How to clean lymph at home

The human lymphatic system is closely connected with the circulatory system, supplementing it and interacting with it. The fluid circulating in the lymphatic vessels is called lymph. The movement is slow, with little pressure. Lymph carries out important functions: it enriches tissue fluid with immune cells, transports into the bloodstream, and participates in metabolic processes. Removes toxins and toxins from tissue structures.

The lymphatic system consists of the following components:

  • Vessels (including capillaries, trunks and ducts).
  • Nodes
  • Tissues and organs (tonsils, spleen, thymus, lymphoid tissue of the intestine, etc.).

Participating in the processes of life, the lymphatic system is subjected to slagging. That is why various methods of cleaning lymph at home are in demand.

When and why do I need to clean my lymphatic system

The low speed of lymph circulation contributes to the delay in it of toxins and toxic substances, "clogging" of the lymphatic channel. The situation is aggravated by physical inactivity, adverse environmental conditions, metabolic disorders, obesity, bad habits.

Negative factors contribute to premature deterioration of the body, therefore, healing techniques become urgent, and among them is the cleaning of the lymphatic system.

Signs indicating the body's need for lymph cleansing:

  • Edema in different parts of the body.
  • Numbness and discomfort in the limbs.
  • Decreased skin elasticity, the appearance of cavities and tubercles.
  • A sharp change in body weight, obesity.
  • The appearance of frequent headaches.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • The presence of metabolic disorders (diabetes, gout, etc.).
  • Weakened immunity, the appearance of acne, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Lymphatic cleansing is desirable during body shaping, weight loss, rejuvenation, detoxification procedures.

Preparation and Precautions

Most of the cleansing methods are safe, fast and effective, but some procedures have contraindications for serious diseases. This requires prior consultation with your doctor.

Absolute contraindications to the procedure are:

  • Malignant diseases;
  • Acute thrombotic processes in the body;
  • Heart or kidney failure;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • Pregnancy.

To exclude contraindications, it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination: measure blood pressure, check the pulse rate, and take general blood and urine tests. This will avoid unpleasant surprises.

Effective folk methods

Folk methods of lymph cleansing appeared long before the discovery of the lymphatic system. The people knew the healing properties of these methods for various ailments, but their relationship with lymph was revealed later.

Medicinal herbs

There are plants, infusions and decoctions of which contribute to the purification of blood vessels. This is saber, marjoram, sorrel, St. John's wort, acacia, nettle, horse chestnut and many others.

Prepare a herbal collection of white acacia flowers, Jerusalem artichoke, stems and yarrow leaves, nettle leaves, thyme, marjoram, St. John's wort, sage inflorescences and horsetail leaves. Chopping and mixing all these herbs, make them an infusion. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of the resulting mass, strain and drink in small portions. Take one glass a day.

Another way is to use an infusion of dandelion roots: 2 teaspoons of chopped roots is poured with a glass of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, insist an hour. Infusion is drunk three times a day before meals.

Natural juices

To this end, help juices of citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemon and orange. Thanks to natural organic acids and vitamins, they contribute to the activation of lymphatic drainage processes.

The procedure begins in the morning and is carried out as follows: take the juice of 4 grapefruits, 3 lemons and 5-6 oranges. Dilute with a liter of water and drink one glass every hour until it is over. We again prepare the juice and repeat the procedure.

We continue for three days. In the evenings, you can still do a cleansing enema. A few days after the procedure, it is advisable to eat plant foods.

Garlic, onion and lemon

Garlic, onion and lemon are widely used in various recipes of traditional medicine. In order to cleanse the vessels of the lymphatic system, one bulb, a head of garlic and one lemon are taken along with the peel. The ingredients are finely chopped, mixed, and then poured into a liter of boiling milk. The broth boils for several minutes (milk is curled when lemon is added). Filter the result, cool and drink half a glass in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals. Keep it in the fridge. The duration of admission is 3-4 days, and these days you need to avoid dairy products.

Tibetan lymph cleaning

The recipe is based on the use of alcohol tinctures of celandine, apple, carrot and beetroot juices. Celandine is passed through a meat grinder and squeezed juice out of it, filtering. 70 ml of alcohol and 450 ml of juice are mixed. On the first day, take 1 drop before breakfast, 2 drops before lunch and 3 drops before dinner. Then daily add 1 drop at each dose. After reaching the morning dosage of 15 drops, the amount of tincture is reduced in the reverse order, bringing to 1 drop. In addition to tincture of celandine, carrot-apple juice is mixed with beetroot in a ratio of 4: 1, they are drunk 150-200 ml before meals.

Sauna or bath

For a long time, a sauna with a nettle broom, a sauna with a steam room and a swimming pool, a Turkish bath and so on have long and firmly entered. They may differ among different nations, but one thing unites them - thermal procedures improve blood circulation, metabolism, and improve lymphatic drainage.

To achieve the effect, the procedures are repeated several times a week for a month. The result will be better if you make up for the loss of fluid not with ordinary water, but with fresh juices.

Bloodletting and Leeches

In ancient times, bloodletting was done for any reason - against migraine, bodily pain, fatigue, weakness, and increased irritability. Now this method is rarely used, since the arsenal of therapeutic agents in medicine has expanded significantly. Nevertheless, bloodletting remains an effective method. By removing some of the blood, tension is removed from the blood and lymph channels, and the blood is replenished and renewed.

Technically, bloodletting is carried out in various ways: through injection punctures, shallow skin incisions, or using medical leeches. The use of leeches - hirudotherapy - an effective method, although unpleasant. Leeches release substances in the blood that contribute to its dilution, thereby improving microcirculation, lymph flow, and tissue metabolism.

Butakova lymphatic cleaning method

The author of this technique is O.A. Butakova - offers a lymphatic treatment course using natural preparations: licorice root tablets, coral water, brown algae, ActiVin capsules (dietary supplements), Altimeyt vitamin and mineral complex, artichoke preparations and probiotics.

There are several patterns of drug use, I will consider one of the most popular.

  1. Dissolve the licorice root tablet in half a glass of water. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, drink a glass of coral water.
  3. After 3 hours, take the brown algae preparation. It adsorbs toxic substances and prevents them from re-entering the lymph.
  4. Take a pill of artichoke (in order to cleanse the bile ducts).
  5. Use drugs ActiVin, Altimeyt and probiotic according to the instructions.
  6. The course lasts 10 days.

Video instruction

Walker Lymph Cleaning

Frozen clean water (2 liters), shortly before the start of the procedure is thawed. Next, prepare 900 ml of juice from fresh grapefruit, the same amount of fresh oranges and 200 ml of lemon juice. Everything is mixed up.

In the morning on an empty stomach, they make a cleansing enema by adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Next, take a hot shower or bath, after which they drink 200 ml of the prepared mixture. After this, profuse sweating and the urge to empty the intestines, often - loose stools. Then they drink 100 ml of the mixture every half hour until it is over. The exact same procedure is repeated on the 2nd and 3rd days.

Video recommendations

Pharmacy preparations and tablets

There are many drugs, the use of which helps to cleanse the lymphatic channel.

Licorice root mentioned in the description of the method O.A. Butakova, contains a number of biologically active substances that improve lymph outflow, tissue circulation, have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, enveloping effect. Enterosgel, which is often used with licorice root, has an absorbing and detoxifying effect. Activated carbon tablets have similar properties.

There is a close relationship between cleansing the intestines and lymph. For this purpose, laxatives, for example, magnesium sulfate, are also used. When taken orally, the drug has a choleretic effect and removes heavy metal salts from the intestines.

In order to normalize lymph outflow, phlebotonics are used: detralex, troxevasin, venosmil, venoruton, etc. By strengthening the walls of veins, lymphatic and venous capillaries, these drugs prevent lymph congestion and the appearance of peripheral edema.

When cleaning lymph, vitamin therapy can be used. Vitamins C, E, Group B improve metabolic processes in the body, significantly increasing the effectiveness of medical procedures.

Lymphatic cleansing preparationsPharmacological effectsWhat symptoms are recommended for useContraindications
Liquorice rootImprovement of blood microcirculation, outflow of lymph, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, enveloping effect.Edema, frequent inflammatory processes, disorders of the digestive tract.Hypertension, pregnancy, lactation, cirrhosis, acute heart disease.
Enterosgel, activated carbonAbsorbent and detoxifying effect.Flatulence, bloating, gastrointestinal upset, intoxication.Individual intolerance (rarely observed).
Magnesia sulfate (powder)Laxative and choleretic effects, antitoxic effect (antidote of salts of heavy metals).Edema, constipation, spastic phenomena, weakening of intestinal motility.Individual intolerance.
Phlebotonics (detralex, troxevasin, venosmil, venoruton, etc.)Venoprotective, venotonic, decongestant effects.Disturbances of peripheral blood circulation, lymph outflow, peripheral edema of the limbs.Pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.
Vitamins (C, E, B12, folic acid and others)Improving metabolic processes in the body, tissue metabolism, enhancing the effect of other drugs.They can be used with other drugs and medical procedures.Very rarely - an allergic reaction.
Video guide

Exercise and massage to cleanse the lymph

Improving the lymphatic flow contribute to swimming and jogging. Those who prefer to do physical exercises at home also have effective methods.

Gymnastics for capillaries stimulates lymphatic circulation according to the Niche method: lying on your back, raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the floor and shake them for several minutes. These exercises improve lymph outflow, strengthen capillaries and stimulate blood circulation.

Another complex that has beneficial effects on lymphatic circulation: lying on your back and lifting your limbs perpendicular to the floor, periodically strain and relax the muscles for 3-5 minutes. Another exercise is the bike.

Lymphatic drainage massage can be carried out in parallel with physical exercises. It is based on several principles:

  • Massage from the periphery to the center (from the fingers and toes - to the hips, shoulders, etc.).
  • Massage movements should be made with some effort, as if "squeezing out" the edema (too much effort can give a negative effect).
  • You can not massage the location of the lymph nodes.
  • Massaging the limbs, you should slightly raise them.
  • Muscle preheating is not required.

How to cleanse lymph in beauty salons and in medicine

Home cleaning of the lymph takes less time and money than visiting specialized beauty and health centers. For greater effectiveness, you can combine home methods with procedures in the salon or in a medical facility.

The range of professional services is varied and may include the following procedures:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Anticellulite massage.
  • A hardware massage that has a profound effect on the flow of lymph, blood and metabolic processes in the tissues.
  • Intestinal lavage - hydrocolonotherapy - cleansing the body of toxins, helps unload the lymphatic system.
  • Leech treatment (hirudotherapy).

The combination of home methods with a visit to a competent specialist in the field of beauty and health will help to ensure a positive result even in advanced cases.

Special diet and nutrition

Proper nutrition contributes to the gentle cleansing of the lymphatic system. It is recommended to adhere to a diet several days after any cleansing procedures. This helps to consolidate the result, and make the effect lasting.

Recommended Products:

  • Fresh berries and fruits (avocado, cranberries, citrus fruits).
  • Vegetables (beets, carrots, leafy greens).
  • Seaweed.
  • Flax seeds, linseed oil.
  • Walnuts and almonds.

Every day you need to drink 5-6 glasses of pure water, drink herbal teas. Avoid fast food, smoked meats, pickles, sweet, fatty, flour foods, carbonated drinks.

Useful Tips

The state of the lymphatic system is a reflection of health. To support it, it is necessary to normalize the mode of life, work, rest and nutrition. An active life position, playing sports, frequent outdoor activities, eating natural foods, giving up bad habits - all this contributes to a good mood, vitality and ability to work.

There are many methods for cleaning the lymphatic system and recommendations for its improvement. Which way to choose depends on many factors: the nature of the disorders, the causes, the dominant symptoms, the presence of negative life factors, concomitant diseases, habitual nutrition, etc.

Watch the video: Self Manual Lymphatic Drainage For The Leg (October 2024).

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