Kitchen accessories: current and practical ideas

The arrangement of the kitchen space is a thorough, painstaking and almost 100% expensive process. After all, the design of the most comfortable, warm and incredibly functional room in our home requires a comprehensive approach. It is important not only to successfully choose a color palette, practical finishing materials, a beautiful and roomy kitchen set, a comfortable dining group and the most modern household appliances. Every detail of the kitchen space is a puzzle in the overall picture of a multifunctional room. Equipping the kitchen with all kinds of accessories and additions that not only function properly, but also delight the eye with a modern and stylish design is an invaluable purchase for any housewife. After all, it is in the kitchen space that all the most important conversations take place, the main tasks and problems are solved, it is here that the whole family gathers at the table in the evening, here the closest guests are received and it can be stated with confidence that any housewife spends most of this time at home concentrating home, his heart.

Practical and beautiful - indispensable kitchen accessories

Crockery and cutlery, cutting boards and bread bins, graters, whisks and shovels - each detail of the kitchen environment is as small as necessary for the implementation of work processes, to reduce the time of the hostess (owner) for cooking and cleaning the room, to create a truly comfortable and a cozy atmosphere for family meals and hosting the closest guests. But, you must admit, all these devices necessary for creating culinary masterpieces or a simple mug with tea are not enough to be practical, it is important to also be outwardly attractive, harmoniously integrate into the overall picture of the room, add style and gloss to the interior.

Whether it’s up to you to purchase commonplace pots and pans with one large set, or to choose each element of the “crockery army” for a long time and carefully, is up to you. The range of modern stores is so wide that the owner of an apartment or house with any preferences and wallet size can find its own design, performance and price. But when choosing a beautiful and functional tableware, it is important not to forget about quality. If the food is cooked quickly, does not stick, does not stick to the walls of the dishes and remains hot for a long time after cooking - this fact not only facilitates the work processes of the hostess, but also pleases all households.

Most of us prefer to hide large dishes, including pots and pans, behind the beautiful facades of kitchen cabinets. But with the active growth in the popularity of using such an element as a kitchen island in the kitchen space, a new trend has appeared. True, it can only be called new except for use in Russian apartments and private homes. In the kitchen spaces of restaurants and cafes, this technique of reducing the time to search for the desired pan or stewpan has been used for a long time and very successfully. On a special tripod, which is attached to the ceiling, pans are hung on hooks. Sometimes this design is replaced by a suspended hood with a ceiling mount over a kitchen island or peninsula.

In no kitchen space is it possible to do without cutting boards. Any housewife knows that for cutting bread, vegetables, meat and fish you need to have different boards. But often only one “stand-by” board is used most often for cutting various products, and hot pans are placed on it periodically. And the remaining cutting bases simply decorate the interior of the kitchen room with their appearance. But all your boards can be not only functional household items, but also decorative elements of kitchen design.

The modern range of shops selling kitchen utensils is striking in its scope and variety. For example, the abundance of sizes, methods of execution and design of graters is over the top. A modern hostess can easily acquire a professional grater intended for use in the kitchens of restaurants. An interesting performance of the grater can become part of the decoration of the kitchen space. And in the model with containers it is easy to rub vegetables - no garbage around, everything is collected in a container.

A beautiful and high-quality bread box will help preserve the taste of bakery products and decorate the kitchen interior with its appearance. Depending on the style of execution of the kitchen design, you can choose a bread box made of plastic, wood, glass and even stainless steel. Wooden bread box is a classic of the genre, which is relevant at all times. The tree will look luxurious in any kitchen, but such products also have drawbacks - the bread box cannot be washed in the dishwasher. For a modern interior or in hi-tech style, glass or stainless steel models are perfect, which are becoming incredibly popular not only among designers, but also their customers.

An original and beautiful fruit bowl will be not only an adornment of your interior, but also a great way to store fruits, berries and vegetables. Made of various materials (from glass to stainless steel), these kitchen appliances can become a color accent or emphasize the interior belonging to one or another stylistic direction. Bright fruits in the center of the dining table or on the countertop of the kitchen island cheer up and decorate the interior, especially if they are placed in the original vase or stand in several tiers.

A country-style kitchen is decorated with wicker elements. It can be baskets and containers made of twigs or rattan, furniture elements - backs and seats of chairs. Just a large wicker plate with fruits in the center of the dining table is a wonderful decoration of the kitchen to create a certain character of the room, emphasizing its individuality. Trays and serving rugs carry the same stylistic message, the presence of which on the dining table makes any meal similar to going to a colorful restaurant.

Save space and time

For most Russians, the problem of small-sized kitchens is familiar firsthand. Many of us have absorbed the traditions of saving every square centimeter at the genetic level. That is why we are so scrupulous in choosing storage systems and their layout on a modest kitchen area of ​​several square meters. The main problem with kitchen cabinets has always been the corner segments. Either not all the corner space is used to store kitchen utensils, or it is extremely difficult to get dishes from such secluded corners. Swivel pull-out shelves solve this problem with ease and grace. When ordering a kitchen set, you will have to pay more than the usual method of forming shelves in cabinets, but these costs will be quickly paid for by the ease of use and the ability to rationally use the entire useful space of the kitchen.

Various inserts for drawer storage utensils and cutlery have long been included in the everyday life of homeowners. With their help, you can not only streamline the storage process of plates, spoons and forks, but also save the space of drawers. At the same time, it is obvious that the time we spend finding the right cutlery or accessory is significantly reduced, creating a serious optimization of all work processes in the kitchen space.

Just yesterday, many of us considered a slewing tap over a stove to be a luxury and an overkill for modern kitchens. But today, this, of course, a rational way to save time and effort of the hostess (owner) is becoming increasingly popular. The installation of a crane over the hob in kitchen spaces of a large area and in families with a large number of households is especially relevant. The hostess no longer needs to carry a large pot of water to the stove from the sink - just substitute the container under the tap with water directly on the hob.

Household appliances and lighting as part of the decor

For the modern homeowner, it has long been the norm that such necessary household items as household appliances and lighting fixtures become part of the decoration of the kitchen space. Household appliances are very rarely “hidden” behind the facades of kitchen cabinets, demonstrating an original and stylish design. Not only for the high-tech style, the facades of household appliances have become part of the image of the room - they are not just dark spots of glass and the luster of chrome parts, this is a whole concept of integrating technological progress into the beauty and practicality of the design of a kitchen room.

Retro-style household appliances have become incredibly popular abroad. In our country, an increasing number of owners of apartments and houses are paying attention to the original and bright design of home appliances made in retro style. Such indispensable assistants in the work processes of a kitchen room can become the most striking accents of the interior, attracting all the attention.

Original lighting fixtures are an indispensable element in the design of a kitchen in a modern style. In the kitchen space, one source of artificial lighting is not enough, most often with the help of built-in lamps the working surfaces of the cooking zone are highlighted. Rarely does any kitchen go without a chandelier in the center of the room or above the dining table where we did not have it. It is for this lighting device that the role of a focal point, an emphasis on the interior, and an element of originality is often assigned.

For modern gadgets that have become part of the workflow for many housewives (hosts), many additional devices have been invented that facilitate operation and protect devices from various types of influences. The stand for the cookbook was transformed into a device for fixing the tablet, on which you can see not only the list of ingredients of the dish, but also a video instruction for its preparation. If you plan to fix the tablet or phone in the area of ​​the kitchen apron (so that it is always at hand and in front of your eyes), it makes sense here to equip the outlet to be able to charge the device. After all, you still have to pull the electric wire to create the illumination of the work surfaces.

Textiles - an accessory to create a cozy atmosphere

For Russian housewives, the use of textiles to decorate the kitchen space and make the room more warm and welcoming is a traditional approach to decorating the most important room in a house or apartment. You can bring a touch of home comfort and warmth to the interior of the kitchen with the help of colorful fabric on the horses - it is not necessary to use high-grade curtains that can seriously impede the penetration and spread of sunlight, it is enough to drape only part of the window opening.

The textile decoration of chairs in the dining area of ​​the kitchen can be the only bright color spot in the modern design of the kitchen space. A minimalist stylistic trend, advocating the use of neutral color schemes, often becomes an excellent background for such splashes of color. Not to mention the practical side of the issue - on the soft seats of chairs it is much more comfortable to have a meal, conduct leisurely family conversations or receive the closest guests.

Textile tacks, mittens and aprons are part of creating a warm and cozy picture of the kitchen interior. They can be harmoniously combined with the general color palette of the room or act as bright accents. A beautiful textile tablecloth on a dining table can play a similar role. It all depends on the chosen style of design of the kitchen and the preferences of the hostess.

How beautifully and usefully decorate the walls of kitchen rooms

In the kitchen space, every centimeter of the surface should be used rationally. Walls are no exception. If the contents of kitchen cabinets are more or less clear, then the variations on the effective use of kitchen walls are striking in variety. By far, the most popular vertical surface of our multifunctional room is the part of the wall from the lower row of cabinets to the beginning of the upper tier of storage systems, i.e. kitchen apron. Most often, in this space, homeowners prefer to place a bar with hanging hooks. Various accessories can be hung on such original devices - from corollas and shoulder blades to beautiful mugs, decorating with their bright or original design not only the kitchen apron area, but the whole room.

A convenient fixture is a magnetic strip or tripod, which is mounted in the area of ​​the kitchen apron. On such a strip it is easy and convenient to store miscellaneous knives and other kitchen accessories made of metal.

A picture or a poster in the kitchen space? Why not. If the kitchen area allows, and the presence of a picture or a bright poster on the theme of cooking does not interfere with the stylistic design of the interior, but only more accurately conveys the mood and character of the room, then the owners have the opportunity to express themselves in this direction of decorating their own home.

Watch the video: Kitchen Organization Ideas- Countertop Organization (October 2024).

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