Stylish chandeliers

We all know that properly selected good lighting plays a huge role in creating the coziness and comfort of our home. High-quality modern lamps located in the right place can significantly transform and revitalize even the most boring interior. With the help of lighting alone, you can present the room in various images and radically change your perception, without even having to rearrange the furniture, because latest systems have unlimited possibilities.

The color of the chandelier is in harmony with the details of the interior.

Mobility and diversity today represent the most important criteria. And the chandeliers, suspended in the center of the room and hanging motionless, have already gone down in history, like sconces with floor lamps equipped with a static one and the same direction of light flow.

First of all, a chandelier should be in harmony with the style of the interior.

Choosing a chandelier needs to be given a lot of attention, because This attribute of the interior is extremely important, because in addition to the lighting function, it carries a decorative one. The chandelier must certainly serve as a decoration of the room and the completion of the entire design plan. She serves as a business card. And if it is good, then it will certainly emphasize the other advantages of the interior, and if unsuccessful, it will completely spoil the whole picture. No wonder when entering the room, the human eye usually hooks and stops on catchy objects. And if it is, for example, a luxurious low-hanging chandelier, then it will certainly become the center of attention and a bright accent, and you will hear a lot of compliments that you have an exquisite and wonderful taste.

The very first thing to remember when choosing a chandelier is that its style must necessarily be in harmony with the style of the interior of the room. This is extremely important and this must be adhered to. If the room is made in a classic style, then you should pay attention to forged models, for example, made of bronze with crystal (or plain glass).

Chandeliers with any geometric shapes made of glass, metal, ceramics or textiles will suit the ultramodern interior. Country style implies chandeliers with metal or wooden inserts, as well as with chains. In addition, models that simulate old torches, lanterns or kerosene lamps are perfect. For techno, the ideal option is chrome chandeliers with many interlacing and intricate shapes.

It is very important to choose the right color, size, as well as the type of chandelier

Hue plays a very important role, this should not be forgotten. And a colored motley chandelier is in no way suitable for an interior in which there are too many different details. If the room is overloaded with bright elements, the chandelier should definitely acquire a neutral, unobtrusive, better light shade. In general, professional professionals in this field advise choosing a chandelier of such a color that takes the second place in the interior according to the predominance of shades. For example, the main shade-base is beige, and small details in the interior are made in brown. In this case, the chandelier should also be brown.

Although, if the chandelier has white shades, then it can be used with any color palette of the room, because white color is universal.

Harmony in the interior cannot be achieved if the size of the chandelier is not correctly selected. Everything is very simple here: in a small room there should not be any bulky large-sized chandelier, and vice versa, in a large spacious room, a small chandelier will simply be lost. Also, you should consider the height of the ceilings. If it is low enough, then it is best to opt for models that look like a plate in appearance.

As for the type of chandelier, they are hanging and ceiling. Those. chandelier plates are of the ceiling type and are installed in rooms with low ceilings. There is a rule - if the height of the ceilings ranges from 2.5 to 3 meters, then usually a chandelier is placed at a distance of two meters from the floor.

Hanging chandelier models are relevant only for high ceilings.

The functionality of the chandelier must also be considered.

In addition to proper proportionality, one should not forget about the functionality of a particular chandelier, which is a decisive factor when buying. After all, a sufficient and high-quality lighting of the room is required from the lamp. In this regard, the required number of horns is determined based on generally accepted norms of light intensity:

  1. living room - there must be an abundance of light - up to 20 watts per 1 square meter;
  2. bedroom - it is advisable to have dim light - 10-12 watts per 1 square meter;
  3. a nursery, an office, as well as a bathroom - 15-18 watts per 1 square meter

The calculations are focused on the ceiling height of not more than three meters.
Finally, one more point - as practice shows, yet the most reliable and durable are chandeliers made from materials such as metal, glass, heat-resistant plastic, crystal and porcelain.

Watch the video: Cascade chandeliers - a stylish highlight of the interior. Modern lighting (October 2024).

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