the flower itself appears. After 2-3 days, the flower completely leaves the mother stalk and begins to grow rapidly. So the flowering begins. And after that, you can already see how your spathiphyllum fades.

Here are the varieties that flowers often give:

  1. Pleasant Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum Blandum). It has a white-green veil framing an ear, it resembles a flag, so this variety is also called the “flagolist”. It blooms from April to June, with good care, it can bloom twice a year.
  2. Spathiphyllum Chopin (Spathiphyllum Chopin). Has a small bush 35-40 cm in height. The bedspread is white with a green tip and green veins, which looks very beautiful. It blooms, usually from March to September.
  3. Spathiphyllum spoon-shaped (Spathiphyllum Cochlearispathum). The plant is very large, sometimes grows up to a meter in height. The bedspread is white, large, bent inward, resembles a spoon. As it ripens, it acquires a dark green hue, almost indistinguishable in color from the leaves.
  4. Spathiphyllum Wallis (Spathiphyllum Wallisii). The most common type. Medium-sized plant 30-40 cm tall. It has flexible petioles. The ear is quite small 3-5 cm, the cover of a greenish tint as the plant ripens becomes completely green. In an unripe state, the bedspread has a creamy tint. Flowering continues from April to October.
  5. Spathiphyllum profusely flowering (Spathiphyllum Floribundum). Has low peduncles 15-20 cm above the leaves. The bedspread is white, medium-sized, 4-8 cm long and about 3 centimeters wide. Differ year-round flowering with proper care.
  6. Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa). It has a cream-colored cob and an elliptical bedspread. The edges of the covering are slightly concave inward. Petioles grow up to 10 cm long. The length of the cob is up to 5 cm. The length of the peduncle is approximately 25 cm.
  7. Spathiphyllum cannifolia (Spathiphyllum Cannifolium). This is a fairly large variety, the length of the bedspread is 10-20 cm. The bedspread itself has a white front side and a greenish inside. The size of the bedspread is about 2 times the size of the cob. This variety belongs to rare collection varieties.

The frequency of flowering in spathiphyllum may vary depending on the variety. On average, this is between April and October. Sometimes some varieties bloom twice a year, and sometimes year-round. Well, if there is no flowering at all, this is an occasion to think about the conditions of the plant.

Reference. As it matures, the white veil acquires a greenish tint, and sometimes it becomes completely green. But do not worry, this is absolutely normal.

About why the flowers of spathiphyllum become not white, but green, is described in our article.

If this does not happen

The absence of flowering in spathiphyllum is not always a sign of illness. If the flower looks healthy, the leaves are green, juicy and resilient, then the flower is uniquely healthy. But if at the same time he refuses to bloom, you should pay attention to the conditions and care. As a rule, it is enough to change something and the plant blooms.

When to worry:

  • When the tips of the leaves acquire a tan and dry at the same time. The reason is a draft or improper watering. If you do not change the conditions of the plant can get sick and die.
  • If the tips of the leaves curl, this may be a sign of hypothermia. In this case, spathiphyllum will not bloom. It is necessary to change the temperature regime.
  • When the edges of the leaves turn yellow. The reason may be hard water.
  • If the soil dries, the leaves wither.
  • If the leaves are yellow and soft, this indicates an excess of moisture in the soil.

If at least one of these signs is present, it is worth revising the conditions for keeping the flower and caring for it.

The reasons for the lack of flowering:

  1. The soil is too poor and the plant does not have enough strength for flowering.
  2. The pot is too big. All power goes to root growth.
  3. Problems with the roots and stagnation of moisture in the soil.
  4. Excess fertilizer or root disease. In this case, the plant cannot absorb nutrients.
  5. Lack of light. In poor lighting, the flower does not receive proper nutrition. And for flowering he lacks strength. Sometimes it’s enough to rearrange the plants in a lighter place, and it blooms.
  6. Direct sunlight.
  7. Wrong watering. It may also cause a lack of flowering.Important! If plants are watered with tap water, this leads to poor absorption of nutrients (the soil is saturated with salts contained in the water).

What is needed for flowering:

  1. Transplant the plant into a smaller pot.
  2. Reduce watering.
  3. Move the flower to a cooler room for about two weeks, then return the plant to normal conditions. So experienced flower growers advise.
  4. After this, the plant should be fed, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. In this case, the norm and frequency of top dressing must be observed.


And here is what the blooming spathiphyllum looks like in the photo:

Step-by-step care instructions

From this section you will also find photos, thanks to which you will learn how to care for the plant.

Vegetation and subsequent development

  1. During vegetation and flowering, spathiphyllum should be watered abundantly. In this case, moisture stagnation in the soil should not be allowed.
  2. Since spathiphyllum requires high humidity, it should be sprayed once a day. On particularly hot summer days, you can spray twice a day.
  3. During the growing season and flowering, the flower should be fed once every two weeks.

Rest period

From October to January there comes a period of rest.
Watering should be reduced at this time. Top dressing should be done no more than once a month. In this case, it is better to use complex fertilizers for flowering spathiphyllums.

Reference. During dormancy, the temperature of the air where the plants are located should not be lower than 15 degrees!

What to pay special attention to?

In order for spathiphyllum to bloom actively, it is necessary to observe all conditions of care and not neglect them. Particular attention should be paid to top dressing. Lighting also plays an important role. There should not be direct sunlight, but at the same time, the room should not be dark.

The temperature should be between 16-22 degrees (normal room temperature). If all conditions are met, spathiphyllum will surely delight you with flowering.

Possible problems

  • Sometimes flowers at spathiphyllum become covered with dark spots. As a rule, this happens when water droplets get on them. This can not be called a big problem, since it affects only the appearance.
  • The second problem is sunburn on leaves and flowers. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to shade the place where the plant is located or rearrange it.
  • Sometimes, during flowering, the plant becomes weaker, growth slows down or stops at all. In this case, the flower has a not very healthy appearance. All this indicates insufficient or improper feeding. Perhaps the plant lacks nutrients.

What to do after?

What to do with faded spathiphyllum? Blooming spathiphyllum is undesirable to transplant, as this can cause stress and weakening. The thing is that during flowering, plants spend a lot of strength and energy, and in order to take root in a new pot, he will need additional strength. It is best to wait for the end of flowering, and then carefully transplant the flower.

Spathiphyllum is so unpretentious that it does not need trimming and shaping. After flowering, you should only cut the peduncle to avoid unnecessary load. And also, as necessary, you can trim dry leaves and flowers. No extra care is required.

If you are a beginner florist, “Feminine Happiness” is what you need. Spathiphyllum does not need careful care, it often blooms, does not require special conditions at home for flowering. If you follow the basic rules of maintenance and care, then you can not worry about the flower. At the same time, spathiphyllum has excellent decorative qualities and looks great in any interior.

Watch the video: Gardening: Caring for Plants : How to Care for Lilies (October 2024).

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