How to make a million (1,000,000) rubles or dollars a month, a year - TOP-27 ways to earn your first million + real examples

Welcome readers of the online magazine ""! Today we’ll talk about how you can earn a million (1,000,000) rubles or even dollars in a month or a year and what options are possible for this.

Having studied the article from beginning to end, you will also learn:

  • Is it realistic to earn a million from scratch in Russia;
  • What methods will help to earn your first million;
  • Where can I earn $ 1,000,000.

In this publication, you will find real stories and examples, as well as tips for those who decide to make a million no attachments.

To study the article is useful to everyone who has not yet earned a million and does not yet know how to do it. Do not forget the saying "time is money". Therefore, do not lose it and start reading right now.

About how to earn a million in a month or a year and who makes $ 1,000,000 - in our new issue

1. Is it realistic to earn 1,000,000 (million) rubles or dollars in 1 day, week, month, year?

Many dream of making a million rubles or dollars. in a short time. However, not everyone understands whether this is real.

In fact, to earn such an amount is quite realistic. However, for this there must be already existing options - working business, expensive real estate, highly paid work or even just communication.

Also, those who have unique talent or famous name. It concerns eg, famous football players, actors, singers.

Naturally, not all of them have these advantages. However, even in their absence, one should not despair: it’s quite possible to earn a million. Just keep in mind that you have to spend more time and effort on this. But all efforts will surely pay off many times.

If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties - start working. Simple calculations make it clear that earning about 100,000 rubles a monthYou can get a million already after 10 months. And this is quite real.

Of course, you can make a lot of money much faster. However we no one do not recommend use fraudulent schemes or engage in crime. Therefore, in our article we will only talk about honest and reliable methods. They will certainly help to make a million, even in about a year.

TOP 8 options for earning your first million

2. Where and how to earn your first million from scratch in Russia - 8 possible options

Actually make money billion and it’s almost impossible to deny anything to an ordinary person in Russia. This requires serious initial capital, as well as communication. The situation with earnings is different. million or even several.

Firstlyin order to achieve financial well-being, you have to change - to reconsider your own habits, beliefs, attitude.

When a certain work on yourself is done, inevitably there will be a desire to earn the first million. Naturally, at this point the question arises of how to do this. To make a million, you have to learn not only to reason, but also to act actively. Below are presented TOP-8 options for earning 1,000,000 in Russia.

Option 1. Employment

Among those looking for ways to make a million from scratch, self-employed ideas are usually not popular. However, the wages of experienced professionals in megacities are often significantly higher than the profits of an entrepreneur in the provinces.

Of course, finding a paid job is not easy. A number of conditions will be required.

To get a decent income, you must:

  1. become a highly educated specialist who is in demand in the labor market;
  2. Carefully build a career, choosing from a large number of offers the most promising and highly paid.

Today, the highest salaries can boast not only managerial staff, but also specialists in programming, accounting, lawyers, dentists, realtors real estate.

Subject to certain experience, a serious attitude to work, employment in a large company, they can earn several million a year.

Option 2. Own business

In search of a way to earn a million, many pay attention to the opportunity to start their own business. Specialists in the field of finance confirm that this is one of the few options that can bring hundreds of percent per year of funds invested in a business.

It should be remembered what to earn in this way from scratch is unlikely to succeed. In any case, you will have to invest money in creating your own business.

Of course, there are areas that allow you to start a business with minimal investment. Moreover, a novice entrepreneur can count on free financial support from the state. However, in order to get it, you have to develop and submit a high-quality business plan to the commission.

When choosing the direction of their own business, experts recommend first of all to pay attention to mini business ideas. They allow you to get started with minimal investment at home. The only thing that needs to be done is to evaluate your knowledge and skills.

Almost everyone has the resources necessary to conduct the following types of business:

  • redecorating and overhaul of residential and commercial premises;
  • the provision of small household services in the field of electrical and plumbing;
  • equipment repair;
  • the services of a private driving instructor;
  • making cakes to order;
  • cleaning services;
  • tutoring;
  • consulting services.

About which business ideas with minimal investment are relevant this year, we wrote in one of our materials.

Option 3. Earning on the Internet

In modern Russia, it is quite realistic to create a fairly profitable business with minimal investment on the Internet.

Business on the Internet attracts the attention of beginners due to certain advantages:

  • no need to register a business (at the initial stage), as well as obtain permission to conduct it;
  • as opposed to activities in the field of production or trade not large investments required;
  • customer base is not limited to the location of the businessman.

There are a huge number of ways to make a million on the Internet. This allows everyone to choose a business that suits him.

Especially popular among earnings on the Internet today are:

  1. Posting videos on the network. If you have an original idea, it’s easy to create a video, which, after publication on YouTube see a huge number of users. A popular channel brings even more income to the owner. For each 1 000 views can be received from 2 before 3 dollars. Therefore, to earn a million, you will have to attract the attention of a huge number of users.
  2. Creating your own website. Most often, owners of Internet resources make a profit at the expense of posted on it advertising. To create a site by investing a minimum of funds in it, you can use ready-made free templates and independently fill it with useful content. If there is no necessary knowledge for this, you will have to pay for the services of designers and copywriters.
  3. Creation of mobile applications. The market for software for mobile devices is growing after the increase in the use of smartphones and tablets. Even with the low cost of the application, if it is in great demand, its creator will be able to make good money on it.
  4. Revenue from information products. Those who have useful knowledge can make good money learning other people. Internet allows trainings and workshops, not limited to customers who live in close proximity. Moreover, by creating training courses, you can quite successfully sell them.

More information about making money on the Internet is in our special publication.

Option 4. Investing

Investing is a tool that allows you to earn a million rubles if you have start-up capital.

Of course, using this option the principle of "money makes money". Therefore, the more money invested, the more profit will be.

However, there are ways that allow you to start earning by investing just a few thousand rubles.

It is important to understand that investing requires certain skills. To earn in this way, an investor needs to:

  • have an idea of ​​the features of the process, know the principles of functioning of financial markets;
  • possess certain psychological data: patience and stress resistance are important in this matter.

Experts recommend gain knowledge directly in practice. To do this, you can invest a little capital in the following areas:

  1. Forex trading. To successfully trade Forex, you must learn to correctly predict the further movement of the exchange rate. To this end, you will have to master the basics of technical and fundamental analysis, as well as the principles of operation of the main instruments of the currency exchange. To conduct a competent analysis at first is quite difficult. Beginners can take the opportunity to transfer capital to the management of an experienced trader. In this case, you can get before 60% per annum. Many successful traders work through this broker in the financial markets.
  2. Implementation of operations in the stock market. A huge number of people today earn serious income by buying and selling securities on the stock exchange. Experienced investors who have managed to buy shares in a promising fast-growing company manage to double their investments in a short time.
  3. Investing in a business owned by other people. For investments, you can find on the Internet a large number of promising startups. Some of them bring investors income of several thousand percent of the amount of investments. We are reading a separate article on this topic - "Investing in business (startups)."

Also on our website there is an article in which it is described in detail where to invest the money so that it works and generates income.

Option 5. Using your talents

In fact, each person has a certain talent. But not everyone suggests that their abilities can become a source of income. The easiest way to make a million in this way is for those people whose talent is in demand. It can be actors, singers, athletes, as well as public figures.

However, the above does not mean that people of other professions cannot earn while doing creative work. Profit can be obtained from other hobbies and even hobbies. To create hand-made products, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment. Meanwhile, the demand for hand knitting, embroidery, toys and souvenirs remains invariably high⇑.

Option 6. Copyright

People who own any kind of intellectual property can rely on a one-time or regular fee from individuals and legal entities who want to purchase and use this product in their activities. Most often, such income can bring print media, videos, computer games, paintings, as well as Training courses.

It’s worth considering that to create such a product requires certain skills and talent. But in some cases, to make money, you just need to study market trends and create a successful copy of popular products.

Another way to make money on copyright is patent registration for a scientific invention, engineering or new technology. In Russia today, this option is not yet popular. However, he has serious prospects.

You can create your own product in almost any field - from agriculture to the production of microchips. An important condition in this - buyers should be interested in the product, not doubt its potential to become a source of serious income.

Option 7. Real estate operations

The current state of the Russian real estate market is far from its full formation. Therefore, many businessmen believe that huge investments are required to earn money in this area.

However, many wealthy people began to work with real estate, with relatively small amounts of money.

Experts recommend, in the absence of large capital, to pay attention to the following ways to earn in this area:

  1. Provision of real estate for rent. Many owners of various premises - apartments, garages, cottages, as well as land plots rent them out. This allows you to get a stable passive income every month. You can earn in this way even when you do not have your own real estate. Rented for this for a long time apartment located in the area with maximum transport accessibility. Subsequently, such an apartment is rented by the day.
  2. Repair and resale of apartments in disrepair.To make money in this way, you have to find and buy at a reduced cost an apartment in poor condition. After that, the premises are being repaired and resold at market value. The amount of profit depends on many factors, including the cost of the materials used and the location of the apartment. In some cases, you can earn money up to 50% property value. Read about the nuances of buying an apartment in a separate article.
  3. Investing in real estate during the construction phase. You can buy an unfinished apartment much cheaper. When a house is commissioned, its cost increases significantly⇑. The amount of profit is determined by the location of housing, the quality of the infrastructure of the area, as well as transport accessibility. In some cases, it is possible to double the invested capital.
  4. Investment in investment funds. To earn a million in this way, you don’t have to take any active steps, spend time looking for cheap apartments and making deals. Investment funds invest in the acquisition, reconstruction, construction, and rental of real estate. Such actions allow shareholders to pay income in the amount of before 50% APR.

In more detail about real estate investments we described in one of our articles.

Option 8. For the lazy

Some people want to make a million without changing their habits and without bothering themselves with developing financial discipline. They expect to become wealthy, relying solely on fate and luck.

However, even for such people, there are several ways to earn their million:

  1. Inheritance.Many dream of becoming owners of millions at someone else's expense. They can look for wealthy relatives or simply look after lonely elderly people in the hope that after their death they get their house or apartment. Important to remember, that often easily received money is also easy to come down. People who are not able to earn capital on their own can usually not properly manage their money in order to save and increase it.
  2. Successful marriage. Recently, marriage of convenience is again at the peak of popularity.Young girls with a beautiful appearance dream of exchanging it for financial well-being provided by a successful husband. Recently, however, young men have not abandoned the idea of ​​acquiring capital by marrying a successful woman.
  3. Winning the lottery. There are lotteries in Russia that allow participants to win several million rubles. However, the probability of getting the main prize is very small⇓, as a huge number of lottery tickets are purchased daily in the country. Often, citizens acquire lotteries throughout their lives, but never win major prizes. We talked about how to win a large sum of money in a lottery in a previous publication.
  4. Participation in gambling.This option carries a much greater risk than lotteries. However, a huge number of people are stubbornly trying their luck, trying to earn their million. Most often played casino - traditional or online, make bets at bookmakers. But it’s worth considering that losing savings in this way is very easy.
  5. Trading binary options. There are many stories about how novice traders were able to earn their first million by trading on binary options. But here it is important to choose the right brokerage company.

Thus, there are many options to earn a million from scratch. In order for the process to be most effective, it is worthwhile carefully studying each of them first and choosing the best one.

TOP 10 ways, how and where you can earn 1,000,000 rubles

3. How to earn a million rubles in a short time - TOP-10 real ways

Today you can find a huge number of offers to earn a million, both on the Internet and offline. But do not believe those who promise quick enrichment without effort. In fact, to earn a million rubles, you will have to spend a lot of effort.

Today, you can take advantage of several options that help you earn a million fast enough. Reviewed below legal methods of earning that are most popular.

Method 1. Work in the field of sales

For those who easily find a common language with people, experts advise trying their hand at sales. This option does not require extensive experience and serious knowledge, while allowing you to make good money.

By the way some companies offer new employees to go through free courses. Upon completion, you can become a real specialist in the field of sales.

Before you get a company as a sales specialist, you should find out which product is in greatest demand at the moment. Today, the fastest million will be able to earn by selling telecommunications products, insurance policies. They also get quite a high income real estate brokers.

Method 2. Network Marketing

Multilevel network marketing (MLM) is an excellent option that will allow you to earn a million rubles on the sale of various goods and services. In this case, a network of sales agents and distributors is created. By purchasing goods for their further sale, they receive Commission.

Many Russians are afraid of network marketing, since it looks like financial pyramids. This is actually just misconception. Of course, there are fraudulent companies. However, they are not difficult to distinguish from a real network. Fraudsters usually do not bother creating high-quality websites with a publicly available product catalog.

To really earn a lot from network marketing, You should not just deal with the sale of goods. It is important to create a powerful network of active distributors. In this case, the income from network marketing will become passive, that is, profit can be obtained with minimal labor.

Method 3. Consulting services

In modern society, the demand for consulting is steadily high. By this definition is meant the provision of professional services to customers to solve any problems or achieve their goals. Most often these are consulting services in the field of legislation, accounting and finance.

Significantly increase revenue allows the creation of consulting company. Such firms can earn several million rubles a year.

For 1 hour of consultation, experienced professionals can receive from 3,000 to 30,000 rubles.However, the client base does not have to be geographically tied to the location of the office. The consultations provided on Skype are very popular today.

Method 4. Own a business

Creating your own business attracts the attention of a huge number of people. Entrepreneurs who have managed to find a truly profitable direction and develop in it usually do not think about where to earn a million in the short term. Some manage to get such amounts monthly.

However, to get such a big income, it is important to choose the right direction. Experts recommend that in modern conditions, first of all, pay attention to innovative areas. You should offer your customers unique products and services, analogues which do not yet exist.

At the same time, if you create a business based on fairly traditional options - point of sale or car service, have to wait at least 36 months. Accordingly, the first million will have to earn long enough. That is why it is extremely important to choose the most relevant areas. For example, dropshipping or a franchise business.

Method 5. Earnings at home

Earn a million under the force, even those who live in small cities and do not have seed capital. To do this, it is enough to organize your own home-based business.

Professionals advise start a business in a field that you are familiar with. The greatest success is achieved by former employees who managed to gain serious experience in their professional field.

It is also important to ensure that the chosen activity is in demand. Today, the greatest success is achieved lawyers, educators, confectioners, photographers.

The choice of options for creating your own business is significantly expanded for those who have free space for this. Many successful businessmen started their business in the garage.

The following types of companies can be opened in the garage:

  1. car service;
  2. furniture workshop;
  3. production of building materials, pavers, paintwork and other products;
  4. dry cleaning or laundry;
  5. cleaning feather pillows;
  6. growing mushrooms and herbs;
  7. production of breakfast cereals, herbal teas.

If you choose a business that you like and is in demand among residents of nearby areas, it will be quite realistic to earn a million. Of course, this will have to make some efforts.

Method 6. Investments

Many who have free cash are thinking how to make money with it. Most often, a decision is made to put capital in a bank on deposit. However, the profitability of this option leaves much to be desired.

In fact, there are many ways to invest money that allow you to make good money in a fairly short time.

It should be understood that higher⇑ level of profitability is associated with a higher⇑ level of risk of loss of invested funds. Therefore, when investing, it is important to choose the optimal ratio of these two indicators.

The table shows the most popular investment tools in order of increasing risk and profitability.

Table: “Profitability and risk levels of various investment instruments”.

Investment toolRisk levelProfitability
Bank depositMinimumLow
Precious metalsLowLow
StocksAverageMay be high enough
Private lendingVery tallMaximum

An important principle of this option for generating income is that the investor must be well versed in the selected financial instrument. In this case, it will be possible to earn a million and even more quickly enough.

Beginners who lack the necessary knowledge may partially or completely lose their invested capital. However, there is an opportunity that can significantly reduce⇓ the risks of transferring money to trust management to professionals. In this case, the owner of the funds is required only to find an experienced manager who can competently invest the funds with maximum profit.

📣 By the way, access to modern financial exchanges is through brokers that provide online trading services. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider his choice. One of the best is this broker.

Method 7. Earning on freelance

This income option is very popular around the world. In Russia, they are still very wary of him. Meanwhile, freelance allows you to earn a million by offering your services to those in need. However, it should be borne in mind that it will require serious experience and knowledge in a certain area.

Among the advantages of freelance can be distinguished:

  • no need to spend time on the way to the workplace;
  • the ability to independently plan a working day;
  • lack of demanding bosses, the freelancer decides when and what to do.

However, despite the serious advantages this option has tangible limitations. They are primarily associated with instability of earnings. There is no guarantee that orders will be distributed uniformly throughout the month, for an indefinite period of time you can be left without income.

It is in connection with instability that experts recommend first using freelance as a source of additional income. Only when a voluminous client base is available can you quit your job and devote yourself fully to your favorite business.

Method 8. Own website

Not everyone knows, but allows you to quickly earn a million creating your own sites. For such work, you need to be able to create resources, select and write high-quality content, and promote a finished site. If there are no such skills, funds will be required to pay for the services of specialists.

Take note! A quality website, after its competent promotion, is quite realistic to sell even for several million rubles. However, it is not necessary to realize your brainchild. Many site owners successfully make money on advertising posted on the resource.

It is not necessary to have vast experience to start making money in this way. Beginners can create sites on free templates, purchase inexpensive texts on exchanges to fill them. Of course, such a resource cannot be sold expensively, but on it you can work out basic skills and learn a lot.

About how to create your own site for free and promote it in search engines, we described in detail in the previous issue.

Method 9. Infobusiness

One of the easiest options to earn a million no attachments, is an info business. However, to obtain income, some knowledge and skill will be required. They will help create your own information product and successfully promote it in the market.

If your ideas are not enough, you can start selling information that belongs to others. There are several ways to do this legally:

  1. Partnership programs. If you find an interesting information product on the network, negotiate with the author about its sale. For such actions you, as a partner, will receive certain Commission.
  2. Blogging, forum posts, posts on social networks are a great way to advertise info products. Such promotion work allows you to significantly expand the target audience, and thus increase profits.
  3. Producing.Not everyone who possesses valuable information knows that it can be sold profitably. If you have such a friend, you can start producing it. You will have to create a useful product on the basis of his information, competently format it, introduce it to the audience and do promotion. The producer usually has half the profit for his work.

Method 10. Show business

This is the easiest way to quickly earn a million. But it does not suit everyone, it is important to have some kind of talent. Those who successfully realize their creative abilities make good money on this, because in show business a lot of money is spinning.

Experts advise those who sing well, dance, write music or have acting data, regularly go to castings. Than more successful views above chance that you will be noticed. This will lead to the fact that the dreams of a million begin to become reality.

Thus, everyone can earn 1,000,000. The main thing is that such a desire does not remain at the level of dreams. It should push you to action and fruitful work.

You may also be interested in our article - “Where to invest 1,000,000 rubles to earn this year.”

Real-life examples of how successful people in various fields have earned millions of dollars

4. Real stories and examples of making a million dollars 🗒

We have already told you what methods you can use to earn a million. But the article will be incomplete without examples of real millionaires. The following is about people who have managed to earn in various areas.

1) Production millionaires

To make a million dollars $ today in the manufacturing industry, it is necessary to create a truly unique product. At the same time he Not only should be special, but also in great demand. The following are the stories of three businessmen who succeeded.

💼 Dmitry Yurchenko

Today, quite rarely, businessmen rely on social projects. The story of Dmitry Yurchenko, who managed to make money on the creation of the so-called life buttons.

The essence of the idea is quite simple: pensioners can send an alarm to the call center with the press of just one button. After it arrives, an ambulance crew immediately goes to an elderly person. Surely, the world would have become better if more businessmen developed similar projects.

💼 Nick Bays

Nick Beys managed to get rich thanks to the invention of a seemingly elementary thing - cup covers. They change color according to the temperature of the contents of the glass.

When there was a demand for his invention, Nick did not stop there. The businessman decided to sell space on the surface of the covers for advertising. This brought him considerable additional profit.

💼 Jason Wall

The story of Jason Wall is also very unusual. At one time, he began to produce basic goods - caps for car antennas.

Despite the simplicity of the products, Jason Wall's company managed for just 2 years to earn over a million dollars.

2) Millionaires in the trading sector

Getting rich in trading is not easy today. It’s not enough just to open your own store, as competition is too high in this niche. I have to find a unique, completely new approach to trading. Below are examples of successful businessmen who managed to do this.

👩‍💼 Olga Nazarova

Deciding to sell navigators, Olga Nazarova changed the system for their implementation. In addition to the main product, a set of additional services is sold with each purchase. It includes various control programs, including movement.

Such an idea attracted attention. forwarding companies, bringing considerable profit. As a result, Olga managed to earn more than one million.

💼 Raymond Lee

The idea of ​​generating Raymond Lee's income is quite simple. But as it usually happens, she didn’t immediately think of others.

Raymond was reselling in the USA T-shirtspurchased in China. To do this, he used a specially created website. As a result, a twenty-year-old guy dropped out of school and in just a year became a millionaire.

💼 Jamie Wells

Jamie Wells managed to get rich by selling ordinary prescription glasses through an online store. The idea was very simple, but brilliant. It is enough to send the seller a recipe and clarify the necessary parameters to get points in the mail.

Demand was high not only because of the affordability of the goods, but also due to the convenience of delivery. The combination of these factors has become a great way to ensure the multimillion-dollar income of the company.

💼 Cameron Johnson

The success story of Cameron Johnson began in childhood. In age 9 years he developed invitation cardswho successfully sold.

He subsequently went on sale. plush monsters and cubs. At that time they enjoyed wild success. Subsequently, several more projects were successfully implemented.

As a result, already to 19 years Cameron Johnson became the owner of several million dollars. By the way, he claims that he was able to earn a million a year for the first time already in 15.

About the richest people in the world is described in the video:

3) Online millionaires

With the development of the Internet, many began to look for ways to make money online. The following are examples of millionaires who have succeeded.

💼 Michael Furdyk

Michael Furdyk in 1996 year, teamed up with his partners, created computer resource. The content was filled in by the authors on their own. They collected the materials for this bit by bit on the Internet.

As it turned out, the creators did not fail with the theme of the resource and quite successfully caught the wave. Already through 4 years after the sale of the site, its creators received several million.

💼 Caric Cook

Karik cook when she was 15 years, with brother Dave created and launched social networkuniting classmates. AT 2005 this year, this idea made a splash and brought its creators several million dollars.

The peculiarity of this business was that Karik Cook owns only his idea. Most of the funds necessary for development were received from investors who quickly realized that such investments could bring considerable profits.

💼 Adam Hilbert

The example of Adam Hilbert can be considered exemplary. He began his career as a millionaire. social networkfor young people. In fact, this is not unique.

The model that was chosen to monetize the project turned out to be special during the creation process. Hilbert invited advertisers use social networks to conduct various studies. At the same time, its audience acts as a focus group.

This idea allowed Adam to earn money. 4 million even before he turned 20 years.

💼 Jason Brian

Jason Brian managed to earn capital online, using a different way to achieve the goal. He did not develop fundamentally new ideas. Instead, Brian began to implement the available information. Jason developed a resource that is designed to help potential buyers choose a car.

The information received during the course of the project was sold to car dealers. They liked the idea, and they funded it, giving the creator of the resource a quarter of a million dollars for development. As a result, already through 2 year revenue reached 6 million.

It is simply impossible to describe the history of all millionaires in a single publication. Even in Russia today there are a huge number of them. Important to understand that everyone can succeed. However, it will be necessary to work, look for all kinds of options and not give up at the very first difficulties.

5. Recommendations for those who want to earn a million without investments - 5 valuable tips from experts

Actually, it doesn’t matter in principle which method it will be decided to use in order to earn a million. The main thing is to start taking at least some steps towards the dream.

Experts recommend listening to the following tips that will help you achieve your goals faster:

  1. Getting a serious profit is much easier if you have at least a minimum initial capital. therefore it is important to develop financial discipline, learn to save and save money.
  2. It is impossible to earn without knowledge. At the same time, you can get them for free, there would be a desire. Regularly study blogs, forums, and other resources about the type of earnings you are interested in.
  3. Do not hesitate and do not be afraid, learn to experiment. Be sure to try yourself in new areas. Often this can be done without even leaving your home.
  4. When the way to make a million is chosen, think over each step, draw up an action plan. The creation of a strategy for moving towards a goal is also of great importance.
  5. Strive to create multiple sources of profit. The more there will be, the less risks, and the prospects are much greater гораздо.

We also recommend that you read our article on how to make money quickly and a lot. In it you will find proven ways to make money without cheating and scam.

6. Conclusion + video on the topic

In fact, a million can be earned by everyone. The main thing at the same time is not to sit on the couch with folded arms, but to work fruitfully and purposefully.

Difficulties will necessarily arise on the way to achieving the goal. When faced with them, do not give in and give up. Only by overcoming difficulties can a person become truly successful.

In conclusion, we recommend watching the video "How to make a million and become a millionaire":

That is where we end our release.

We wish all readers and visitors to the online magazine Rich Pro to find a truly profitable way to make money. If you have not managed to earn your million, let you succeed in doing this soon!

If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic - write them in the comments below. Do not forget to share this material with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

Watch the video: Excel Magic Trick 1158: Get Millions of Rows of Data into PivotTable without PowerPivot, Excel 2013 (October 2024).

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