Is it possible, according to Feng Shui, to hang a mirror opposite the front door

It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without a mirror, because in addition to its practical function, it plays the role of a stylish decorative element. When placed in a room, they are guided by the features of the interior and the convenience of the people living there. Most often, the product is mounted on the wall in the hallway, while few people think about whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door, but there are many opinions on this subject. For example, the popular doctrine of Feng Shui categorically does not recommend doing this, and in the culture of our country there are enough signs and prejudices associated with this arrangement of reflective paintings. What are the basis of such prohibitions, and whether it is worth blindly following them, are interesting questions that will never be redundant to sort out.

The mystical nature of the subject.

Since ancient times, people have been superstitious, and many things, household items endowed with magical properties. Mirrors were no exception, therefore, with their help, they performed secret rites, divination by the narrowed one, called spirits, souls of the deceased. It is still believed that the sparkling surface allows us to double reality, creating two different, parallel existing worlds. In addition, it preserves the energy of objects and people who were reflected there.

At all times, many signs and beliefs have been associated with the mirror. According to Russian tradition, he was considered a fiendish creation, claiming that Satan presented this object to people so that they could communicate with their second "I", and not with God. The Old Believers were generally forbidden to bring mirrors home.

Many signs and customs have much in common in the cultures of different countries:

  1. Broken mirror paintings of most nationalities predict the death of someone close, the loss of a friend or seven years of grief and misfortune.
  2. Scots, like Russians, hang up reflective surfaces if a family member dies. Similar superstitions are found in representatives of African and Indian tribes.
  3. Brides cannot look in the mirror. It is believed that the wedding will be unsuccessful, and married life is short. To neutralize the negative, you had to remove the glove from one hand.
  4. The mirror curtain is a formidable danger at night. It is believed that it is able to reflect the trait. Therefore, most Slavic peoples were forbidden to look in the mirror or water surface after sunset.

In Russia there were also signs:

  1. It was not allowed to look in the mirror for kids up to a year, as well as two girlfriends at the same time, it was believed that one would lead the groom away from the other.
  2. A long look directed deep into the reflective panel could cause premature wilting.
  3. In order not to fade and not to give their beauty to the other world, it was necessary to refrain from eating in front of a mirror canvas.
  4. When a person left the house, he lingered in front of the mirror, looking himself up and down, at the same time unconsciously giving orders to his reflection to protect the home.

Oriental practices endow this subject with the ability to fill the house with the right energy and create a cozy atmosphere. According to Feng Shui, reflective canvases are able to attract, distribute invisible flows, affecting health and affecting life. That is why the ancient teaching does not recommend placing mirrors opposite mirrors. Not without reason, Chinese wisdom says: “If you want to change something, turn to the mirror.”

What should be the mirror in the interior

Before figuring out whether it is possible to hang mirrors in front of the front door, you should understand what are the general requirements for this item. From the point of view of Chinese teaching, for the correct distribution of Qi energy, it is important to take into account such characteristics of the mirror as:

  • the form;
  • location in different rooms of the house;
  • things that it reflects;
  • handling him.

Feng Shui primarily takes into account the contour of the subject. Ideal is a round, oval or octagonal shape. Smooth outlines allow you to smooth and calm the energy of the home. Among other rules:

  1. The beholder must see his reflection fully at full height.
  2. There should be free space above your head.
  3. You can not use products where the limbs (as well as part of the head) are visually absent (trimmed). This is becoming a common cause of disease.

Optimal for a competent Qi distribution is the presence of one full-size and unlimited number of small mirrors.

According to Russian traditions, the ideas about what a mirror should or should not be are as follows:

  1. The product should not be broken or chipped, as well as donated - it brings misfortune to the house, entails discord among households.
  2. The reflective surface should always be clean - dust and dirt on it can spoil the home energy.
  3. No need to hang an old mirror with a rich history at home. All accumulated negativity will certainly affect households who regularly look at it.

Worst of all, if the mirror hangs where the crime once happened, then you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The mirror must not be broken or dirty.The shape is better to choose a round or ovalA man must see himself in full growth

Reasons for the ban on accommodation opposite the entrance to the house

Most people are alien to superstitions, so you can often find reflective paintings hanging in front of the entrance. But the issue of placing mirrors in front of the front door requires special attention. The entrance hall (corridor) cannot be called the main room of the house, but it is through it, according to Feng Shui, that healing energy enters the home and spreads throughout the premises.

Why it is impossible to place mirror surfaces opposite the entrance to the dwelling:

  1. The luck that visits the house is able to see its reflection. She will decide that her sister is already present here and will go to other people. It will affect prosperity, money will no longer be found among residents.
  2. Positive energy of people reflected in the mirror will flow out through the open doorway of the entrance door, as a result of which they will begin to get sick and wither more often, for the same reason the guests in the house will not stay.
  3. The product will accumulate the negative energy of strangers entering the house and direct it to the owners.
  4. Residents will begin to feel discomfort, getting into the hallway and taking on the bad energy stored in the mirror, and over time they will not even want to return home.
  5. If the product hangs at the end of the corridor, and is located opposite the front door, then it may reflect a person who previously owned the apartment and has already died.

If there really is no other place, as an exception, you can hang a mirror opposite the front door, observing the following conditions:

  1. A separator should be placed between the door and the reflective sheet: a screen, a flowerpot with a house plant.
  2. You can hang a curtain in front of the mirror or an opaque curtain.
  3. Attach a small product in the frame to the inner surface of the front door.

For skeptics, there is also a reasonable explanation why it is better not to hang a mirror opposite the door. Arriving home late or waking up at night, you can stumble upon your own reflection in the dark, mistaking it for an unexpected visitor, and get very scared.

But the explanations why it is impossible to hang a mirror opposite the mirror, especially in the hallway, are rooted in antiquity. It is enough to recall the conditions under which the girl should have seen her betrothed, namely, by arranging the mirrors in such a way as to make a small corridor. It was a kind of portal through which entities from the other world easily penetrated..

It is unacceptable to allow evil spirits to activate right at the entrance to the house, so experts advise to keep no more than one mirror in each room.

Can I hang in front of the interior door

In Feng Shui, the interior passages are the gates of the penetration of Qi's magical energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang a mirror opposite the doors to the room, as this will lead to blocking the flow. It is not worth refusing to completely place the product in the area of ​​the interior door, you just need to find a suitable place for it.

If there is a blank wall when leaving the room, each time it will irritate the residents, recalling the modest dimensions of the apartment. In this case, with the help of a mirror of impressive dimensions, it will be possible to visually expand the space, making it lighter. If the blank wall is part of a long dark corridor, the placement of a reflective surface on it will also be appropriate. The mirror will “beat off” the accelerated energy and redirect it back into the interior of the room.

According to the ancient Chinese teaching, mirror surfaces should be hung up 30 cm above the floor, and also leaving free space between it and the ceiling - this will provide an opportunity for career growth.

It is advisable to fix the reflective canvases on the doors of the toilet and the bathroom (while keeping them constantly closed), since the beneficial energy will flow from the living room through the open opening into the toilet or sink, and vice versa, negative potential will penetrate from the bathroom rooms. The mirror will be a kind of barrier, correctly redistributing the flow of energy.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to put a mirror in front of the bed. Feng Shui is not recommended. Reflecting the sleeping person during sleep, the mirror surface acts like a vampire: it takes away positive energy, and returns it negative. If it is impossible to change this arrangement, you should cover the mirror with an opaque cloth or curtain, it is permissible to put a separator in the form of a screen.

The mirror opposite the bed should be covered with an opaque curtainIf reflective sheets are fixed to the toilet and bathroom doors, they must be kept constantly closed.

Suitable areas in the hallway

The desire to hang a mirror precisely in the corridor can be "painlessly" realized if we correctly approach the choice of the optimal zone. According to the ancient doctrine of Feng Shui, which is based on the harmony of man and nature, positive energy should dominate the negative. For this purpose, it is allowed to hang a mirror on the side of the front door or place it in such a way that symbols of wealth are reflected on the surface: statues of storks, fountains, sea landscapes, objects reminiscent of the elements of water. However, such an arrangement is possible if the layout allows, or the entrance itself is quite spacious. In small rooms, you can fix the canvas inside the furniture. The side wall or cabinet door with a mirror is the best option.

There are also folk tips on how to hang a mirror in the hallway, opposite the entrance and not only:

  1. On any wall, except one that is parallel to the entrance.
  2. Directly on the surface of the front door, the interior of the hallway will be reflected in this way, accumulating positive energy.

To increase energy, it is sometimes allowed to place the mirror opposite the mirror. But there is a sharply opposite opinion on this score. Many mystics consider it dangerous to create the so-called mirror corridor, especially at the entrance to a residential building, so this arrangement remains controversial.

What if the mirror is already hanging in front of the door

It’s bad if the mirror is already hanging on the wall in an undesirable area. In this situation, it remains only to mitigate its negative impact. A few effective options in terms of feng shui:

  1. Hang an ordinary brass bell or a decorative lantern over the entrance, which will indicate the path of energy.
  2. Fix on the inner surface of the front door a small oval-shaped canvas. It will create an obstacle to the leakage of energy and return it back.
  3. If the area allows, place a separator between the reflecting surface and the opening, for example, a screen, a bamboo curtain, a translucent curtain.
  4. To process a surface of a mirror cloth sandblast.
  5. Purchase a new product or arrange an old one in the form of a multi-colored stained-glass window.
  6. Position the mirror at an angle of 90 ° to the floor so that it can retain energy indoors.

You can hang a mirror in the hallway, enclosing it in a wooden frame - natural material has the ability to neutralize the negative.

Many scientists believe that the mirror in the hallway opposite the entrance is not the worst option, since not only positive, but also negative energy flows out of the house.

Hang a brass bell over the entrancePut a mirror in a wooden frame

Techniques for Enhancing Happiness and Wealth

One of the ways to attract money, good luck and happiness to your home is to use a mirror. Both superstitious and skeptical people, experts advise the following:

  1. The mirror should always be kept clean, wiped and prevent stains, scratches, chips.
  2. Find the right frame for him. It can be a wooden baguette, a frame made of metal or other material.
  3. Choose the right shape. Ideally, if it is a circle or an oval. Sharp corners should be avoided.

Well, of course, you need to smile at your reflection as often as possible, so that the surface reflects and accumulates only positive energy. Feng Shui also offers to complement the correct mirror arrangement with a number of other effective tricks that people have been using for many years:

  1. Choose a zone of wealth. It is usually located on the southeast side of the room. Put there a money tree, which should be regularly watered.
  2. Purchase various talismans. It can be figurines: storks, fountains, an aquarium with fish.
  3. Hang a picture on the wall where the seascape will be captured.
  4. On a table or chest of drawers put a three-toed toad or a turtle, which are powerful accessories for attracting money.

The mirror has always been perceived as a mysterious object belonging to two worlds: the real and the witchcraft. If faith in magic lives in the souls of apartment residents, do not place the product in front of the residential entrance. Skeptics can install reflective paintings wherever they like, and not think about their mystical influence on family members. Ultimately, whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door, everyone must decide for himself - it all depends on personal views and beliefs.

Smile at your reflectionBuy various talismansAvoid sharp corners


Watch the video: Feng Shui Mirror Facing The Front Door: The Truth & Myth Explained (October 2024).

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