Actual design of the living room in 2019

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the living room in the home of modern man. The living room is also the visiting card of the house, which judges the taste and well-being of the owners, their habits and hobbies, lifestyle and preferences. For many Russians, the living room is not only a common room for spending free time together, this room can be a bedroom for some family members, it serves as a workplace for some, and others even combine it with the kitchen and dining room. Depending on the functional content, the needs of the owners and, of course, the size of the room, the design of the living room is also chosen. It is about how in the new season designers recommend designing this premise important for every family, and this article will be discussed.

Living room 2018: design trends

The rhythm of life of a modern person pushes him to spend more and more time at work or on the way to the workplace and back. The more valuable is the free time that you can spend in a cozy and warm home environment, with your family, relatives or friends. Therefore, even the Russians, who spend most of their time outside the home, try to decorate the living room in such a way that this room is not only functional and meets all the requirements of personal comfort of the owners, but also looks stylish, possible, beautiful. Fortunately for us, fashion for interior design is not as fleeting as in many areas of our lives. Today, a well-chosen design can be relevant for many years. The main thing is that the appearance of the home as a whole and the interior of the living room in particular, be in harmony with your personal understanding of beauty, comfort and practicality.

As for the general trends that are observed in the upcoming season for the design of living rooms, the following list of trends can be distinguished:

  • the modern living room is a spacious and bright room, the installation of panoramic windows that provide maximum natural light is welcome. In small rooms, large windows will help create the illusion of an increase in area. For small-sized dwellings, designers recommend resorting to combining a small living room with adjacent rooms (kitchen, corridor or hallway) to create a spacious studio;
  • air and light should circulate freely in the living room space, therefore, various kinds of partitions and screens are practically not found in modern design projects. Zoning of the living room with several functional segments is carried out mainly through furniture, decoration and using a lighting system;
  • To preserve the feeling of spaciousness and freedom, even in small rooms it is necessary not to clutter up the space with excessive furniture and decor. The principle of "comfortable minimalism" is relevant to this day. It is better to use a minimal set of furniture, and quite practical interior items can also serve as decorative elements - lighting fixtures, mirrors and frames for them, clocks, small furniture (coffee tables, shelves, pouffes and various coasters);
  • the fashion for environmental friendliness will never pass, because it is associated with the safety of materials for humans and the environment. Nothing in a modern living room - from decoration materials to textiles - should harm homeowners and nature;
  • light colors predominate in the color palette, most often acting as a base (especially for small rooms), bright accents are necessary, but it is important to use them in a measured manner;
  • stylistically modern living room is rarely made out "in its purest form", a mix of styles similar in concept allows you to create design projects that meet all the comfort requirements of a modern owner;
  • another trend in the design of common, family rooms can be called a budgetary approach - less money is spent on repairing and furnishing the room than the owners could afford (flashy luxury is now out of fashion).

Separately, I would like to note a trend that appeared not so long ago, but is already actively used by designers around the world in the design of living rooms. The so-called “wow” factor consists in the fact that in a more completely calm, neutral and even sometimes boring atmosphere of the common room, there is an interior item that differs significantly from the rest of the elements in terms of execution style, color scheme and even functional purpose.

It can be an original designer coffee table, an unusual chandelier, a very bright armchair or even a bench that can be found in the park. Exclusive interior items created to order or by the hands of the homeowners are very popular. For example, a large picture of a child is placed in a luxurious frame worthy of the great artist’s canvas. Or near a strict execution, almost office upholstered furniture, a stand table is set, which the owner himself cut out from the found log.

Features of creating a current living room design in 2018

Fashion trends in the field of creating interior design depend on many factors: the appearance of innovations in the industry of construction and finishing materials, the production of furniture and accessories, household appliances. The formation of trends is influenced by both the situation in the world and the economic situation of each particular country. But when creating a design project for any space, it is important to take into account not only fashion trends, but also the particulars of your room - its size and shape, layout, number of window and doorways, location relative to other premises of the house and placement relative to the cardinal points ( level of natural light).

Zoning methods in a multifunctional living room

Very often, the living room plays not only the role of a common room for gatherings by family or with guests. In many dwellings in the living room is the workplace of one or two family members. Some living rooms are completely connected in a single space with a kitchen and dining room. In such a situation, zoning (conditional division of the room into functional segments) is a necessary part of the design of a family room.

Considering the fact that different-sized partitions and screens lose their popularity, only three options remain for zoning;

  • using furniture (the most common way);
  • with the help of differences in decoration (the use of levels, for example, on the ceiling and the floor has also become not very popular) walls, flooring and, in rare cases, the ceiling;
  • by means of a lighting system (arrangement of point sources of light or band illumination).

Of course, in one room you can apply several zoning options at once. For example, to conditionally outline functional segments with the help of furniture and enhance the effect by means of lighting devices, and use the same finish throughout the space. Often, you can also find the symbol of the boundaries of a particular zone with carpet. For example, in a combined space, the living area can be completely located on the carpet, and dining and kitchen segments can be installed on floors without carpet.

The choice of design and style of decoration depending on the size of the room

Obviously, the size of the room directly affects the choice of method of its design. Design ideas that can decorate a spacious living room in a small one will simply be inappropriate. Of course, it is much easier to work with a large living room - there are no restrictions in the choice of style or color schemes, and the furniture can be purchased massive, roomy. But the reality is that in most Russian dwellings (especially for apartment buildings dating back to the last century), the living room is a medium or small room.

So, for a small room it is better to choose a modern style, gravitating to the so-called "comfortable minimalism" - only the necessary set of furniture and accessories, but the situation can not be called ascetic, it is filled with homely warmth and comfort. As for color solutions, it is obvious that the basic tone you need to choose a light (mostly white) color. But against the background of a steely finish, it is already possible to place a bright accent (as a rule, one large object) and dilute the decor with neutral tone elements - gray, beige, the color of any wood species.

In a small room, design restrictions are associated not only with the choice of a common style and color scheme - it is necessary to choose the right furniture (not too bulky, but at the same time meeting the needs of the family), not to overload the room with decor (for example, for decorating windows, it is better to abandon complex, multi-layer options, choosing the traditional combination of thin tulle and dense curtains or do without curtains at all).

A key element in the interior of a modern living room

In the interior of almost any room there is a key element that sets the tone for the whole image. In the bedroom, such a piece of furniture is the bed, in the dining room - a dining group consisting of a table and chairs. In the living room it all depends on the functionality of the room, which was given to it by the owners. If the room is a studio in which there is a living room, kitchen and dining room, then each functional segment will have its own key element.

If the living room is a separate room, then most often the key interior item is:

  • sofa;
  • fireplace;
  • a group of soft furniture items (most often a pair of armchairs).

For several seasons, the corner sofa has been one of the most popular options for equipping the living room with comfortable, practical and spacious furniture. The advantage of angular sofas is that they provide the maximum possible number of seats on the minimum possible amount of usable space in the living room. Many models of corner sofas have a folding mechanism that allows you to use it as a very spacious berth, as well as the space under the seats, which can serve as storage systems.

In Russian living rooms, the use of a fireplace is almost always accompanied by the placement of another, no less important interior item - a TV. As a rule, the video zone is located above the fireplace (to save space) or in the immediate vicinity. And already opposite the fireplace is an ensemble of upholstered furniture - a sofa, armchairs, possibly poufs or an ottoman.

The main trends in the color palette

In contrast to the fashion for clothes, shoes and accessories, in which a new list of color trends is announced every season, traditional solutions dominate in the field of interior design. And this is more likely connected not with the desire of designers to provide us with relevant ways of decorating premises for many years, but with the need to visually increase small spaces in most homes of a modern person.

The most commonly used base colors are:

  • all shades of white;
  • gray;
  • beige.

The fact is that these colors and a wide palette of their shades are easy to combine with brighter, more colorful solutions. Against the background of light tones, wood of any breed and bright accents of furniture or textiles look spectacular. Even a novice designer can create a unique, but at the same time practical design for the design of the living room, which will be affordable for a large number of Russians.

The widespread use of white as a base in the design of the living room (most often as a tone of wall decoration) is also associated with the wide popularity of Scandinavian motifs. We can safely say that the Scandinavian style is based on the use of white as a base color, various shades of gray as an auxiliary, diluted with wooden surfaces. Against such a neutral background, small specks of bright color look especially impressive - it can be textiles, a small amount of decor or living plants.

If we talk about the trends associated with color schemes for the design of living rooms, then the use of a cool palette becomes the undisputed leader. Various shades of blue, gray, green and purple colors are actively used as auxiliary color solutions. For example, a bright blue velor upholstery of a sofa against a light background of living room decoration will look more than impressive.

Various shades of blue can be used as the basis for the design of the living room - the decoration of its walls. Most often, designers choose deep, complex shades. But it is important to understand that such a wall design will have a very strong effect on the creation of a certain room atmosphere. Experts recommend "warming" the room with noble, but still cold walls, the active use of furniture made of wood in warm colors.

But such a layout in color will be appropriate in rooms located on the south side of the building, in rooms, most of the time illuminated by sunlight. If your living room is located on the north side and, among other things, has a lack of natural light for one reason or another, then it is better to give preference to warm and light shades - a light beige palette will help not only visually “warm” the room, but also create the illusion of a light and light image of the interior.

Watch the video: Top 5 Interior Design Ideas and Home Decor for Small Living Room (October 2024).

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