Wall Decor - 100 Original Ideas

Any decoration is the final and most pleasant stage of any repair. If we talk about the decor of the walls in the rooms of the home, then this process favorably affects not only the image of the interior, but also the creative abilities of the owners. Making your design dreams come true is the easiest way with decorative elements. Even a small change in the design of the walls of the room leads to a huge change in the image of the interior. But for this often very little is needed. If you have some handemade skills, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a room in your apartment, then this selection of original, practical, creative and uncomplicated ideas is for you.

If your goal is a unique design

Since ancient times, people have been decorating the walls of their homes. If you can call the walls of the cave in which the first cave paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities, craftsmanship to decorate your home in an original, stylish and aesthetic way. We offer not only various materials and devices that simplify the manufacture of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any handemade increases the uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create a difficult creative, but unique design of a room. But wall decor can perform not only the functions of interior decoration. Using various color and texture solutions for decorating walls, you can hide any design flaws and even design features, you can distract attention from the unsuccessful design of the functional area and highlight the main segment of the room.

With the help of wall decor, it is easy to delay the repair process - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that to refresh the atmosphere of the room, to give it new notes of character, to create a color or textured accent - all this is easy to do with the help of wall decor, which does not require large expenses from you. And if you perform any decorative work together with households, then in addition to the beautiful interior you can get an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, spending time together between parents and children.

Pictures, posters and more

One of the most ancient and at the same time effective ways of decorating walls is the use of paintings, various panels, posters as part of and not only. Modern designers offer to try their hand at decorating their own home, even those who are far from fine or decorative art. Use ready-made frames for paintings or photos that are sold in the store (or make your own version, if you have the skills of carpentry) in combination with improvised means - twigs, twigs, blanks of paper or material. It’s easiest to give the composition the right color scheme using acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories that are no longer used in work processes can be used to create original compositions. You can decorate with transformed household items a kitchen, a dining room, a veranda of a country house and even a living room decorated in the style of country or shabby chic.

Favorite aphorism, your family slogan or just a beautiful saying that helps to motivate, tune in to actions and accomplishments or vice versa - relaxing and calming can become an interior decoration. To do this, it is enough to place the printed slogan in a beautiful or original frame that harmoniously fits into the interior.

Compositions, wall panels composed of decorative elements of the same shape and having the same style of performance, excellent in color or presence (absence) of a print, look very impressive. Such panels can be made of various materials - from plain paper to velvet types of fabrics.

What about the ready-made gypsum decorative elements imitating stucco molding, which you use not on the ceiling for its intended purpose, but on the walls? Coloring several elements in different shades of the same color will allow you to create a harmonious, but at the same time original composition. Another way to use improvised tools is to compose compositions from what is literally lying under your feet - twigs, snags, saw cut stumps of the original form, cones and other gifts of nature.

Even the simplest garlands of paper, fabric or other improvised materials can become an original decoration of the interior. In the bedroom, the wall behind the head of the bed is most often decorated, and in the living room above the sofa or a pair of armchairs, creating a soft sitting area.

If you have artistic abilities, then not taking advantage of this wonderful gift would be a crime. A unique design that does not require large financial investments (but, of course, requiring a lot of time) is provided to you. Even drawings made using stencils can become a highlight of the interior, distinguishing it from many similar design projects.

Wall decor can be incredibly practical. For example, from a regular frame with a mesh stretched over it, you can get an excellent storage system for jewelry. Earrings and brooches are very convenient to place on such wall storage. For beads, necklaces, chains and bracelets, you can use trims with hooks attached to them.

A similar idea can be used to make a key holder. All your keys will always be in place, thanks to such a simple adaptation.

With the help of frames, it is possible to design switches, counters, temperature control units or home alarms.

Design options for a collection of family photos

An equally popular and ancient way of preserving the history of at least the history of one house is to use family portraits. If our ancestors needed to turn to professionals for help, use the services of portrait painters, then we just need to print successful photos and insert them into the frame. But in the usual arrangement of ready-made photos within the framework, you can show creativity using not only a variety of shapes and sizes of wall decor, but also additional elements.

Photos inside the frames look original, the mounts of which are not hidden behind the products themselves, but are deliberately displayed. It can be a simple twine, or beautiful thin chains - the weight depends on the design concept of the entire interior.

Recently, various wall decorative elements carved from wood have become popular. It can be a whole inscription (family name, for example) or just one letter. But made in a single color palette with frames for photos, such decorative elements become a wonderful decoration for both the wall composition and the room.

Photos without frames can look no less impressive in the composition if you place them on special subframes that are not visible to the eye.

And if you add a garland with bulbs or a ribbon backlight to the photo, then in addition to an excellent wall decor and saving pleasant moments in your memory, you can also get a festive mood.

But luminous garlands can also act as an independent attribute of wall decor. It is not difficult to fix a wire with bulbs in a certain form, and the result of the created effect can exceed all expectations.

Mirrors in a modern interior

By itself, a large mirror in a beautiful or creative frame can not only fulfill its basic functions, but also decorate the interior of the room. If you use several small mirrors of the same shape, but in different frames (most often executed in a single stylistic solution), you can get a whole decorative composition.

Mirror elements can also be used without frames to create an original composition. It will take much more time and effort to compose such panels, but the result compensates for all costs - the wall decor is original, stylish and modern.

Flowers and houseplants as interior decor

Indoor plants help us not only to decorate the interior with lush greenery and beautiful flowering, but also to create a special, cozy atmosphere, clean the air in our homes and bring the warmth of home comfort. The simplest flower pots will sparkle with new colors if placed in neat cells or special holders on the wall. Not always placement on the windowsill is possible, and not all plants need so much light.

For flowers, you can use the original way to place the vase. It is enough to attach a beautiful jar (bottle, flask or any other original or just a memorial vessel) with the holder to the wooden base. Such decor will help to bring into the interior notes of calm and such a cozy rustic (in the case of urban housing - suburban) life.

Original wooden shelves in country style will help to place not only indoor plants, but also small frames with photos, figurines, collectibles - in a word, all sorts of little things so close to the heart.

The advantage of such storage systems is that they organically fit into the interior of the room of any functional load. Open shelves look appropriate in the living room and bedroom, children's room and dining room, in the kitchen and even the bathroom.

But if you use not simple rectangular shelves as storage systems, but original designs, then significantly increase the degree of uniqueness of the interior. Triangular and trapezoidal, in the shape of a hexagon or rhombus, in the form of bee honeycombs - cells with shelves are able to decorate the interior of a room for any purpose.

Even an old guitar can be given a second life by constructing an original shelf from it to accommodate small indoor plants. By highlighting the composition with a garland, you can get a difficult wall decor, but also create a special, festive atmosphere.

Watch the video: 100 Trending Wall Decor For Bathroom Ideas That People Will Love It (October 2024).

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