How to pack a suitcase - simple rules

At first glance, packing a suitcase on a trip is a simple, straightforward process. But anyone who has done this at least once knows that several problems are immediately revealed: what to take with you, how to put everything in and how to make sure that the suitcase does not burst from the numerous contents. Some advise to do without luggage at all and buy everything on the spot, but most still try to take everything necessary for the trip. So how to pack your suitcase correctly and to fit? We will try to answer this question now.

We do not take excess

If you have at least a few days before the trip, then write a list of all the necessary things, put off this leaflet for a day, and then take a fresh look at it. As a rule, a few items from a long list are completely unimportant. Cross out excess without doubting. In such a case, it is better to take less than more.

When collecting everything indicated in the list, do not immediately pack things in a suitcase. Lay them out on the bed or on the floor. Do not hesitate, a huge amount of all this diversity will cause you horror and a desire to shorten a little more list. This simple technique will be a real find for those who can’t even figure out how to pack their bags on a trip. Continue to get rid of surplus until only that which cannot be dispensed with is left on the bed. If you are not going to a deserted desert or the wild jungle, then you will probably have the opportunity to buy inexpensive things, disposable tableware, hygiene products at the place of your future stay.

The main thing is the correct order

Putting all things together so that nothing crumpled, spills, does not crumble - this is only at first glance difficult. It is important only to observe the correct order of laying clothes, shoes and everything else in a suitcase.

Shoes should be at the bottom. By the way, you need to put all socks, ties, handkerchiefs, and linen into it. This way you not only save space, but also keep your shoe in perfect shape. Further, you can arrange large rollers made of jeans, sweaters, etc. Put them closer to each other so as not to unwind along the road. The next layer should be everything that can break: perfumes, lotions, alcohol, etc.

We put on top rollers from lighter and softer clothes: sweaters, skirts, shirts, t-shirts. If you decided not to twist some clothes, but fold them in a classic way, then place it in the next layer. Finish the assembly by stacking various trifles: belts, combs, jewelry, hairpins. Such things can be shoved between layers. By the way, a twisted belt can perfectly serve as a basis for a collar, especially for your shirt. The first time you pack a small suitcase so that everything fits, it may not come out, then be patient, put everything out and start bookmarking again.

Ways to style clothes

There are four ways to pack a suitcase with clothes:

  • Classical.

    You fold each shirt, pants and blouse as your mother taught in childhood - in a pile. Experienced travelers do not use this method, since it has two significant drawbacks: clothing takes up a lot of space, wrinkled stripes in the places of bending flaunt on all things upon arrival.

  • Anarchist.

    This technique is very doubtful, but quick. It is possible to justify the application of this method only when you have absolutely no time. Its essence is to take with two hands the whole chaotic pile of clothes and stuff it into a suitcase. Most likely, to close the lid, you also have to jump on the suitcase.

  • Advanced.

    You do not fold clothes, as usual, but twist them into tight rollers. So it will be possible to save up to a third of usable space, to pack the suitcase in the most compact way. In addition, things that do not have crease angles will wrinkle less. Most clothes folded in this way can be worn immediately upon arrival. Textile change can be folded into a whole plastic bag and twisted until all the air comes out. You can also use a vacuum cleaner. This method is perfect for those who do not know how to pack a maximum of things in a small suitcase.

  • Inventive.

    This method involves stacking things crosswise. Place the most wrinkled clothes at the bottom of the suitcase. In the center of this pile, you can place the laundry. Wrap each item in turn until everything is complete. If these things are also pressed with belts, then they will come in their original form.

What to do with cosmetics?

Never bring full-size versions of all your face, body and hair care products with you on a trip. If you want to take everything, then pour what is possible into miniature containers. If there are none in the house, then in cosmetics stores you can buy a special set of small jars, bottles and tubes.

If you are going on vacation or shopping, then you will definitely want to buy something in local boutiques, and you will not have space in your luggage, as a suitcase compactly assembled at home will refuse to accommodate new things. So why go to Tula with your samovar? What you need to take with you is a small but functional first-aid kit. Abroad, you can’t always buy the necessary drugs without a prescription at the pharmacy, and the names of the drugs may vary. Mandatory kit: painkiller, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and something for the digestive system.

Now, you probably already have a more understandable task of how to pack a suitcase. We hope that a vacation or a business trip will not be overshadowed by the need to carry heavy luggage.

Watch the video: Travel Packing Tips. How to Pack a Carry-On + Packing Checklist Download (October 2024).

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