Overview of sliding doors in a sliding wardrobe, selection tips

Sliding wardrobes are the demanded furniture possessing an attractive look, usability, good capacity and a long service life. It can be created from different materials, but sliding doors for the sliding wardrobe are certainly purchased and installed, which are easy to operate, move silently, and also serve for a long time due to the high quality of components. They can be deaf, glass or equipped with large mirrors, significantly increasing the comfort of using the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sliding door mechanism of the sliding wardrobe is considered quite simple, and it includes understandable and simple components that can be replaced if necessary. Such products have numerous advantages:

  • attractive appearance due to which sliding wardrobes really look great in any room;
  • the doors move along the same plane, so there is no need to leave a lot of free space in front of the cabinet, which allows you to install different objects here, and this is especially true if the structure is installed in a small room;
  • all components of such a system are simple and affordable to purchase, so you can buy finished parts if they fail during the regular use of sliding wardrobes;
  • opening and closing such doors is quite simple, so even small children can easily handle this process, so you can choose a small closet installed in the children's room;
  • the doors of the compartment construction are universal, so this furniture looks great in the living room, bedroom, kitchen or in any other room where interior items are required to store numerous items;
  • sliding doors of the cabinet are safe to use, therefore it is impossible to pinch your fingers or cause other injuries while they are opening or closing;
  • some manufacturers produce designs in which there is an automated mechanism, so they come off or close only when a button is pressed or another simple action is performed, which is important for a hi-tech room;
  • the dimensions of the doors for the sliding wardrobe are selected depending on the dimensions of the furniture itself, and the width of each door may be different, which allows future users to choose the design that is optimal in appearance.

Sliding doors, which are equipped with sliding wardrobes, have not only positive properties, but also some disadvantages. This includes the fact that over time, gaps form between the cabinet walls and the doors, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the furniture. During the use of the structure, care must be taken to prevent dirt from clogging the roller mechanism, since otherwise it will adversely affect the smooth running of the doors, as well as the service life of the entire structure. Also, all components must be periodically wiped and checked. The installation of such doors is a complex process, therefore it is important to correctly calculate the sizes and other parameters of the products, as well as their competent adjustment, otherwise they will be impossible to use comfortably.

The cost of cabinets in which there is a system of sliding doors is considered quite high, which is considered a significant minus for many buyers.


There are several types of sliding doors, each of which has its own definition, design and features. These varieties include:

  • suspension system on roller mechanisms. It is also called support. To create it, special rollers are tried on, which are represented by moving construction details. They move on strong and reliable rails;
  • system with a profile in which the doors are enclosed. This profile can be made of aluminum, steel or wood. Its width and other parameters depend on the dimensions of the doors. Sashes in this design open and close comfortably and silently, and the aluminum profile is considered the best choice. This is due to the fact that products from this material do not undergo deformation, because such components have a long service life. They are highly durable, so they do not bend and do not undergo a corrosion process;
  • frameless - such shutters in sliding wardrobes represent an integral canvas made of chipboard. It is correctly suspended on the roller mechanism. It is not allowed in this design to use too large a sheet for sliding cabinet doors, as this can lead to its rapid deformation.
  • radius system - used for cabinets with an unusual radius shape. A correctly calculated bent profile makes it possible to form truly non-standard structures, and the doors in them open or close smoothly and silently.

Due to the availability of numerous systems, it is necessary to choose an option that is ideally suited to the existing shape and size of the sliding wardrobe. Photos of the design with different systems can be viewed below.

Profile SystemRadiusOutboardFrameless

Materials of manufacture

Often people prefer to make doors for the wardrobe with their own hands, using high-quality, safe and reliable materials, and this is true for non-standard interiors. Different materials can be used to create sliding doors, these include:

  • natural wood - with its help, really high-quality doors are obtained. They are ideal for classic-style cabinets. Look great in exquisite and expensive interiors. They can be painted in different shades, but usually the natural texture of the wood is left, but to protect the material, the structures are covered with protective compounds. Components usually in such a cabinet are formed of aluminum;
  • plastic - light and inexpensive doors are created from it. They are convenient to use, but the disadvantage is that leaving a scratch on the surface is not difficult, and it will be impossible to get rid of it. Plastic sashes can have different shades due to the use of dyes in the manufacturing process. Material samples can be viewed in advance at any hardware store;
  • Chipboard - durable and attractive doors are formed from this material. They can have different shades, but usually imitate natural wood. The material has an acceptable cost and good quality;
  • aluminum or steel - sashes from these materials are in high demand. This is due to the presence of many positive parameters. Most often, aluminum doors are selected, which have a small weight, are covered with various unique coatings, are durable and lightweight, and also open or close really silently. They are completed with other elements from aluminum, so a holistic and high-quality mechanism is obtained.

Also used to create MDF doors or plywood. Each material has its own characteristics, and the choice depends on the allocated budget, the material from which the cabinet sides are made, and other important factors are taken into account.


Shape and size

Doors for a sliding wardrobe should have the optimum sizes so that after their installation they were comfortable and easy to use. Width is especially important, and it depends on how many doors will be used. As a standard, the dimensions of the wings are:

  • the width is minimally equal to 50 cm, but it is possible to make the canvas a little narrower, although it will be slightly skewed during use. Due to the too narrow door, it is possible to pop out of the rails;
  • the maximum width is 110 cm, but even with this value, really significant efforts will have to be made to open and close the door;
  • the optimal width, which is used by many manufacturers of sliding wardrobes, is 70 or 80 cm;
  • factory height is 5.5 m, but workers in different stores cut products in half or use other sizes. If you create a cabinet with your own hands, then you can order doors that have the right dimensions. If too high a height is chosen, then certainly the handle profile must have high rigidity;
  • the number of flaps themselves depends on the optimal width and dimensions of the cabinet itself.

Calculation of dimensions is an important point in the competent formation of the structure, since if there are errors, the doors will pop out of the guides, warp and deform.

The layout of the doors of the compartment

What to look for when choosing

Sliding doors installed in wardrobes are available in many forms, presented in the photo below. This leads to the fact that many people are faced with a difficult choice of design. To select the optimal door, the criteria are taken into account:

  • strength of the material of manufacture;
  • quality of external protective coating;
  • colors suitable for the color scheme of the room where the closet will be located;
  • the presence of transitions or swelling on the coating is not allowed;
  • all components should be well combined with each other and suitable for the shutters;
  • the doors should be ideally suited for the cabinet itself in size, and quite a lot of attention is paid to determining the dimensions in advance, since otherwise it is likely that during the opening or closing of the doors they will warp or deform.

Thus, sliding doors are the best choice for a sliding wardrobe. They can be created from different materials, performed in various forms, and also have all kinds of sizes. The choice depends on the shape, functionality and dimensions of the furniture itself. Available financial opportunities and the wishes of people who will use the cabinet for the intended purpose in the future are taken into account.



Watch the video: How to choose a sliding door wardrobe? (October 2024).

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