Bright and beautiful orange orchid

Orchid is a beautiful flower. According to legend, it arose from the fragments of the rainbow, so that multi-colored orchids do not surprise anyone.

But if white, pink, purple and even green shades have already become familiar to gardeners, then orange makes you think.

You can rest assured that orange orchids are not fiction. In the world there are at least 50 varieties of this unusual color, from dark yellow to fiery orange. We learn more about this amazing flower and its species and photos, as well as about the proper care of it in our article.

What plants belong to this species?

Orchids of various shades can be called orange. Dark yellow with light tints of orange, orange with pink or red (orange orchids with a delicate pink lip are very beautiful) and orange with a tint of scarlet - all this will be sold under the name "orange orchid".

Important: getting an orchid, beware of fakes! Unscrupulous florists may sell the painted flower.

At best, a colored orchid will bloom the next time not with beautiful orange, but ... with pale white. At worst, the plant will die, the poisonous dye will not be extorted, and you will vainly blame yourself for not managing the care.

How to understand that an orchid received an unprofitable injection? Just to start check for a puncture - under the leaves, on the peduncle or on the neck of the flower. Also look at the roots - if their color is not natural (green with silver), then you should not take such a plant. Another sign is the characteristic bright spots that stand out on the roots, leaves and peduncles.

Description and photo of varieties

It is impossible to list all varieties of orange orchids in one article. We will describe the most beautiful and those that can be grown at home, and also show photos of various varieties of orange orchids.


It is considered the most beautiful of orange orchids, although their charm is an individual matter. Cattleya inflorescences are large, painted in intense yellow-red colors. A large velvet lip of saturated orange color stands out.

The plant is remarkable in that it loves the differences between day and night temperatures (usually orchids do not like this). If there is no difference at least 5 ºС, flowering will not wait. It grows at a temperature of + 16-20 ºС and moderate humidity (you can occasionally spray the soil). It has a pronounced dormant period during which watering ceases almost completely, but in summer it should be plentiful.


This beautiful orange orchid is a hybrid; it was bred by crossing Ascocentrum and Vanda plants. The result was a very beautiful plant with large, bright orange inflorescences (up to 8 cm in diameter), collected in a brush. The leaves and roots are juicy green, as if covered with wax.

Despite the external beauty, this is not the best plant for the house - the ascendant is extremely capricious. In order for it to bloom, daily good lighting will be required for at least 12 hours a day, sharp temperature drops between day and night: + 23-27 ºС and + 16-22 ºС, respectively, plentiful watering with warm water and humidity (80% during the day and 60 %) at night. Only an experienced grower can grow it.


Another whim, which will cause a lot of trouble. However, it is very popular because of its juicy clean color. Wanda can be multi-colored, there is also an orange hue - bright orange, or with a bias in coral.

Interesting: moody in all other respects, Wanda can tolerate temperatures of + 10 ºС.

She needs as much sunlight as possible and high humidity, constant ventilation and fertilizer. Most often grown with open roots, to avoid rotting.


Hybrid orchid brassia and hells of aurantica. Ada aurantika grows in South Africa and has bright orange buds, and the breaststroke inherited them. She needs coolness, partial shade and constant humidity, under these conditions the breaststroke will bloom profusely in the summer. Flowers can last up to 5 weeks.


Fire phalaenopsis is ideal if you are a beginner grower, but want to plant an orange flower on your windowsill. In the case of phalaenopsis, there will be no hybrid problems with care. We recommend choosing Phalaenopsis I-Hsin Salmon 'Copper Star' or Brsa, Orange Delight Starbeck. They have a natural and intense orange color. The lip is usually pink, the peduncle is large (up to half a meter), 14 inflorescences are formed on it. However, new hybrids of these plants are introduced every year, so you can always find a spectacular new product.

Interesting: in Singapore, which is one of the centers for hybridizing orchids, you can pay a certain amount - and a new type of phalaenopsis will be named in your honor!

Breeding History

Phalaenopsis was discovered and got its name in 1825, due to the error of the scientist Karl Blume. He took flowers for a flock of butterflies, which for some reason did not flutter when he came close. And so the name appeared, which in translation means "like a butterfly." And in India, the same plant received the name "moon flower".

Reference! Since 1925, active work began on the cultivation and selection of these flowers, thanks to which today there are more than 70 varieties.

How to care?

The acquired flower is best installed on the western or eastern windowsill. In summer, you need a temperature of + 24 to + 30ºС, in winter - at least +14 ºС. A drop in temperature at night will stimulate the appearance of new inflorescences. If in the winter the window is cold and cloudy, you will need additional lighting.

Phalaenopsis should be planted in specially prepared soil: pine bark, charcoal and sphagnum moss. The substrate should be large, and the pot should be transparent and with required holes for drainage. This is due to the fact that under natural conditions phalaenopsis grow on trees, their roots need a lot of air.

Watering is plentiful, but focus on drying the substrate. Excessive watering will lead to the death of the plant - the lower the temperature and the less light, the less often it is needed. Use warm and soft water. In the summer, spraying is also required.

Top dressing

Frequent - during every 2nd watering. It is best to take Azofoska fertilizer, the irrigation dose is from 1 g / l to 1.5 g / l). - thanks to him, the orchid will bloom profusely. Once a month, you can add magnesium sulfate (from 2 g / l to 3 g / l).


Transplant as the roots fill the container in which the orchid growsbut not more than 1 time in 2 years. If you do not, growth will slow. During transplantation, you need to be very careful not to injure the roots - it is best to cut the old pot, and then rearrange the lump of substrate in a new container.


Propagated vegetatively. Periodically on the peduncles air children form, which after the formation of their roots can be planted in a separate pot. It will also be possible to divide the plant by cutting it with a knife into several parts so that each has its own roots.

Tip: You can rejuvenate an old plant by cutting off the top of the plant and re-rooting it. The remaining stump will eventually shoot and begin to scrub.

Pests and diseases

Most often, phalaenopsis is ill due to illiterate or excessive care:

  • Direct sunlight (burns leaves).
  • Hypothermia - leads to yellow leaves.
  • Low light - the leaves become pale green, the stems are stretched.
  • Bay - the roots begin to rot. You can save the plant only by urgent transplant.

Viral diseases are less common. If you notice spotting on the leaves of an orchid, this may be a signal that the plant is infected with a fungal or bacterial infection. In this case, the infected flower must be urgently set aside from the rest. You can treat by cutting infected leaves and cauterizing the cut off site with iodine.

It also suffers from rust and powdery mildew, but rarely.

If you properly care for the orange orchid, it will not hurt, and is guaranteed to bloom. A beautiful flower of an unusual color will surely attract admiring glances, becoming the main accent in your home, and its pleasant aroma will give a feeling of joy and peace.

Watch the video: Matucana madisoniorum Cactus with beautiful orange twin blooms (October 2024).

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