The resort of Baden-Baden is a symbol of wealth and luxury in Germany

Baden-Baden (Germany) is a famous balneological resort in the south-west of the country, near the border with France. The city is located on the banks of the Os River, on the western slopes of the Black Forest. The city is part of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, from its administrative center, Stuttgart, it is 100 km away, from Frankfurt - 175 km. ...
  • How to get maternity capital in cash

    For eight years, a state program has been operating in Russia, under which financial assistance is provided to young families. Families in which the second child was born can participate in the program. Let's figure out how to get maternity capital in cash. Within the framework of the program, a happy family receives a certificate for a sum that increases annually due to rising inflation. ...
  • Interior and design of a modern bedroom

    In the modern world, everything is modern. And this has long affected the design and interior of our houses. Modern bedrooms are striking in their variety of styles. When choosing a modern style, Art Nouveau is often used, with its practicality, simplicity and comfort. High tech is also preferred, with its light and light tones, art nouveau, where the forms are smooth and intricate. ...
  • What is a baby orchid and how to plant it?

    Orchid is an exotic flower that has become a favorite of domestic flower growers quite recently. There are many varieties, colors and varieties. Each of them is unique in its own way. Many plant lovers want to “breed” their pet. The most natural way to make several of one orchid is a baby. ...
  • We drink and brew Puer in tablets and pressed correctly

    In the article I will tell you how to brew pu-erh in tablets and pressed, and how to drink this tea. I note right away that it is not worth doing it on an empty stomach or after eating. This type of tea significantly reduces appetite. Pu-erh - tea produced using a specific technology. First of all, the leaves are processed like green tea. ...
  • How to grow young from seeds at home? Useful tips for gardeners

    Thawed (translated from Latin “eternally alive”) is a perennial succulent of the family Tolstyankovye. A stone rose, as they call it young, is an unpretentious plant that can survive in any conditions. Succulents are usually grown outdoors. But at home on the windowsills it feels good, easily takes root and coexists with other plants. ...
  • Tips for choosing upholstered furniture and photos of the best options

    Upholstered furniture is a design that can be found in any residential building, in a hotel, on a balcony, in an office. Upholstered furniture, the photo of which is in the catalogs, is necessary for coziness, relaxation and comfortable sleep. The furniture industry provides the market with various design solutions not only for headsets, but also for individual items of upholstered furniture. ...
  • Unpretentious Syrian hibiscus chiffon. Description Magenta, White and other subspecies, the rules of cultivation and care

    Tropical plants cultivated for our climate have a very unusual and beautiful look. One of these plants is the Syrian hibiscus Chiffon. It is often used as plants for landscaping cities. A fairly unpretentious culture with history can please every gardener and just an amateur. ...
  • How is LLC and other companies registered?

    My name is Frost and I want to open my own business. Tell me how and in what order is LLC registration carried out? To begin, we recommend reading material about where to start your own business (you will find interesting ideas for business there). When registering a company, first of all, you need to decide on the method of paperwork, each of which has its positive and negative points. ...
  • The choice of LED lighting in the kitchen for cabinets, installation rules

    Kitchen cabinets are used to store various cereals, food, spices, utensils and other additional things, therefore, often there are certain difficulties in the process of finding an item. You can improve the functionality and usability of all drawers with the help of high-quality lighting. ...
  • One-stop kitchen solution - L-shaped layout

    L-shaped layout of work surfaces, storage systems and household appliances is used in kitchen spaces of any shape and size. We can safely say that this is the most popular layout of kitchen furniture that can be met in the kitchens of our compatriots. Perhaps, only in very large kitchens this type of layout, in which the kitchen is located along two walls perpendicular to each other, can not look advantageous. ...
  • Stylish and fashionable wallpaper in the hallway

    The entrance hall is a special space in the territory of an apartment or a private house. It is here that guests, relatives are met and escorted, in addition, often wardrobe items and shoes are stored here. Many people install a mirror here in order to put themselves in order before leaving the house (girls and women can do quick makeup). ...
  • Royal Palace - Bangladesh's # 1 Tourist Site

    The Grand Palace in Bangkok has another, unpronounceable for a European, name - Phrabarommaharadchawang - and this is a central place for tourists to visit in Thailand. It can be said that a mandatory part of the tour to the capital, as in any tourist mecca that is on every continent. Everyone visiting the palace has the most vivid impressions of the picturesque place. ...
  • The main attractions of the island of Kos

    Tourists who choose Greek Kos for vacation will be lucky enough to see the country from a completely different, unusual side. A homely, cozy atmosphere reigns here, architectural monuments built by the Turks are preserved, but at the same time the island remains traditional Greek. Kos Greece Attractions - This is a rich antique heritage and cultural monuments of different eras. ...
  • What varieties is bush petunia? Photo and description, care features

    Bush petunia is an ornamental plant that is distinguished by its amazing and enchanting flowering. No gardener can do without this flower when decorating a flower bed. In addition, you can plant a plant in a pot, flowerpot, hanging boxes. Petunia pleases with multi-colored inflorescences from spring to late autumn. ...
  • The best restaurants in Istanbul overlooking the Bosphorus: top 8 restaurants

    There are a great many restaurants in Istanbul, and some of them have their own zest, demonstrate unusual interiors and offer an exquisite menu. Other establishments attract visitors with affordable prices and ease of maintenance. But in this article we want to introduce the best restaurants of Istanbul with a view of the Bosphorus. ...
  • Holidays in Belek - what you need to know about the elite resort of Turkey

    In each country with a developed tourism industry, there are cities that have the status of elite resorts. Belek, Turkey can be attributed precisely to such. This resort has incorporated everything that modern tourism can offer: chic hotels, clean beaches, various sights, endless entertainment, sporting events and convenient infrastructure. ...