The best varieties of roses for Siberia, the Urals and central Russia and the peculiarities of their cultivation

Rose is one of the most beautiful and popular plants. These beautiful flowers are a wonderful gift, decorating your home or garden.

However, many are afraid of the capriciousness of this plant. There are many types and varieties of roses.

With the right choice and following the recommendations for care, roses will delight with their beauty and aroma. One of the important factors when choosing a plant is the climatic conditions.

The need to comply with climatic conditions

Even from geography lessons it is known that in Russia there are several climatic zones. They differ not only in temperature ranges, but also in humidity, daylight hours, soil types and many other factors. All these parameters must be taken into account when choosing a variety and type of rose.

For several decades, botanists, breeders have worked and continue to work on breeding a variety of roses for the climatic zones of Russia. It is very important to pay attention to the required conditions for a particular species and variety.

If you plant, for example, a rose that was bred for central Russia, in Siberia, the plant will not survive. Rose can not stand the cold, long winter, lack of sun. In addition, in this way it is possible to transfer diseases to which there is immunity in plants of another climatic zone. And this can lead to infection of other crops and flora.

Features of cultivation in various climatic zones

In the Urals

The climate of the Urals is quite severe and a few years ago growing roses in the open ground under these conditions was impossible. But, thanks to the development of selection, to grow these beautiful plants is quite realistic.

The main factors in the Ural climate are the temperature range and the long winter period. In addition, there is not much sunlight in this strip. And, since this is a mountainous area, the presence of quite strong gusts of wind must be taken into account.

Therefore, in addition to the most important thing - choosing the right variety and type of rose, there are several more features for growing and care. For example, the proper preparation of the plant for wintering. If this is not done, then the plant is unlikely to please you with shoots in the spring and beautiful flowers in the summer. Important is the time of planting, location, soil features.

In Siberia

In Siberia, climatic conditions are similar to the Urals. It can be described as harsh winters, late spring and short summers. In addition, the climate is characterized by strong cold winds and high rainfall. The conditions are harsh, so only strong and persistent plants take root here.

In the middle zone of Russia

The climate of central Russia is milder compared to the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. It has long summers, warmer winters and more sun. Of course, this climate is more suitable for growing roses.

Do not forget that for the winter period the plant also needs protection and proper preparation. In addition, in a warmer climate, more pathogenic bacteria develop, hence the frequent diseases of not only roses, but also other plants.

Suitable for growing varieties of flowers with photos

In order to grow beautiful roses in your area, you must follow a few rules. And the most important of them is the right choice of plant species and variety. That rose, which will feel good in one climatic zone, will not be able to survive and delight the eye in another. Therefore, when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the conditions for which this plant was created. Next, we consider the types and varieties of roses for different climatic conditions and show their photos.

In the Urals and Siberia

There is a misconception that growing roses in the climate of the Urals and Siberia is impossible or extremely difficult. However, modern varieties of roses are bred and adapted to these harsh conditions. Grafted varieties are suitable for the Urals and Siberia.

Begin preparations for growing roses in the Urals and in Siberian regions in the winter. And the first step is choosing a variety. All roses are usually divided into 8 species, but not all are suitable for such a climate. In each of the suitable species there are several varieties, of which it is worth making your choice.

Hybrid Tea

With this species, the popularity of roses among gardeners began. Its representatives are beautiful, fragrant, but very moody and thermophilic. In addition, they are very susceptible to various diseases. It would seem that such a view is completely unsuitable for the harsh Urals and cold Siberia. But there are several specially bred varieties. A few examples.

Gloria dei

Variety with high winter hardiness. For winter, a shelter is required to prevent the warming of the thaw. The rose of this variety feels great in open, well-ventilated areas. Preferably loose and fertile soil without stagnation of water, dryness or waterlogging. it the plant is very photophilous, planting it preferably in sunny, well-lit areas. This variety is resistant to disease, easy to grow and, subject to conditions, grows rapidly.

Blue moon

This variety also tolerates winter, but it is necessary to cover the bush and roots of the plant. The variety is characterized by an almost complete absence of thorns, rather large and fragrant flowers. Very resistant to disease, not particularly sensitive to sun and rain. Prefers moist and well-drained soil.

Double Delight

One of the most popular varieties of roses. It features beautiful colors combining two shades, and an incredible aroma. Tolerates winter with proper preparation. The shade of flowers depends on the amount of sunlight - the more sun the plant receives, the more saturated the color is formed. The variety is quite easy to grow. However, in a cold climate, the variety is often susceptible to the disease - powdery mildew.

We offer you to watch a video about the Double Delight rose:


Floribunda roses were obtained by breeding hybrids from tea roses. Most lovers of beautiful rose gardens choose plants of this particular species. A few varieties below.

Arthur Bell

The variety is winter-hardy, but it is necessary to shelter and plant in a place protected from the winds. Very photophilous variety, so you should choose a sunny and well-lit place. It loves fertile and well-drained soil. It does not tolerate stagnation of cold air and drafts.


Roses of this variety also tolerate winter with proper preparation. High disease resistance. The soil is preferred moist, fertile, with good drainage. A feature of the variety is a fairly long flowering period..

Evelyn Fison

The variety is winter hardy. Resistant to disease, rain and sun.

The soil also needs fertile, without stagnation of water. Rosa prefers sunny places, but feels good in moderate shade..


Differ in long lashes, strong aroma and rather plentiful blossoming. This view is often used to create decorative landscape elements. A few varieties below.

Dorothy Perkins

The variety is winter-hardy, but requires careful shelter of roots and shoots. It features very abundant flowering throughout the season. Prefers fertile soil, but grows well in poor. The main disadvantage of this variety is its high susceptibility to diseases, especially powdery mildew, and poor tolerance of rain.

New doon

The most popular rose variety in the world. Very winter hardy, highly resistant to disease. It prefers well-lit areas, but it feels pretty good in moderate shade. The intensity of the color of a rose depends on the amount of sunlight. However, recently roses of this variety have begun to appear, which do not bloom repeatedly due to improper cultivation. Therefore, if the bush does not bloom repeatedly, you will have to start a new one.

We offer you to watch a video about the New Dawn rose:


The variety is winter-hardy with proper preparation of the plant. Rosa does not like drafts and cold winds. Sufficiently sun-loving representatives, they feel good in fertile, moist soil without stagnation. It is considered one of the most unpretentious varieties.


Relatively recently began to appear in Russia. However, gardeners have already earned the love of their beauty, aroma and unpretentiousness. Varieties suitable for the Urals and Siberia are presented below.

David thompson

David Thompson is a fairly hardy varietyHowever, it is possible to freeze in severe winter without proper preparation. It has a very good resistance to disease, ease of care, continuous flowering throughout the season.

Moden blanche

It is considered one of the most beautiful varieties of Canadian selection. In winter, it can freeze to ground level, but grows quickly and delights with new shoots. In humid conditions, the rose is susceptible to powdery mildew, but with rapid drying of dew and moisture, good ventilation, it is very resistant to disease.

In the middle zone of Russia

For cultivation in the middle zone of Russia, both the varieties already listed and others suitable for climatic conditions are suitable. For this zone, varieties that do not require special preparation for the winter period are also suitable.


Roses of Canadian selection were bred for the climate of central Russia. You can choose from many varieties.

Henry Hudson

Enough winter-hardy species, resistant to diseases. Blooms profusely, but not for long.

David thompson

Also suitable for central Russia. It blooms profusely and quite long: up to six months. Unpretentious in cultivation.

Charles Albanel

The variety tolerates moderate winters, small bushes. Stop flowering only with the onset of frost. However, he loves good soil and sunlight.


These varieties are very popular in Russia. They do not require special preparation and shelter in the winter, but at the same time they delight with beauty and aroma. A few varieties below.

Erinnerung en Brot

The variety does not need to be sheltered for the winter, it is able to endure frosts to -30 ° C. Loves sunlight, resistant to disease.


Roses Lyon do not need to hide for the winterbut they begin to bloom only in the middle of summer. Pretty unpretentious.


It also does not require special shelter in the winter. They begin to bloom quite early and plentifully. They love sunlight, but they feel good in moderate shade. Resistant to disease.


Almost all climbing varieties feel great in the midland of Russia. Very popular varieties:

  • Golden Wings.
  • Mermaid.
  • Baltimore Belle.

However, climbing roses should be sheltered for the winter period in order to avoid freezing of shoots.

Beautiful and fragrant roses can be grown in any region of Russia and almost in any climatic conditions. The most important thing is to choose the right variety and place for this beautiful plant.

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