How to drink rum properly and what to eat

Rum is an alcoholic beverage made by sugarcane fermentation. Not every store sells in Russia, but every lover of alcohol is obliged to drink rum.

The drink was first created by the inhabitants of Barbados. The ancient ancestor was called "kashasa". In Brazil, it is still popular. According to ancient documents, kashas was first prepared in the sixteenth century.

People used to use rum as a currency. They paid merchants for goods. Rum was much loved by sailors and pirates. And no wonder, because it is stored for a long time and retains its properties. At the same time, storing wine on a ship is problematic.

Rum produced on reed plantations was of poor quality until the French missionaries improved production technology.

According to history, they were the first to use distillation pipes made of copper, which were then widely used in France. Due to this, low-quality and cheap drink has become an exquisite rum.

The beginning of the nineteenth century was marked by the emergence of several well-known brands, including Bacardi and HavanaClub. Products of the companies occupy a leading position in the market.

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Today, rum has a large number of fans, like cognac or whiskey. Every day their number is growing. Among them are compatriots.

How and with what to drink rum

I note that the correct drink depends on the "color" of the drink. White rum is characterized by a lack of long-term exposure and a mild taste. Therefore, it is used for making cocktails.

Amber has a bright taste and rich color, as it is longer kept in wooden barrels. It is recommended to cool before use at home. They drink in pure form.

As for the dark, thanks to the long exposure, it has a pronounced color. Suitable for preparing dishes and cocktails, for drinking in its pure form.

There are four popular ways to drink this alcohol. In this case, the brand does not matter.

  • Undiluted. The method is chosen by men. They argue that you can enjoy the taste the only way. Use in its pure form is recommended before a meal from vodka glasses. If alcohol is served at the end of a meal, drink like cognac.
  • Rum with ice. Like the ladies. Ice cools and softens the bitter taste. Although, according to men, ice has a bad effect on the individuality, which is represented by the taste range and aromatic bouquet.
  • In the form of cocktails. The choice of youth. It is not surprising that rum is present in every night establishment. In a cocktail, the real taste is lost, but the resulting mixtures are worth it.
  • Diluted. In diluted form, people who do not like strong alcohol consume it. For these purposes, they use water or juice. Experts recommend diluting with lemon juice or fresh water from a well.

You will know which option to give preference through trial and experimentation. I don’t see any point in giving recommendations, since your tastes are unknown to me.

If you order rum in any institution, it will be served along with a slice of lemon and ice cubes. During the holidays, wineglasses are decorated with sparklers. If you are lucky enough to be in one of the Caribbean resorts, the local bartender will treat you with a drink in chopped coconut.

There are three varieties of rum, each of which requires special attention. For this reason, the rules of drinking are different.

  1. White is combined with cola and lemon juice. On the basis of create cocktails.
  2. Dark rum is served with cinnamon-sprinkled fruits and berries. Suitable cherries, pineapple, melon and avocado. Drink with coffee.
  3. It is impossible to make Daiquiri cocktail without gold. Golden rum is an alternative to wine.

If you are going to treat your friends, serve as effectively as possible. Brutal glasses with thick walls will do.

As for snacks, use a creative approach to resolve the issue. Just do not forget that connoisseurs drink rum in its pure form without a snack. If you do not want to be in an unpleasant situation, prepare for a feast.

  • Drink rum with freshly squeezed juices, cola and soda water. If you don’t drink alcohol, put a little ice in a glass.
  • An ideal snack at home is bread. After each serving, eat a slice of bread. The finish is not affected.
  • Fruits and berries sprinkled with cinnamon are combined with rum. Serve pineapple, melon, cherries, papaya or orange on the table.
  • Seafood is also appropriate on the table: mussels, fish, caviar, oysters or lobsters. I advise you to serve in the form of salads or canapes.
  • Often snack on meat, sausages, herbs, cheese or chocolate.

Rum is combined with many products. It is not necessary to put all products on the table. Limit yourself to a few dishes and juice.

Rum Bacardi

Rum is the most popular drink in the West. There are many types of this alcohol, but Bacardi is considered the best, drink it pure or in cocktails.

Believe me, drinking Bacardi is not very different from drinking whiskey or cognac.

  1. Pour rum on special glasses of 50 milliliters or wide glasses. The main thing is that the dishes are thin-walled. Fill recommend a third.
  2. Warm before tasting Bacardi. That's why thin-walled glasses are used. Usually a few minutes are enough for heating, after which the temperature will reach the optimum level.
  3. I do not advise drinking in one gulp Bacardi. Inhale the aroma and take a sip. This will allow you to enjoy exquisite taste.
  4. After satisfying the sense of smell, swallow the drink. At the same time, alternate throats with a pleasant aroma.
  5. Eat Bacardi is allowed with snacks. It goes well with meat cutting.
  6. If necessary, drink alcohol with water or natural juice. In general, rum is combined with pineapple, orange and hot chocolate.

How to Make Bacardi Cocktails

Bacardi to the moon

  • Put a little ice in the shaker, pour fifteen milliliters of Amaretto liquor, Coffee liqueur, Bacardi rum and Irish cream. All mix.
  • Discard the finished liquid in a pre-chilled stack.
  • I advise you to drink a ready-made cocktail through a straw. Just remember to pre-set fire. Do not stretch the pleasure, otherwise, burn yourself with an overheated drink.

Bacardi apple

  • Pour 20 ml of Green Apple Syrup into a small stack. Then pour a similar amount of lemon juice through the knife on top.
  • Using a knife, pour 30 milliliters of rum on top. The result is a three-layer cocktail.
  • As in the first case, set the drink on fire and drink using a straw.

You know the intricacies of drinking Bacardi and how to make cocktails that will warm you in the winter evening or relax after a working day no worse than mulled wine.

Rum Captain Morgan

When pirates hunted robberies in the vast oceans of the world, they drank rum from bottles. In those days, there was no talk of auxiliary dishes. Over time, everything has changed. Consider the technique of using rum Captain Morgan.

Usually people drink rum in its pure form, because only in this way you can feel the refined and unique taste of liquid refreshments. Drink in small portions, eating meat or slices of lemon.

If you decide to order a glass of Captain Morgan at the bar, be prepared that a cocktail will be served instead of a clean drink. The presence of other ingredients will not allow you to enjoy the taste. People who do not like the tart taste drink with ice. If you want to become a connoisseur of the product, this method will not work.

Captain Morgan combines with juices and water. According to experts, it is better to use lemon or coconut juice for these purposes. Each of the products allows you to balance the taste and strength.

Now let's talk on the merits. Rum Captain Morgan - a drink of pirates, enjoying unheard of popularity.

I note that several varieties of Captain Morgan are produced. I will tell you how to drink each of them. Ready? Let's get started.

  1. Silverspiced. White rum is characterized by a mild flavor and pleasant aroma. The fortress is 35 degrees. They don’t drink in their pure form, but there is no better basis for a cocktail.
  2. 100 ProfSpiced. The variety is the youngest and strongest. The multifaceted taste brings true pleasure. Before drinking, dilute with cola or water.
  3. OriginalSpicedGold. It has a delicate aroma and vanilla flavor. Drink in its pure form and used to make cocktails. Dilute with water if you wish.

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I will add that rum is included in the category of noble strong alcohol. Gourmets and bartenders who use Captain Morgan to make “mixes” like it. Now you can enjoy the taste of a pure or diluted drink. Just do not get carried away, because health is more important.

How to drink rum with cola

If you are a true connoisseur of alcohol, this part of the article will be useful, because you will learn the intricacies of drinking rum with Cola. Do not think that preparing a cocktail is nothing special and complicated. In reality, this is not so. It is enough not to maintain proportions, and the taste will disappoint.

Rum with Coke is a drink without which it is difficult to imagine a party. Although, you can enjoy the taste at home. It will take white rum, cola, lemon, ice, a glass and a straw.

The listed components are enough to prepare a unique and amazing cocktail. In addition, they are available, with the exception of Roma, if it comes to a quality product.

  • Mix the ingredients. Pour ice into a tall glass, squeeze the juice of a quarter of lemon and add 60 ml of rum. I recommend using quality alcohol, otherwise there will be undesirable consequences.
  • Add 150 ml of cola to the glass. For cooking, use a Coke whose bottle has just been opened.
  • Garnish with lemon slices, gently securing to a glass. Be sure to follow the sequence of actions. Otherwise, the taste will be distorted.
  • If you do everything right, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a cocktail, the recipe of which has passed through decades thanks to delicious taste.
  • It remains to insert a tube into the glass, and the homemade "rum-cola" is ready. Only a tube will allow you to evaluate the true aroma and taste of a wonderful drink.

I recommend snacking with pineapple slices, slices of orange or bitter chocolate, if you are not afraid to gain weight.

Drinking a cocktail will make an evening conversation with your loved one warm and joyful. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Preparing a cocktail is taken strictly before use. Otherwise, it will lose its taste and aromatic qualities.

In conclusion, I add that the use of rum, like other alcoholic beverages, has a bad effect on the body. A strong blow gets the liver. If there are health problems, it is better to stop drinking.

Rum is made from molasses obtained during the production of sugar. It is diluted with water, allowed to ferment, and after distillation, rum alcohol is obtained. It is diluted with water until a 50-degree drink is obtained. Then stand in barrels for five years.

Produce light, heavy and medium rum. The heavier the view, the more pronounced the taste and aroma. The cost depends on the exposure time.

Rum is a product that does not deteriorate. However, storage in a poorly closed container often causes a decrease in strength. The storage standard is a silver flask that closes tightly. In this case, the fortress is not in danger.

Watch the video: Four Easy Rum Drinks (October 2024).

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