What is a website and how is it structured?

Hello, I am a future mother and I was interested in working at home for mothers on maternity leave. I read information on the Internet that there is earnings on sites and other web resources, tell me, what is a site and how is it arranged? Malisova Elena, Ekaterinburg

An Internet resource is a structured amount of information that carries certain functionality and has the necessary components - address, Domain name and content management system (CSM). For an unprepared person, the definition, to put it mildly, is incomprehensible. And here it’s worth moving on to the language of analogies.

Imagine that the entire Internet is a large library, and each site is a separate book. Any book has its own unique number in the library catalog. Also, a resource can be found by a unique url (unified resource indicator). It consists of two parts - name and domain.

Names for portals in most cases are given by their owners, and in this case it is worth skillfully combining imagination and practicality. It should generally reflect the direction of the resource. For example, for the site of a large trading company, it is incorrect to use jargon and non-business style - prodambarahlo or sudapokupai. After the name, a dot and a domain name follow.

Domain for resource determines its geographical or thematic affiliation. The international DNS system (domain name system) has fixed for each country a 2, 3 letter designation. And now, when opening a site with a .ru domain, each user knows that this resource belongs to Russia.

Below is a table of the most common domains:

A countryDomain

Repositories of web resources (sites, portals, etc.)

So, with the name there is already some clarity. And now it will be easy to answer what a site is. And where is all the portal information stored? For such a volume and round-the-clock access, a home computer is clearly not suitable.

Returning to the library, we can recall that all the books there are in storage. The same system is typical for Internet resources. URL indicates the path to the resource storage - hosting.

Each website is located on a server (hosting), ensuring its round-the-clock operation and accessibility for all users. Due to the high cost of such servers and the complexity of their maintenance, many companies have appeared that provide disk space rental services.

About how to create a site yourself, what types of sites and CMS exist, how to promote them, and so on, we described in detail in the article by reference.

Internet browsers

A browser or web browser is a personal librarian who, having a website address, finds a path to it and displays it on the screen. This is a special program for viewing a web site, loading its pages and their possible subsequent processing.

Among the whole variety, it is worth highlighting the most popular by the number of users:

TitleNumber of users, million
Internet explorer3400

So, knowing how to find an Internet site, what its name means and where it is located, you can go to the most interesting part - to tell what a site is and what it consists of.

Website structure

In fact, a site is a collection of pages with an extensive hierarchical system and the ability to go from one page to another. As in the book, the resource has content (site map) and sections (pages). Each page has a unique url directly associated with the resource name.
A set of such pages makes up the structure of the entire site. The online store works in the same way.

Sites are created using html codes - commands that define all parameters of the resource. Write a more or less serious website or create an online store, manually writing each command in html almost impossible.

Special CMS programs (content management systems) come to the rescue.

Content - This is the content of the site that the user sees. Typically, the content is written by a copywriter or rewriter.

These systems allow edit, add or clean up information from the siteusing a convenient interface. Often these systems are used by resource managers to make operational changes to the portal structure.

So, answering the question - what is a site, we can say: a certain set of data (pages) stored on disk space (server) and having a unique address (name and domain) can be safely called an Internet resource.

Elena, since you are interested in the issue of part-time work, we recommend that you also read the article about making money on the Internet, which describes almost all ways of making money on the Internet.

Watch the video: How to Add Structured Data to Your Website (October 2024).

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