The most beautiful ideas for decorating a hall for a wedding

For each couple, the wedding day is a special, expected event, which should go perfectly. This applies not only to beautiful outfits, the choice of rings, car decor, but also to the design of a restaurant or any other place where a celebration will be organized. Surely you know that there are companies that help to design a room in a single color scheme and realize any of your ideas. But if you wish, you can do it yourself. Of course, it will take much more time, because decorating the hall is a rather difficult and responsible task.

Wedding Hall Decoration: Key Recommendations

In pursuit of ideality, many couples use too many tricks in creating decor for the hall. Often, it looks overloaded, and sometimes even ridiculous. Therefore, we offer to show individuality and choose only what you like.

Note that one of the main points is the choice of the hall for such an important event. Try to keep in mind that his style should match the style that you want to see at your own wedding. Otherwise, it will not look too attractive. The same goes for the color scheme. Try to choose an option that will not contradict the color scheme of the interior.

As for the decor of the hall, it should pay special attention. After all, it is here that the couple dances their first dance, and the parents escort them to a happy life together. Therefore, the hall should create the impression of a special place that will always be remembered by each guest. For decoration, textiles, garlands, many balloons, as well as beautiful floral arrangements are most often used.

We recommend paying attention to textiles. With its help, you can transform absolutely any room, give it lightness, romance or solemnity.

In turn, balloons and garlands are gradually losing their relevance. However, if they are used in an original way, then such a solution will be fresh and quite interesting.

Of course, no wedding is complete without flowers. They are used literally everywhere to create an atmosphere of triumph and romance. Even on tables must have stylish floral arrangements. Therefore, their decoration is always given special attention. After all, it is very important that each element blends perfectly with each other. At the same time, you need to choose everything so that the compositions are not too voluminous. The most suitable option is small-sized compositions that are ideally suited for the color scheme.

To make a stylish floral composition, we will prepare the following:

  • napkin holder;
  • knife;
  • floristic sponge;
  • secateurs;
  • natural moss;
  • dried flowers hydrangeas;
  • marigolds and buttercups;
  • leaves of laurel, eucalyptus and thuja (you can use other options).

First, cut the floral sponge to the size of a napkin holder. Consider that it should be easily inserted, without additional effort.

If necessary, trim the edges so that they do not extend beyond the napkin holder.

We place the sponge in a container of water and leave it so that it absorbs it as much as possible. Put a little moss on the bottom of the napkin holder. This is to ensure that the sponge is not visible.

Various cuts are also filled with moss to make the composition look more natural.

Cut the edges of the eucalyptus branches and insert them into the sponge at an angle.

We place the largest flower in the center. He will fulfill the role of accent and the main element of the composition.

We arrange smaller flowers a bit at an angle, not adhering to a special pattern.

We also insert small buds into the holes of the napkin holder. Due to this, the composition will look even more attractive and natural.

We turn the napkin holder on the other side and decorate it according to the same principle.

If necessary, decorate the composition with various dried flowers.

Stunningly beautiful, original composition is ready! She certainly will not be left without attention and will decorate the festive table at the wedding. If desired, the same products can be made for each table. This will help in the formation of a single style.

Beauty in detail

Of course, the design of the hall plays a very important role in the overall perception of the celebration. But do not forget about the small details, such as glasses, bonbonnieres and invitations. Absolutely everyone can make them with their own hands, just follow the step-by-step master class.

In the work you will need the following:

  • a printer;
  • white and colored paper, also cardboard;
  • lighter;
  • lace;
  • hole puncher;
  • satin ribbons;
  • curly scissors;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue.

To begin with, we carefully consider the size of the invitations, the text and the general view. After that we print the text in the document. In this case, two invitations are obtained from one A4 sheet. In turn, from one sheet of cardboard you get only one envelope. As for color, you can choose absolutely any option. Most often, couples choose a classic white or beige shade. Experiment lovers are advised to pay attention to brighter colors. Only after that we print the text on sheets of paper and cut out the invitation with curly scissors.

In the upper part in the center we make a hole with a hole punch.

From a sheet of cardboard we cut out an envelope for an invitation, as in the photo.

We decorate each envelope with lace ribbons, fixing them with hot glue from the inside.

Only after that we bend the edges and glue the workpiece in such a way as to make an envelope.

In the upper part we make a small hole with a hole punch. We insert the invitation into the envelope and fix it with a small bow from the ribbon.

From a wide ribbon we make a larger bow for decorating the envelope. We process the edges with a lighter so that they do not bloom. Glue it to the envelope, as in the photo. We repeat the same thing to create each invitation.

As you can see, the process of decorating the hall is really very complex and time-consuming. But do not be upset, because this way you can demonstrate all your skills, sense of taste and even organizational skills.

Watch the video: Wedding & Banquet Hall Decorations picture ideas for stage and settee back (October 2024).

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